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The removal of tonsils and the Appendix during childhood increases the risk of future heart attack.

the removal of tonsils and the Appendix during childhood increases the risk of heart attack future.

according to a study published in the latest edition of the European Heart Journal.

– tonsillectomy and an appendectomy performed before age 20 increased the chances of suffering a heart attack by 44% and 33% respectively.

– both the tonsils and the appendix are secondary Lymphoid organs and play an important role in the immune system. This role seems to be greater during the first years of life.

the results obtained in this study, conducted by researchers at the Department of public health of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden), reaffirm the familiar relationship between inflammation and risk of disease cardiovascular.

-the Spanish society of Cardiology recommends only will extirpate the tonsils and the Appendix, bodies components of our immune system, when other treatments have not been fruitful.

Madrid, 2011-June according to a study recently published in the European Heart Journal, removal of the tonsils before age 20 increased by 44%, the risk of suffering a heart attack (AMI) while that the removal of the appendix does so in a 33%

both the tonsils and the appendix are considered secondary Lymphoid organs and components of the human immune system by which play an important role in the natural defence of the body against infections, with greater importance during the early years of life.

the removal of the tonsils and the appendix are common surgical procedures. Specifically, in our country between 10% and 20% of children receive any of these two operations.

“ although the exact mechanism is not yet known for sure, the authors of the study believe that the increase in the risk of stroke in an appendix or tonsils removed is as a result of the alteration which causes this surgery in the immune system ” emphasizes Dr. Alfonso Varela Román, Deputy Secretary of the society Spanish of cardiology.

“ that it becomes increasingly evident with studies such as this, is the role of inflammation in the development of arteriosclerosis, which in turn can lead to a heart attack ” continues Dr. Varela Román. “ the presence of inflammatory mediators in the coronary arteries favours the development of atheroma plaque and can trigger a heart attack ”.

“ is important to not alert the population about these interventions, as the only study suggests the existence of a possible causal relationship to it from the Spanish society of Cardiology recommended is that they only occur in cases in which another type of treatment has not been effective, avoiding preventive interventions, as various studies conducted in recent years, demonstrate that the removal of these secondary Lymphoid organs is not as harmless as you thought ” concludes Dr..

the study was conducted way back by researchers from the Department of public health of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden). Analysed national health records of Sweden between 1955 and 1970, in which were 54.449 apendicectomías and 27.284 amigdalectomías made below 20.

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC).

the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is a scientific and professional non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

the SEC has among its principal objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.

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New intelligent pacemakers remarkably improve the quality of life of patients with arrhythmia

new intelligent pacemakers remarkably improve the quality of life of patients with arrhythmias

-The EUROPACE Congress of the European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA), which is being held from Sunday, 26 and until today, brings this year in Madrid the best specialists in rhythms from all over Europe

– sessions where helped the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC), among the entitled “ The true benefits of CRM therapy are chronic, not short-term ”, which shows how to improve the safety and quality of life of patients with arrhythmias through new intelligent pacemakers who have arrived this year to Spain

– more than 34,000 pacemakers are implanted annually in our country. Due to the large number of functions of them and the lack of resources available to carry out a proper follow-up to the patients, the functions of the current pacemakers are bad and little exploited

-thank you will these smart pacemaker is optimize automatically the features of the device on a daily basis without having to wait for the annual visit to the specialist. This will improve the adaptation to the needs of the patient, reducing the feeling of fatigue, avoid dizziness and improving their ability of effort.

Madrid, June of 2011. The European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA) being held in Madrid, from Sunday, 26 and until today Wednesday, June 29, meeting EUROPACE, in which there are cites the best specialists in rhythms from all over Europe.

Several members of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) are actively participating in this meeting, collaborating as speakers or moderators in various sessions of the Congress.

Presentations, among the entitled “ The true benefits of CRM therapy are chronic, not short-term ” and moderated by Dr. Richard Becker, Internal Medicine Physician and Cardiovascular Disease Physician of Cortlandt Manor New York (NY), and Dr. Ignacio Fernández Lozano, section President, electrophysiology and arrhythmias from the SEC. It has made special emphasis on how innovations recently appeared in the field of the treatment of rhythm heart go to remarkably improve the management of patients with arrhythmias, taking advantage of all the functions available to the pacemaker and adapting constantly to the needs of the patient.

In our country are implanted annually more than 34,000 pacemaker, according to the national register of pacemakers. This figure is increasing, but the number of specialists responsible for the follow-up of the patients is not concurrently, so in most cases, patients visit only the specialist once a year, a poor review for proper optimization of the device you carry.

This fact makes the multiple roles that have a pacemaker use little and badly in most cases, missed many of the options that allows the device by the inability to take a routine control of the same.

“ Given the number of patients, is very difficult to optimize all pacemakers for each individual, which is why many times are they programmed in a generic way, but some patients need a specific programming that his pacemaker is better suited to his heart, getting the proper frequency control ”, says Dr. Fernández Lozano.

Fortunately, increasingly are new devices that facilitate the management of patients with arrhythmias. Since January, already found in Spain intelligent pacemaker that daily adjust their functions automatically, constantly adapting to the needs of the patient without obligation visit to a specialist, unless there is no complication.

“ This new family of devices achieve these sick heart work better, increasing its capacity of effort, reducing the feeling of fatigue and avoiding the appearance of dizziness ”, notes Fernández Lozano.

Also, pacemakers and defibrillators for remote monitoring, who came to Spain a few years ago, help a lot to the control of this type of patient. After introducing the device to the patient, a console, connected to the landline or mobile, that he must leave on the night table is provided to you. The device obtains data from the pacemaker while the patient sleeps, analyses them and sends them to a web page to which the physician has daily access. If there any alarming data (tachycardia, displacement of some cable, battery empty …) specialist receives an SMS or an email automatically.

“ Thanks to all these devices, the safety of the patient with arrhythmia is improving greatly ”, concludes Dr. Fernández Lozano.

Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC)

The Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) is a scientific and professional organization non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.

In addition, the SEC has among its main objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.

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Xanit Hospital international begins to speak to patients of United States need of gastrostomies aortic prosthesis implants.

Xanit Hospital international begins to speak to patients of United States need implants aortic prosthesis gastrostomies.

the hospital is the only private Centre in Andalusia that performs this type of procedures, which do not offer in United States.

Benalmádena (Málaga), 2011-June Xanit Hospital International has begun to intervene in patients of United States they need implant gastrostomies aortic prosthesis, hospital being the only private institution in and one of the few at the national level that performs this kind of procedures that do not offer at the moment in United States.

hospital has done recently and successfully a percutaneous aortic prosthesis implant to a patient coming from EE.UU. with aortic stenosis, which was derived exclusively to Málaga for the realization of this practice, which is evolving favourably. “ Aortic stenosis is a narrowing of the aortic valve, which is responsible for the departure of blood from the heart to the aorta and the Agency. It is a disease of the ‘ aging ’ which increases exponentially with age, and whose only treatment is, when a severe stenosis, the valvular replacement ”, says Dr. José María Hernández, director of the laboratory of hemodynamics of Xanit Hospital international, who pointed out that few years ago the only solution was the surgery and that currently there are many patients with surgical risk very high or inoperable directly benefit from the implant of heart valve without operation with a catheter.

according to Dr. Gómez Doblas, Director of the area in the heart of Xanit Hospital international “ are one of the few centers exclusively private practice the percutaneous prosthetic implant and is proud that we have been elected by our facilities and the quality of our professionals alike to perform such a complex procedure for us ”.

this statement was made by Dr. José María Hernández, director of the laboratory of hemodynamics of Xanit Hospital international and counted with the collaboration of Dr. Miguel Such, Chief of service of surgery cardiac of Xanit Hospital international.

the consequences of this fact, according to Dr Hernández, are “ more positive, we can offer to a patient an innovative resource capable of minimizing the surgical intervention and that it is associated with a drastic reduction in the occurrence of complications and mortality risk ”. In addition, says that from the point of view of private health care, this intervention has become a landmark. “ Not only expresses the capacity of our hospital problem with this technique a very common, but also are approaching this type of speech people are only assigned to a private insurance and that still not could be to a percutaneous valve prosthesis implant ”.

el Dr. José María Hernández is one of the pioneers in the implementation of these aortic prosthesis at the national level, having conducted more than 400 procedures in Spain and South America, where often moves to teach the technique to other professionals. In addition, it has a proven experience in all types of percutaneous procedures both in the bypass coronary in the treatment of diseases.

Xanit has an area of heart made up of 17 specialists, organized into four subgroups. Cardiology Clinic, hemodynamics, arrhythmias and cardiac surgery. An equipment that integra cardiologists and cardiac surgeons in the same group, thus coordinating the tasks entailed in the implementation of a complex intervention as the derivative of the implant a heart valve by catheterization, rather than the classical open surgery.

Xanit Hospital international , which has agreements with major insurance companies national and international and mutual work, it has the most advanced technology in the field of health in Malaga. private medicine

Xanit International has a team made up of more than 650 professionals, it has 13,000 m2 distributed over five floors with 110 individual rooms. It also has a medical center, Xanit Fuengirola, which brings your medical team to continue care with the same quality and agility.

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Menarini launches Balzak Pplus ® for the treatment of high blood pressure.

Menarini launches Balzak Pplus ® for the treatment of hypertension blood.

Badalona, 2011-July the new antihypertensive Menarini group, Balzak Pplus ®, is a triple combination fixed dose of an ARA II (olmesartan medoxomilo), a calcioantagonista (maleate) and a diuretic (hydrochlorothiazide). Is indicated as replacement therapy in hypertensive adult patients as replacement therapy in casoscuya whose blood pressure estéá properly controlled adequately with the combination of olmesartan medoxomilo, maleate and hydrochlorothiazide, taken as a combination double (including olmesartan medoxomilo) along with a formulation of a single componente.con olmesartan medoxomilo with another combination of the components or taken both separately.

in a randomized, controlled, double blind study included 2,492 patients with hypertension of moderate gravesevera, lala triple combination provided a further reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as a greater patients númeroporcentaje than respondedoresalcanzaron the objectives of blood pressure with dual therapy even those sub-groups of patients of difficult to control: over 65s, diabetic, black and with metabolic syndrome. EAsimismo, the treatment offers better coverage for 24 hours by a single daily tomatoma that the respective dual therapies and in turn has been well tolerated in the different studies. Available in five different presentations to adapt to the needs of each paciente.fue generally tolerated, even in those difficult to control patient subgroups: the over 65s, diabetic, black and with syndrome metabolic

in Spain is currently estimated that only 40 percent of hypertensive patients are controlled, therapeutic failure to the patient to be one of the main causes of this under control. This is due, to a greater extent, to a third of the mismospacientes require three or more drugs to control hypertension sula, is therefore expected that useful combination to fixed-dose triple unala resultea…

, European guidelines of hypertension recommended the combination of an inhibitor of the Renin angiotensin ARA II system, a calcioantagonista and a loop diuretic such as combination of three drugs when necessary as well as the combinations to dose establishes sussus mechanisms of action are complementary and allow mejorarn effectiveness, the tolerability of treatment and compliance by the patient.

cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Spain and high blood pressure is the main factorfactor of cardiovascular risk and the most common in our country, with a prevalence of over 40 per cent in patients over the age of 35 years and 68 percent in people over 60. In addition, in the majority of hypertensive patients often padecercoexistir also as dyslipemias or diabetes, diseases that contribute to increasing the total cardiovascular risk of these pacientes.lo that converts to high blood pressure in a high risk factor cardiovascular.

research Menarini.

Menarini Group devoted much of his effort to innovation and the search for pharmaceutical products that meet the needs of society. In this regard, the Group has six r & d centres in Europe: four in Italy (Florence, Pomezia, Milan and Pisa), one in Germany (Berlin) and one in Spain (Badalona). Menarini in Spain Centre has as a priority line of research development of medication to fight the pain, inflammation and asthma, cardiovascular disease, disorders of gastrointestinal motility and viral skin infections.

Menarini is an international pharmaceutical group with 125 years of history that is present in more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. In Spain, he started his career for 50 years and today employs 550 people in our country.

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The new President of the International Association of cardiac surgeons taught a course at the Dominican Republic.

The new President of the International Association of cardiac surgeons taught a course at Dominican Republic.

-Spanish doctor, Dr. Javier Cabo Salvador, President of the International Association of cardiac surgeons, Director of the masters in healthcare management from CEF and Director of the health area of the University to distance Madrid, will travel to Dominican Republic to provide, from 4 to 6 Julya course management Clinical Hospital at the Global Institute of higher studies in social sciences of the Dominican Republic. In addition, the teacher and Spanish doctor taught a paper under the title of “ heart transplant and Ventricular assistance ” on July 7 in the Universidad Central del Este (UCE).

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2011-July Between day 4 and 6 of the month of July, the school of business University distance of Madrid, UDIMA, and Spanish CEF taught a course in management Clinical Hospital at the Global Institute of higher studies in social science, in the city of Santo Domingo. This course will be taught by Dr. Javier Cabo Salvador, Chief clinical surgery Cardiovascular of the Hospital de La Paz (Madrid) and Director of the masters in healthcare management from the CEF. Also on July 7 after Dr. will give a presentation, under the title of “ heart transplant and Ventricular assistance ” in the East Central University, UCE, in San Pedro de Macorís.

The course

The course of management clinic hospital is aimed at those professionals, medical, managerial or political, the responsibility of managing a health service. Each, which combined the lectures given by Dr. Cape with the development of case studies and audiovisual presentations will span a total of 3 sessions of 5 hours.

The management clinic hospital course aims to convey to participants the need to learn how to manage a health service, the gap between needs and available resources. Therefore, this situation implies that those resources should be used in the best possible way to achieve the objectives set, forcing introduce economic concepts such as profitability, cost and benefit, equitable allocation of health resources, etc.

In the words of Dr. Javier Cape, director and principal teacher of this course, “ the hospital clinical management is one of the major challenges facing health systems around the world. A country can have the best doctors in the world but it will be totally inoperative from the health point of view if there is not an efficient system to support behind work that medical ”.

On the other hand, it is also expected on July 7 after Dr made a presentation under the title of “ heart transplant and Ventricular assistance ” in the Central University of the East. The paper will be directed to cardiac surgeons in the Dominican Republic and will focus on the latest techniques and discoveries associated with this complex field of cardiac surgery.

Dr. Javier Cabo

The classes in this course will be taught by Dr. Javier Cabo Salvador, Chief clinical surgery Cardiovascular of the Hospital de La Paz (Madrid) and Director of the masters in healthcare management from the CEF and the area of health of the UDIMA. It is also co-author and director of the book “ integrated health management – public and private ” (CEF editions).

Dr. Cape is a pioneer in surgery for arrhythmias Spain, to create the first unit of surgery of arrhythmias in pediatric age of Europe in 1989. In addition, conducted the first heart transplant in a newborn in Spain in May of 1994. In 2006 he carried out the first assistance biventricular Spain with an artificial heart and first in the world by associating an ECMO and assistance. On 18 June he was appointed President of the International Association of Cardiac Surgeons in Montreal.

About the CEF

CEF (Centro de Estudios Financieros) is a private training center and business pioneer in Spain school. With great tradition and prestige firmly consolidated in the educational and editorial panorama of our country, the CEF started in 1977. Since then it has developed various areas of first level training aimed at professionals in the public and private spheres. Its areas of activity include the preparation of oppositions, the masters and post-graduate, the training courses for companies and specialized publications. During his 34 years of existence more than 325,000 students have passed through its classrooms. The CEF is also the main promoter of the University to distance Madrid UDIMA.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips