The removal of tonsils and the Appendix during childhood increases the risk of future heart attack.
the removal of tonsils and the Appendix during childhood increases the risk of heart attack future.
according to a study published in the latest edition of the European Heart Journal.
– tonsillectomy and an appendectomy performed before age 20 increased the chances of suffering a heart attack by 44% and 33% respectively.
– both the tonsils and the appendix are secondary Lymphoid organs and play an important role in the immune system. This role seems to be greater during the first years of life.
– the results obtained in this study, conducted by researchers at the Department of public health of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden), reaffirm the familiar relationship between inflammation and risk of disease cardiovascular.
-the Spanish society of Cardiology recommends only will extirpate the tonsils and the Appendix, bodies components of our immune system, when other treatments have not been fruitful.
Madrid, 2011-June according to a study recently published in the European Heart Journal, removal of the tonsils before age 20 increased by 44%, the risk of suffering a heart attack (AMI) while that the removal of the appendix does so in a 33%
both the tonsils and the appendix are considered secondary Lymphoid organs and components of the human immune system by which play an important role in the natural defence of the body against infections, with greater importance during the early years of life.
the removal of the tonsils and the appendix are common surgical procedures. Specifically, in our country between 10% and 20% of children receive any of these two operations.
“ although the exact mechanism is not yet known for sure, the authors of the study believe that the increase in the risk of stroke in an appendix or tonsils removed is as a result of the alteration which causes this surgery in the immune system ” emphasizes Dr. Alfonso Varela Román, Deputy Secretary of the society Spanish of cardiology.
“ that it becomes increasingly evident with studies such as this, is the role of inflammation in the development of arteriosclerosis, which in turn can lead to a heart attack ” continues Dr. Varela Román. “ the presence of inflammatory mediators in the coronary arteries favours the development of atheroma plaque and can trigger a heart attack ”.
“ is important to not alert the population about these interventions, as the only study suggests the existence of a possible causal relationship to it from the Spanish society of Cardiology recommended is that they only occur in cases in which another type of treatment has not been effective, avoiding preventive interventions, as various studies conducted in recent years, demonstrate that the removal of these secondary Lymphoid organs is not as harmless as you thought ” concludes Dr..
the study was conducted way back by researchers from the Department of public health of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm (Sweden). Analysed national health records of Sweden between 1955 and 1970, in which were 54.449 apendicectomÃas and 27.284 amigdalectomÃas made below 20.
Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC).
the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) is a scientific and professional non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.
the SEC has among its principal objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.