The Spanish Heart Foundation came to Castellón to inculcate habits of life cardiosaludables.
The Spanish Heart Foundation came to Castellón to inculcate habits of life cardiosaludables.
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The Spanish Heart Foundation came to Castellón to inculcate habits of life cardiosaludables.
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a simple urine analysis allows to prevent cardiovascular problems in people with hypertension treatment-resistant
-A study led from the Mar Hospital demonstrates that the measure of the excretion of albumin in urine, marker of risk and prognosis of cardiovascular pathology directly associated with high blood pressure, may demonstrate a poor control of blood pressure, specifically during the night.
-the study raises a system of early detection of vascular damageeffective, simple, fast, non-invasive and economic, based on an analysis of urine and indicating the needing to step up treatment and prevention measures to avoid serious complications and consequences to patients, as well as costs to the system.
Barcelona, July of 2011. The team of hypertension and Vascular risk Mar Hospital Unit has done a study published in the prestigious journal Hypertension where it determines are the most useful parameters for assessing the presence of organic lesion and disease risk serious associated with high blood pressure. The findings of the study point to the numbers of nocturnal systolic blood pressure in combination with the measure of the excretion of albumin in urine may be markers of risk and prognosis of disease directly associated with high blood pressure.
Arterial hypertension is a major health problem around the world. It is estimated that there are more than 360 million of hypertensive patients. And the problems of the poor control of these figures of blood pressure, such as cardiovascular disease, the stroke, etc., can pose serious health problems. To treat asymptomatic disease and often go unnoticed, the perception of risk or illness by those who often suffer from is non-existent.
Good control of blood pressure figures is essential to avoid associated organic injury. An intermediate step is called subclinical organic lesion occurs prior to the emergence of organic lesion (infarction myocardium, advanced renal failure, etc.). It is essential to detect this first step towards effective measures that prevent, mitigate or minimize the effects of the established target organ injury. A good marker for this subclinical lesion is the microalbuminuria is more common in patients with hypertension resistant to treatment (20 per cent of the total of the hypertensive). There are groups of patients who, apparently, have a good control of blood pressure and that are not as resistant, but also presented microalbuminuria. In these cases, it is important to an ambulatory monitoring of blood pressure in 24 h, because it could be that day they were well controlled but not at night.
The complete study to detect the presence of subclinical lesion associated with hypertension includes many tests, explains the DRA. Resistant Anna Oliveras, clinical service Chief of Nephrology at Hospital del Mar, responsible for the hypertension and Vascular risk unit and one of the coordinators of the national registry of hypertensive “ analytical, EKG, ultrasound of the heart of the carotid arteries, knowing the speed of the pulse wavethe presence of renal failure, etc. and, in practice, make a very extensive study, is not possible everywhere ”. To detect so effective, simple, fast, non-invasive and economic this subclinical lesion facilitates the early detection of vascular damage, indicating the need to intensify the treatment and prevention measures to avoid serious complications and sequelae in patients, as well as costs to the system.
This study, conducted with a sample of more than 350 resistant hypertensive patients, has been made possible by the national registry of hypertension resistant of Spain, in the framework of the Spanish society of Arterial hypertension and determined by measuring the excretion of urine with a simple analysis of urine albumin (to be confirmed in)(at least 2 determinations), try non-invasive and economically, can improve the assessment of the risk of the patient. This, together with the determination of its nocturnal systolic pressure can facilitate a better assessment of the real cardiovascular risk associated with hypertension.
Resistant hypertensive are approximately 20% of the total, “ if we have in mind that by the year 2025 is estimated that there will be 60% more than hypertensive patients that currently and the figures will be close to 600 million patients affected around the world, the impact of the consequences of hypertension are of enormous significance ”, explains the DRA. Oliveras and concrete “ in Spain, 30% of the population has high pressure and the figure is almost double when we talk about patients 65 years or more. to provide reliable and economic tools to show us what patients are at risk of suffering serious organic disease of the hypertension andTherefore, what patients have a poor prognosis, it is essential in order to establish appropriate measures to mitigate and prevent the serious consequences of hypertension ”.
On the unity of hypertension
The Nephrology service of the Hospital of the sea has one of the units of hypertension for greater career and more consolidated in the Spain where are all the possible diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. One of the major areas of study is resistant hypertension. The DRA. Oliveras, responsible for the unit, is also coordinating with other professionals, the national registry of resistant hypertension.
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the lack of compliance with the guidelines set by the European hypertension guidelines interfere with the proper treatment of the hypertensive. patients
according to the findings of the survey SHARE, which publishes Journal of Hypertension.
-poll, in which participated 2.629 doctors in primary care and specialists from all over Europe, part of HypertensionCare, the initiative of Daiichi Sankyo that combines medicines, services and knowledge to hypertension.
Madrid, July 2011.-health professionals do not treat in a systematic manner their patients according to the targets posed by European societies hypertension guidelines hypertension and Cardiology (ESH-ESC, according to its English acronym). This is one of the main findings of the survey SHARE (Supporting Hypertension Awareness & Research Europe-wide, i.e. support for awareness-raising and research on hypertension in Europe), whose results are published in Journal of Hypertension.
the lack of monitoring by doctors of the guidelines set by the European guidelines is one of the factors that contribute to a greater extent to increase charges associated with hipertensión1, suffering from more than one billion people and disease causing 7.6 million deaths each year. Only in Spain, it is estimated that they suffer from high blood pressure more than 13 million people. If it is not treated properly, this disease can cause serious cardiovascular complications among the heart attack and stroke. Also, the lack of control of hypertension is one of the main factors of health spending and only in Europe is estimated to cardiovascular health cost of more than 190,000 million euros for the year.
main results .
SHARE survey has counted with the participation of 2.629 primary care physicians and specialists throughout Europe. according to the results, 90% of respondents say that they do not take measures against high blood pressure of patients so far that the diastolic blood pressure levels exceed levels recommended by guidelines, a figure that rises to 95 per cent of respondents in the case of systolic blood pressure.
in spite of which 82% European health professionals consider that the objectives of blood pressure of 140/90 mmHg marked by guides ESH-ESC are “ correct broadly ”, the average blood pressure which are beginning to see grounds for concern-ing is 149/92 mmHgpretty on top of dictating the guides. Moreover, the interviewed doctors consider blood pressure must achieve an average of 168/100 mmHg to feel who must take immediate action.
“ any patient with blood pressure greater than 140/90 mmHg needs to be addressed properly to reduce his level of hypertension and the risk of cardiovascular disease. To delay treatment, doctors are potentially increasing the possibility of their patients to undergo a cardiovascular event ”, says Professor Roland Schmieder, head of competition unit of clinical research on hypertension and Vascular Medicine of the University Hospital of Erlangen and Professor of internal medicine, Nephrology and hypertensionGermany, and a member of the Organizing Committee of SHARE. “ Medical, we tend to assume that if the patient does not reach its goals of blood pressure is due to their lack of adherence to treatment, but the survey shows clearly that health professionals also can do more to help our patients achieve their goals of hypertension ”, adds Professor Schmieder.
SHARE aims to understand the challenges faced by health workers in achieving their patients to achieve the proposed objectives of blood pressure. It is an initiative sponsored by European leaders in the field of hypertension with the support of Daiichi Sankyo. SHARE is part of HypertensionCare, the platform through which Daiichi Sankyo provides the occupational health services, knowledge and a broad range of medicines based on olmesartan, with the aim of contributing to effectively combat high blood pressure. For more information about SHARE and HypertensionCare.
about HypertensionCare.
HypertensionCare is the initiative of Daiichi Sankyo to high blood pressure that provides healthcare professionals a wide range of products, services and know-how in order to help them overcome the challenges posed by high pressure in their daily practice. HypertensionCare includes four drugs that offer a wide range of options to prevent the progression of hypertension: Olmetec ®, Olmetec Plus ®, Sevikar ® and Sevikar HCT ®, all of them based on olmesartan. addition products, Daiichi Sankyo provides health professionals with tools and training that allows them to learn more about obstacles which faced in achieving the levels proposed arterial pressure for their patients.
about Daiichi Sankyo.
the Group Daiichi Sankyo is dedicated to the research and supply of innovative pharmaceutical products, both in mature and emerging markets, that address various medical needs of patients who are not yet covered. The company was created in 2005 through the merger of two companies of Japanese tradition and Daiichi Sankyo. Daiichi Sankyo is one of the 20 leading pharmaceutical companies in the world. In addition to the maintenance of its drugs for hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and bacterial infections, the group is focused on the development of treatments for disorders thrombotic research in Oncology as well as new therapies in the cardiovascular area and metabolism. On the other hand, Daiichi Sankyo group has created a “ hybrid business model “, which responds to the diversity of the market and customer seeking to optimize the opportunities for growth in the entire chain of value.
the company’s global headquarters is located in Tokyo. Its European base, Daiichi Sankyo Europe, is in Munich and has subsidiaries in 12 European countries as well as a plant of global manufacturing in Pfaffenhofen (Germany).
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the CIPF starts a project pioneered the study of sudden in elite athletes death
we will study the mechanisms responsible for a disease that causes sudden death during physical exercise
– will study call arritmogénica right ventricular dysplasia causing mutations
-the goal is to get an early diagnosis and therapy for reverse the pathology
-this disease is the cause of the sudden death of football player Antonio Puerta and other elite athletes
Valencia, 2011-August scientific research center Prince Philip have launched a project pioneer in the study of one of the mechanisms responsible for sudden death. The scientist Antonio DÃez-Juan, principal investigator of the laboratory of Cardiovascular Repair and regeneration unit joint implementation between CIPF and the faith Health Research Institute; He led this project to study the so-called dysplasia arritmogénica of the right ventricle, within a line of research dedicated to the study of the molecular basis of diseases that cause of sudden death, with the aim of finding an early diagnostic methodology, as well as potential therapies to reverse these diseases.
For the launch of the project, the Antonio DÃez-Juan scientific team collaborates with professionals from other institutions such as the Dra, Marta married of the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia (IBV-CSIC), and the Dr. JoaquÃn Gadea of the University of Murcia, who have collaborated in the development of various models. Also, identification of genes associated with disease, has been in charge of the Montserrat Lorenzo doctors and MartÃn Ortiz from the Health enterprise in Code of A Coruña.
The so-called “ cardiomyopathy or arritmogénica right ventricular dysplasia ” (MAVD) based project, is a genetic mutation that leads to a degeneration of the heart, and is listed as one of the main causes of sudden death in elite athletes. As a result of this mutation, the cardiomyocytes (heart cells) acquire the properties of the Adipocyte (fat cell), and due to the accumulation of fat and to the lipotoxicidad, the cardiomicitos finally die, with the consequent degeneration of cardiac tissue.
As points out Dr. Antonio DÃez-Juan “ this condition involves mainly two problems, on the one hand the loss of muscle mass in the heart; and on the other hand, the fact that as fat is electrical insulator, this gives rise to conduction problems that generate an arrhythmia, and for this reason patients can die instantly, producing what is known for sudden death ”.
The fact that called sudden death occurred in athletes is not casual. As explained by DÃez-Juan, “ by unknown mechanisms that we are currently investigating, disease is will worsen more if done much sport, degeneration quickens, and if it survives a first episode of cardiac failure there are increasingly more frequent and severe episodes ”. In cases of people with a more sedentary lifestyle, the disease progresses more slowly and is usually not detected unless specific evidence that typically only perform asymptomatic parents of the deceased to occur.
The problem of the treatment
So far, the most relevant feature of this disease of the heart muscle is the cause of sudden death in young individuals. Clinical literature has noted the existence of affected families, and found the presence of a disease genetic basis, although isolated cases are also frequent.
Currently available for the treatment solutions are the restriction of the exercise, some drugs that reduce arrhythmias and implantable portable defibrillators. In those cases in which the heart tissue is greatly affected, the only existing solution so far is transplantation.
However, as pointed out by DÃez-Juan, “ these solutions are only valid for patients who were diagnosed in advance disease, and not those in which the disease remains hidden, and Moreover there is currently no treatment to stop the deterioration of the heart muscle ”. There are many asymptomatic cases in which the first clinical manifestation of the pathology occurs abruptly with the sudden death episode in apparently healthy individuals, it would be necessary to find a diagnostic methodology and early detection, as well as treatments to reverse the pathology.
A project pioneer
The study based on the identification of mutations in affected patients. Once identified the mutation, researchers cloned the gene mutated as a first step to develop a more comprehensive study.
The first step in the study of the regeneration and repair Vascular laboratory is the generation of a cell model, i.e. cell culture laboratory to test drugs in vitro, in order to investigate whether you can reduce or decelerating the progression of the disease in some way. On the other hand, scientists developed animal models of pathology to study peculiarities in vivo. As a third step of the research, cells of the patients themselves will be obtained for study and testing compounds that prevent the degeneration of cells. According to DÃez-Juan, “ project is in its earliest stage, with the launch of the cells that will give way to the analysis, results will facilitate the search for funding to move forward with the project ”.
The conclusions and results of the various stages of this study will serve as platform basis for progress in the detection, diagnosis and treatment of arritmogénica right ventricular cardiomyopathy, and in the future is expected to expand the project to the study of other cases caused by other mutations affecting the functioning of the heart also.
The characteristics of a disease with high incidence in elite athletes
Previous studies have shown that the MAVD constitutes one of the main causes of sudden death in young adults, with one incidence higher among athletes.
The history of the information recorded about this disease begins in 1977, when a young Italian physician died suddenly while he played tennis, and his case study investigation greater scope. Since then they have detected cases around the world, some with greater impact due to the popularity of some characters such as some famous athletes.
Affects MAVD at approximately 1 of every 5000 people, so it is considered a relatively rare disease. However, this estimate may underestimate its actual prevalence, since due to its characteristics and the difficulty of diagnosis, there are many cases not diagnosed. The social interest generated by the pathology has increased as a result of cases in which those affected were known in the field of sport.
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the hereditary factor is the only cause of cardiovascular in 200,000 Spaniards disease
-The family heart disease caused by a mutation of one or more genes and affect 1 of 250-300 children born
-today, the genetics is essential in the diagnosis of between 5% and 10% of heart disease; it is cases in which the genetic factor is crucial because that disease is caused by the alteration of a single gene. In other cases is a combination of genetics with environmental factors causing the disease
-the application of genetics in cardiology is essential both to detect the presence of family heart disease, and to customize the treatment of the disease
-En Spain, the practice of cardiovascular Genetics is growing, as well, since there are more than 50 centres that carry out genetic in our country. studies, initiatives of the Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) as the heart family working group meeting or carrying out the first study on his deathBita in athletes, they are positioning our country as a pioneer in genetic research
Madrid, August of 2011- the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) reports that between 5% and 10% of cardiovascular diseases that occur in Spain are only due to a genetic cause. So are 200,000 people that could benefit from a diagnosis of the disease with a genetic study.
Cardiovascular diseases have a high hereditary component are known as “ family heart ”, affect 1 of 250-300 children live births and are transmitted from parents to children by 50 per cent of the cases. These diseases are closely related to the risk of sudden death and include the cardiomyopathies (dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive cardiomyopathy arritmogénica or dysplasia), canalopatÃas (long QT syndrome, syndrome of short QT, Brugada syndrome or catecolaminérgica polymorphic ventricular tachycardia) and other syndromes with involvement vascular such as YesMarfan syndrome and Loeys-Dietz.
“ In cardiovascular diseases more common, such as ischemic heart disease or high blood pressure, the hereditary factor does not have an essential role, but certain genetic variants can be associated with environmental factors such as smoking, cholesterol or obesity to facilitate their development ”, emphasizes Dr. Lorenzo MonserratMember of the SEC and cardiologist of the University Hospital complex of A Coruña (CHUAC).
“ Anyway, it is known that the application of genetics in cardiology is essential to detect the presence of heart disease in time. We are making much progress with the sequencing of the human genome and molecular genetics, because we are allowing to identify other genes that will enable us to detecting other diseases as well as the familiar heart ”, points out Dr. Monserrat. “ Are also very promising for the improvement in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases advances in the field of pharmacogenetics, who studies the relationship between genetic factors and response to drugs, that they will allow us to treat diseases in a more personalized way ”.
Dr. Ramon Brugada, Member of the SEC, the Medical School of the University of Girona and director of Cardiovascular Genetics Center UdG-IDIBGI, stressed the importance of training in cardiovascular Genetics: “ although it has been proven that cardiovascular disease associated with genetic inheritance potential way affect 1 in every 300 peoplerare diseases, which are those that affect 1 out of every 2500 people are still considered. This is due to the fact that this type of heart disease require a specialization to be treated ”.
Although in Spain the first genetic studies began to perform at the beginning of the 1990s, has not been until just in the last five years the practice has spread widely. Currently are more than 50 centers that perform on a regular basis this type of study in our country.
In the field of cardiovascular genetics research, Spain is providing ever greater scientific knowledge. “ Our health structure allows us to evaluate adequately not only patients but also their families, and carry out impact studies in this field; Yet, needed more investment to achieve that, in addition to investigate, can be to apply this knowledge ”, warns Dr. Monserrat.
Since a few years ago, the Spanish society of Cardiology is positioning itself as one of the related entities in the investigation of the presence of the hereditary factor in cardiovascular disease. The heart family working group is thus one of the leaders in this field in Europe.
In addition, SEC is also making the first Spanish study of sudden death in athletes by which aims to bring together all cases of sudden death occurring in related Spain directly with the practice of sports, including exclusively cases of young athletes of age less than or equal to 35 years old to participate in any activity that requires a systematic training.
Seven million people living with this profile in Spain, estimated that there is an episode of sudden death per 300,000 people. It is estimated that study can get to pick between 40 and 50 cases of sudden death related to sport each year.
Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC)
The Spanish society of Cardiology (SEC) is a scientific and professional organization non-profit dedicated to increasing the State of knowledge about the heart and the circulatory system, to make progress in the prevention and treatment of their diseases and to improve survival and quality of life for heart patients.
The SEC has among its principal objectives contribute to research international, especially Europe and Latin America, creating national and international links for the development of actions and represent all interested professionals in the field of cardiology.
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