More than 1 kg weight loss per week can harm the health of our heart
lose weight more than 1 kg per week can harm the health of our heart
-Obesity is one of the major risk factors in the occurrence of cardiovascular illness. The World Health Organization (who) estimated that worldwide there are more than 1 billion overweight adults and of these, 300 million are obese. In Spain the 37.65% of the population suffering from overweight and 16 per cent suffers from obesity
– with the arrival of summer, increases the obsession to comply with a plan of rapid loss of weight at any cost and without control, employing measures to lose weight that can be very unhealthy
-the Spanish Heart Foundation (CSF) warning that restrictive diets can lead to deficiencies nutritional and recommends, among other tips, diet slowly, reducing between 500 and 1,000 kcal per day for normal consumption, light cooking methods and increase the fiber and water intake in our diet
Madrid, August of 2011- slimming summer has become the obsession of our time and is not surprisingthen in Spain 37,65% of the population suffering from overweight and 16 per cent suffers from obesity and according to the World Health Organization (who), worldwide there are more than 1 billion adults overweight and, 300 million are obese.
While this cardiovascular risk factor is very common, and should be reduced so the Spanish Heart Foundation (CHF) wants to highlight the risks that can pose some allowances for the care of our heart and provide appropriate recommendations.
The majority of the population, surprisingly, does not employ measures to lose weight that benefit their health, but they are looking for a better image in such a way that the arrival of summer triggered a furor by recovering the waist at any price. The “ operation bikini ” and the desire to compensate for quickly, in a few days or weeks, months or years errors are that a large number of people obsesionen to fulfill a plan of rapid weight loss at all costs, without control and relying on the flood of information accessible on the internet or told by mouth in mouth, mostly unfounded, without guaranteeing benefits for your health or weight loss. It is important to take it calmly and distrust of diets in which loses more than 1 pound per week.
Among the most popular diets are now, the poor in proteins, based on the weight loss at the expense of muscle mass and proteins and may have adverse effects on the heart.
On the other hand, diets rich in proteins and poor in carbohydrates offer rapid results based on meat, eggs and other food hiperproteicos leaving out foods rich in carbohydrates, such as potatoes, vegetables, fruits, vegetables and cereals. These diets can cause dehydration and raise levels of cholesterol, cardiovascular risk factors.
Obesity is without doubt, a risk factor for our hearts, that it favours the emergence or strengthening of other risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension or the alteration of lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides). “ Beyond an aesthetic issue being overweight has become in a real enemy to health, but you have to watch the diets for obesity control, better to do physical exercise regularly and reduce the amount of calories that we eat and the size of the rations, but preserving a varied and balanced diet to forget nothing of our Mediterranean diet: fish, fruits and vegetables, dairy descremados, cereal … ” says the DRA. M ª Nieves TarÃn Vicente, Member of the FEC, cardiologist and Assistant Medical Director of the University Hospital of Móstoles.
Beyond the family predisposition to be obese (genetic factor) our daily sedentary with a supercharger excessive in calories, saturated fat and salt, without schedules regular eating between hours and skipping some of the 5 recommended daily meals (breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack and dinner), does thateven though Spain is a country where the Mediterranean diet is a tradition, the obese has increased markedly, especially among the young.
Tips from the FEC to diet to improve our cardiovascular health
Food is essential to keep the heart healthy. It must include food with certain characteristics, allowing the heart and the vascular system to operate in a healthy way.
If you want and need to lose weight to gain in health, is more advisable:
-lose weight slowly “ slowly but surely ”
-control schedules: not only food but also the practice of physical exercise, as it is directly related to health, life expectancy and the quality of this
-is easier to achieve objectives if they are shared with family or friends and at work
-A balanced diet is that includes wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats and cereals. With a 45-65% of the calories from the hydrates of carbon, 20-35% of fats and 10-35% of the protein.
-diet starts with the food we buy and follow how you cook them (choose steamed, without batter, fat-free …)
-to begin a diet, we recommend reducing between 500 and 1000 Kcal/day with respect to the diet remained usually
-not obsessed with count calories, but know are more calorie foods to replace them with other light and healthy
-reduce the size of the rations and incorporate more fiber and water to maintain the volume of food
-draw up a comprehensive planrealistic and achievable, proposed by a health care professional
-always ask questions to experts in health and nutrition
from the website of the Spanish society of Cardiology ( and the Spanish Heart Foundation ( all interested parties can obtain accurate information on cardiovascular diseases, their risk factors, how to control them and advice on diet and exercise to maintain cardiovascular health
of the SEC and the FEC
the Spanish Cardiology Society (SEC) and the Spanish Heart Foundation (CHF) is an organization whose vital impetus is to ensure the cardiovascular health of the population through medical excellence and researcher, as well as educational and informative. Both entities have become the benchmark in Spanish of the fight against cardiovascular disease, leading cause of death in our country
The SEC has more than 4,000 partners among cardiologists and professionals related to cardiovascular diseases, from international, European and Latin American Spanish.
The FEC has over 4,000 members, including the SEC cardiologists, professional nursing in cardiology, associations of patients, private entities and private partners.
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