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Cook Medical launches a website with online resources for minimally invasive diseases of lower limb treatment.

Cook Medical launches a website with online resources for treatment minimally invasive diseases members lower.

the microsite “ Leg Therapies ” it fits within the advanced program of therapies for the lower members, meets the latest resources on the most cutting-edge treatments and best practices in arterial disease peripheral.

Madrid, November 2010- medicine practitioners can already explore the latest treatment options and best practices in the new microsite of Cook Medical “ leg therapies ”, a website that offers the latest advances in the treatment of diseases of the lower limbs, as peripheral arterial disease (pad), and advanced States of critical lower limb ischaemia. The microsite, whose official launch was carried out in the stand 1336 the Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) Conference 2010 Congress, has also been designed as a portal to host discussions, collaborations, educational and content resources dynamic products and procedures behind the treatment of diseases affecting the lower limbs.

Techniques and treatment minimally invasive for peripheral arterial disease in lower limbs have won a significant force in this decade, surpassing these treatments Endovascular surgeries open at 38 per cent in 2007. This trend has contributed to reducing the average length of hospital stay by 20 percent, and significantly reduced mortality rates associated with the disease. Even so, the EAP still affects 27 million people in Europe and North America, so it is essential to get a better understanding of the different challenges of each patient and the solutions that increase the efficiency of the treatment and improve outcomes.

microsite Leg Therapies of Cook currently contains the following sections:

-A paragraph with information about the disease, graphics, updated tables and statistics on the EAP;
-A listing of program products divided into categories, workshops for training and research belonging to Cook Leg Therapies Program program;
-A complete section of procedures with help guides for the médicos can access, guided and treated securely diseases in regions iliac and femoropopliteal legs infrapoplítea;
-A section of products containing devices, pods, guides and catheters that are part of the pillars of “ access, guidance and treatment ” the operation of the Leg Therapies program;
-the upcoming events section informs the events of the sector where Cook involved.

Users can also access the twitter @ cookvascular through the microsite. Videos, Windows Messaging, and other multimedia tools will be available in late 2010 and early 2011.

“ For almost half a century, Cook Medical has worked shoulder to shoulder with the pioneers of the peripheral medicine to provide technologies that promote treatment minimally invasive to patients who are fighting against diseases as the EAP, “said Rob Lyles, Vice President and global leader of the unit Peripheral Intervention of Cook Medical.””With the launch of the microsite “ Leg Therapies ”, Cook can already share cutting-edge research and effective solutions to clinical interventions with a wider audience, composed of the doctors involved in the treatment of the EAP and to build a healthy cardiovascular environment in the long term”.

About Cook Medical

Founded in 1963, cook Medical was the first company to implement many of the medical devices now commonly used for minimally invasive medical procedures throughout the body. Currently, the company integrates medical devices, drugs and biological products to improve the safety and clinical outcomes for the patient. Since its inception, Cook has operated as a private family-run company.

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85% Of patients in hemodialysis suffering complications.

85% of patients in hemodialysis suffering complications.

<? xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn: schemas-microsoft-com: office:office” / > more than 2000 Basques require hemodialysis to survive.

-The majority of complications due to narrowings in veins that dialysis is practiced

– If the problems persist, patients must be operated with urgency, unable to practice the hemodialysis, needed to keep it alive

– to deal with the complications, practiced a vein dilation, using multiple devices. Along with the most common, angioplasty, other procedures that are currently in phase of study and development, as the crioplastia, ball court, have presented the ‘ stents ’ farmacoactivos and techniques with stem cell

-thousand people of every million people require hemodialysistwo or three times a week to survive

– “ is necessary to continue emphasizing the need for donations of bodies to carry out kidney transplants ”

Bilbao, November 2010- Bilbao has become last Friday and Saturday in the Centre of study of the dialysis of the State. Thus the 5th course of vascular access for hemodialysis, organized by the Spanish Foundation of hemodialysis, pointed out that “ 85 percent of patients in hemodialysis suffering complications of narrowing or thrombosis of the veins that applies the treatment ”. This reality, referred to during the presentation of Agustín Azpiazu, vascular Interventional Radiologist of Vitoria-Gasteiz Txagorritxu Hospital, affects directly to a population estimated at a rate of a thousand people for every million inhabitants.

Patients to undergo hemodialysis, “ should be tapped to connect one of his veins to an artery, preferably in the arms, so that blood vessel possess an irrigation and sufficient pressure to successfully perform the treatment. The problem is ”, noted Azpiazu, “ in that in the vast majority of cases, to make the two necessary puncture so repeatedly – 2 or 3 times a week – the walls of the vessel begin a process of thrombosis or enclosure that can collapse the arterio-venous fistula ”.

The result of this process is not minor. “ If the Fistula is closed, the patient must be submitted to a new operation in a few days to prepare a new vessel which carry out again hemodialysis, because without it, he died ”.

New solutions to old and recurrent problem

Vascular Interventional Radiologist of Vitoria Txagorritxu hospital explained that the most common procedure is currently “ the angioplasty, which inserts a tiny catheter with a balloon inside the arterio-venous fistula (FAV) of the patient, widening the vessel and allowing the passage of blood through the ”.

However, Azpiazu filed with broad representation of physicians and nurses of all Spain that have gathered in this course, the latest global developments in this field. Thus, pointed out that “ crioplastia, already used successfully for other uses in the lower extremities, allows, through a closed circuit cooling with liquid nitrogen at – 10 ° C the arterio-venous fistula and inflate a ball that has been associated in this way ”. The use of cold due to a process of “ cell apoptosis cells die and do not reproduce, thus hindering the process of enclosure of the blood vessel ”.

The vascular radiologist continued reviewing other devices, ball court, “ a technology as well as opening the light of the blood vessel through a catheter with a balloon, increasing its effectiveness through small incisions made by tiny blades on the walls of the FAV ”. As he emphasized, is one of the devices “ more advanced now ”.

The expert also addressed the ‘ stent ’ farmacoactivos, preferably used in the coronary arteries and which could also be applied to arterio-venous fistulas. These devices as well as opening the walls of the fistula, “ release a drug that inhibits cell growth, largely contributing to the permanent opening of the glass ”.

Azpiazu has ended his presentation by emphasizing the need for one sufficient number of donations of organs, in order to respond in the best way possible to the existing demand for kidney transplants, only way to be able to dispense with renal replacement therapy for this group of patients.

V course on vascular access for hemodialysis has been held at the Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao on 26 and 27 November. The course is organised by the Spanish Foundation of dialysis, in collaboration with the Spanish society of dialysis and transplant (SEDYT), the Spanish society of nursing Nefrológica (SEDEN), the Northern society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery and the Academy of medical sciences of Bilbao.

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The first symposium international of the chapter of surgery Endovascular will be held in Madrid 17 and 18 December.

The first symposium international of the chapter of surgery Endovascular will be held in Madrid next 17 and December 18.

with the aspiration to become international forum in Endovascular therapy, held in Spain, Angiólogos and surgeons vascular.

Madrid, December 2010.- organized by the chapter of surgery Endovascular of the Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV), the Symposium is intended to be a framework for discussion which addresses the increasingly important role of Endovascular surgery, as well as new techniques and materials used for the same

Spanish Vascular Surgeons seek to achieve, as the main objective of the Symposium, lead and promote the acquisition of the progress and update the knowledge in this area. In addition, the event, which will be attended by prominent Spanish and international specialists will contribute to knowledge and the exchange of the scientific contributions of the different teams of Vascular Surgeons are carrying out in our country.

The medical community is unanimous in stating that the Vascular Surgery live a revolution thanks to technological advances, and in particular by its bid by techniques minimally invasive, which are significantly reducing the risks and helping to improve the quality of life of patients.

Dr. Eduardo Ros, President of the chapter of surgery Endovascular the SEACV has said: “ El Symposium was born with the vocation of permanence and is an opportunity for the community of Spain Vascular Surgeons raised their scientific work and concerns, and exchanged proposals that respond to the challenges of the future that has raised the Endovascular surgery ”.

Dates: 17 and 18 December.
Lugar: Hotel Eurostars Madrid Tower, Paseo de la Castellana, 259.

About CCE

the Surgery Endovascular chapter , founded in 2004 and owned by the Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV), aims to establish and maintain a database of information on all matters relating to the field of the Surgery Endovascular , understanding as such invasive therapy remote procedures through guides and catheters with access Percutaneous or surgical for treating the vascular pathology; promote and provide training for specialists in Angiology and Vascular Surgery engaged in endovascular surgery, as well as research in this field. Another of its objectives is to respond to the institutional and legal, current and future problems that may arise with the development of these techniques.

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ISCT launches Group of commercial development of cell therapy for peripheral vascular disease.

ISCT launches Group of commercial development of the cell for vascular disease therapy peripheral.

-International Society for Cellular Therapy (ISCT) launches the Group’s commercial development of the inaugural cell therapy for peripheral vascular disease

Vancouver, January of 2011. To maintain its commitment to connect industry, regulatory experts, medical societies and translational centres to advance emerging cell therapies, ISCT announces its first group of business development for cell therapies for peripheral vascular disease (PVD).

The PVD is a disease in which the arteries that carry blood to the extremities become narrow or coagulan. In a population of primary care defined by age and common risk factors the prevalence of PVD is about one in three (1). Limb ischemia (CLI) critical is a very serious condition of developing countries in which patients suffering from acute pain and ulcers on the skin which can lead to amputation of the limb. The CLI has a mortality rate of 15-30% at 5 years.(2)

To treat the debilitating disease, ISCT has created a progressive Forum to bring together a panel of experts and facilitate open and in-depth discussion of whether Cellular therapy can meet the needs not covered these patients and how. The focus group will take place in New York, United States. UU., in the present day in partnership with the Cardiovascular Research Foundation, sponsor of the Sixth International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease.

“As we enter the era of studies of phase 3 of more than 300 patients, is vital to the research community to identify appropriate endpoints they correlate with positive clinical results,” said Warren Sherman, MD, director of Regenerative Cardiovascular Research at The Jack H. Skirball Center for Cardiovascular Research. “From there, the design of the essay can optimized to evaluate effective clinical and, hopefully, improve outcomes for patients with CLI.” These patients have a very poor prognosis. “Help with cell therapy would be a huge step forward, and would have implications for the patients with vascular of other organ systems.”

Ed Horwitz, M.D. PhD, CEO of ISCT strongly agreed: “the release of this series of focus groups is the latest initiative whereby ISCT is creating alignment with the academia and industry to accelerate the development and maturation of the field and eventually lead cell therapy treatments to patients faster.” “The intention of ISCT is the international field of regenerative medicine and cell therapy can benefit of groups through public open access to the final report and findings published in peer reviewed journals.”

The initiative of the Group ISCT continues ISCT Industry Community successful launch in August 2010. See: ISCT – media.

ISCT welcomes corporate members to the Industry Community by 2011:

sponsors: Aastrom Biosciences Inc., BD Biosciences Inc. BioLife Solutions Inc., Pfizer Regenerative Medicine Pluristem Therapuetics Inc. partners: CaridianBCT Inc., Sartorius Stedim Biotech GmbH., STEMCELL Technologies Inc. supporters: CellGenix GmbH., B.V. Pharmacell, members: Apceth GmbH & Co. Preservation Solutions Inc, Beike Biotechnology Co.Ltd., JIU Biotech Inc., Tengion Inc., STEMSOFT Software Inc., ZMKS International Cancer Therapy Biotechnology Co. Ltd.

The full list of members can be seen on the page of the Community Industry.

ISCT is a global association that promotes the translation of scientific research to provide innovative cell therapies for patients. Established in 1992, their membership and leadership are formed by world medical experts in technology, professional scientists in biotechnology and Pharmacology and experts in regulation around the world focused on aspects preclinical and translational cell therapy product development.


(1) Hirsch AT et to the. JAMA. 2001; 286: 1317-1324

(2) Hirsch AT et to the. Circulation. 2006; 113:e463 – 654

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More than half of all men between 40 and 70 years suffers from erectile dysfunction.

More than half of all men between 40 and 70 years suffers from dysfunction erectile.

10th workshop theoretical Sorecar (rehabilitation Cardiorrespiratoria Spanish society). Update on rehabilitation cardiaca.

-erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve and/or maintain one erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse

-prevalence estimated by the year 2025 is to affect 300 million men

– in the patients with coronary arterial erectile dysfunction prevalence ranges from 47-75%. Erectile dysfunction is more severe the more severe is the involvement of the coronary arterial tree

-erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease share risk factors and mechanisms of production (vascular dysfunction)

– there is scientific evidence that erectile dysfunction may precede the onset of coronary symptoms in 5 years, which could be used as ‘ therapeutic window ’

-the final step of treatment is represented by the prosthesis of penis

Málaga, 2011-February one of every two males between 40 and 70 years suffers from erectile dysfunctionincluding all grades that this failure encompasses (mild, moderate and severe) and increasing its prevalence with age. This problem, which is defined as the inability to achieve and/or maintain one erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse, is common in men from around the world. In fact, the prevalence estimate for the year 2025 is to affect 300 million men.

Dr. Antonio Quiñonero, urologist of the unity of cardiac rehabilitation of Hospital Universitario Virgen of the victory of Malaga, spoke on erectile dysfunction in the framework of the theoretical and practical course 10th SORECAR (society Spanish of rehabilitation Cardio-respiratory) – branch of the SERMEF (Spanish society of rehabilitation and physical medicine) – Actualizaciis in cardiac rehabilitation, which took place on 27 and January 28 in the Hospital of Virgen de la Victoria, in Málaga.

“ In the patients with coronary arterial erectile dysfunction prevalence ranges between 47-75%. Erectile dysfunction is more severe the more severe is the involvement of the coronary arterial tree ”, the expert explained. “ In this sense ”, has been added, “ erectile dysfunction and coronary artery disease share risk factors and mechanisms of production, such as Endothelial dysfunction ”, explains the lecturer.

“ In addition, and perhaps most important is the growing scientific evidence that erectile dysfunction may precede the onset of coronary symptoms even in five years, which could be used as ‘ therapeutic window ’ ”.

Two types of patients

On the other hand, and patients, Dr. Quiñonero has pointed out that “ clinically we can find two different frames. On the one hand they are patients with erectile dysfunction under 60 years of age and without coronary symptoms who have a high risk of coronary heart disease in the next 5-10 years. These patients should be evaluated medically and stratified according to coronary risk medically to act on associated diseases (hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome) and change the lifestyle (sedentary lifestyle, tobacco) ”.

On the other hand, “ are patients who have already had a coronary table (myocardial infarction, bypass coronary etc.). These patients should be integrated systematically into programs of cardiac rehabilitation (cardiac rehabilitation units) after his recovery from the acute process. The patient after being discharged is unknown as a deal with his new situation from many points of view: level exercise that can perform, nutrition, control of risk factors, stress-management techniques, the sexual problems (erectile dysfunction) and psychological repercussions. In these programs patients are instructed in all these areas, it is vitally important to optimize their clinical progression and improve their quality of life psycho-social, labour and sexual.

With regard to the processing, according to the expert, the erectile dysfunction currently has treatment, which starts in first-line oral drug (inhibitors of Phosphodiesterase-5) in those patients who are not contraindicated. In the case where patients may not take these drugs, “ can be treated in second-line drugs vasoactive injected directly into the penis. The final step of treatment is represented by the prosthesis of penis ”.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips