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RapiScan r (regadenoson) is the first selective receptor adenosine A2A agonist.

RapiScan r (regadenoson) is the first selective A2A agonist receptor of adenosine.

-Rapiscan r (regadenoson) is the first selective agonist receptor adenosine A2A to receive the license of the Commission on the EU to help diagnosis CAD

London, February 2011. Rapidscan Pharma Solutions (RPS) us Ltd has announced that it has received last Friday permission marketing for Rapiscan r (regadenoson) – a coronary vasodilator selective for use as a pharmacologic stress agent in diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD) – the most common single cause of death and disability in Europe [1]. RapiScan is administered as a bolus injection not based on the weight and is the first and only receptor agonist selective adenosine A2A on having license for its use in this indication.

Diagnosis of CAD used the image of perfusion of myocardial infarction (MPI) to identify areas of poor in heart blood flow while resting or practice exercise. Often ask patients to do exercises in a wheel of walking or biking, but almost half of the patients are not able to exercise properly. RapiScan stimulates the effects of the exercise by increasing temporarily the flow of blood through the arteries of the heart, providing an option for these patients. Unlike the older agents, Rapiscan needs no adjustment of the dose for the variation in body weight [2] and its method of bolus dosage is fast (only 10 seconds), reducing the need for a pump infusion and its implementation to point.

The founder, CEO and Managing Director of Rapidscan Pharma Solutions, Dr. Brent Blackburn, said: “I am very excited for Rapiscan Europe.” RapiScan is designed to address specifically the needs of patients and health professionals to perform tests MPI. “It is easier to use and is tolerated better than older agents.”

Each year, more than 4 million Europeans die from diseases of the heart and blood vessels [1], accounting for about half of the total mortality in Europe [1]. Accurate diagnosis is vital in identifying patients who are suitable for intensive medical intervention with more than 1.5 million Europeans undergo MPI annual testing.

Regadenoson was released in United States in the year 2008 after performing clinical trials in more than 2,000 patients with known CAD or suspect [3,4]. Currently, regadenoson is used more broadly as agents against pharmacological stress in United States, and more than 3 million patients have received you.

More about regadenoson

Regadenoson is an agonist receptor selective A2A adenosine approved as an agent of pharmacologic stress in radionuclide MPI in patients unable to undergo adequate exercise testing. Regadenoson was discovered and developed by CV Therapeutics and received FDA approval in April 2008 and also received the US License Commission by the European medicines Agecia in September 2010.

About Rapidscan Pharma Solutions (RPS)

Rapidscan Pharma Solutions Inc, headquartered in United States, was created in the year 2010 through its general director and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Brent Blackburn. In September 2010 RPS Inc. licensed the rights for the development, manufacture and marketing of regadenoson from Gilead Sciences Inc. for Europe, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. Its European subsidiary, RPS us Ltd, is responsible for the marketing of regadenoson in Europe. Dr. Blackburn has previously worked with CV Therapeutics and was a leading member of the team that discovered and developed regadenoson United States and Europe.


[1] Scholte op Reimer WJM, Gitt AK, Boersma E, Simoons ML (eds.). Cardiovascular Diseases in Europe. Euro Heart Survey – 2006. Sophia Antipolis; European Society of Cardiology; 2006

[2]. RapiScan Summary of Product Characteristics. Gilead Sciences; September 2010.

[3]. Cerqueira MD, Nguyen P, Staehr P et to, on behalf of the ADVANCE MPI Trial Investigators. Effects of age, gender, obesity and diabetes on the efficacy and safety of the selective A2A agonist Rapiscan versus adenosine: integrated ADVANCE MPI trial results. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008; 1: 307-316

[4]. Iskandrian AE, Bateman TM, Belardinelli L, et to the. Adenosine versus Rapiscan comparative evaluation in many imaging myocardial: results of the ADVANCE phase 3 multicenter international trial. J Nucl Cardiol 2007; 14: 645-658

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The Cook Medical drug eluting peripheral stent proves a few solid results at 24 months in comparison with the data of one year.

Cook Medical drug-eluting peripheral stent demonstrates solid results at 24 months in comparison with the data of a year.

A randomized, multicenter study has evaluated the releasing device of drugs Zilver PTX, with CE mark, for the treatment of the Peripheral Arterial Disease in the femoral artery superficial.

Leipzig, Germany, February, 2011--the eluting stent drugs Zilver PTX of Cook Medical, available for the community health of the European Union, showed a consistent permeability initial two years of its implementation, in comparison with the first year, according to a random study presented at Leipzig Interventional Course. Data collected from 479 patients in a randomized trial showed that patients with this self-expanding nitinol stent and coated drug paclitaxel, presented an initial permeability of 83.1% at 12 months. When it became the test at 24 months, the rate of permeability in a poll 278 patients was 74.8 per cent. Data from the study showed that patients treated with Zilver PTX reached a survival rate of 86.6% in 24 months.

PAD, also known by the “ hardening ” the arteries or atherosclerosis occurs when deposits of fat and inflammation reduce blood flow in the lower extremities. The so-called Peripheral Arterial Disease suffer from it 27 million people in Europe and North America ¹. The test with the PTX Zilver trial confirms the safety and efficacy of the device of Cook for the treatment of severe complications in the superficial femoral artery.

The randomized study, the largest its kind that takes place at the global level, is complemented by a universe of 787 patients in several countries, which includes diabetics and patients with symptoms and complex injuries.

¹ Belch JJ, Topol EJ, Agnelli G, et to the. Critical issues in peripheral arterial disease detection and management: a call to action. Arch Intern Med. 2003; 163 (8): 884-892.

“ This trial has been rigorously designed to provide a real prospect the current treatment of Peripheral Arterial Disease worldwide, and we are very satisfied of the results has provided us with ”, said Rob Lyles, Global Chief and Vice President of the Division Peripheral Intervention, of Cook Medical. “ in Cook are committed in developing technologies to make progress in medicine, minimally invasive to the largest possible population ”.

About LINC

Leipzig Interventional Course is a course in international and exhaustive live designed to encourage collaboration among colleagues in different specialties and promote the understanding and development of therapies Endovascular that can be incorporated into the practical clinical daily.

About Cook Medical

founded in 1963, Cook Medical was the first company to implement much of the medical device to today used around the world in order to perform minimally invasive medical procedures in the human body. Currently, the company manufactures and markets medical devices, drugs and biological products employed in improving the safety and clinical outcomes of patients. Since its inception, Cook has operated as a private family-run company.

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Boston Scientific Announces the approval and marketing in Europe of the coronary stent for cromo platino OMEGA (TM).

Boston Scientific Announces the approval and marketing in Europe of the stent coronary cromo-platino OMEGA Tm.

-the metal stent of third generation offers a better performance in the treatment of patients with coronary artery disease

Natick, Massachusetts, March of 2011. Boston Scientific Corporation (NYSE: BS) announced on Monday the acquisition of the CE marking to the coronary stent for cromo-platino OMEGA (TM), which is for the company technology of third generation of coronary stents. OMEGA incorporates a unique alloy of cromo-platino (PtCr), designed specifically for coronary stents, and aims to provide the interventionist cardiologists metallic stent for best performance for the treatment of patients with atherosclerosis. The company will start marketing OMEGA immediately in the European Union and other countries for the application of the CE marking.

“In my experience, cromo-platino alloy and OMEGA stent design offer an excellent seaworthiness, visibility and flexibility, allowing at the same time improve the radial force and the recoil”, says Dr. Antonio Colombo, Director of the laboratory of cardiac catheterization at Columbus Hospital and Hospital San Raffaele in MilanItaly. “OMEGA and cromo-platino alloy offer significant improvements in performance, without the disadvantages associated with the alloys normally used in stents.

“OMEGA is part of the family of stents Boston Scientific cromo-platino the PROMUS Element â„¢ everolimus-eluting stent and TAXUS r Element Tm paclitaxel-eluting stent. The three have the novel alloy of PtCr and an innovative design, which combine to offer a greater radial strength and flexibility, while minimizing the recoil of the stent. The highest density of alloy provides better visibility, allowing at the same time reducing the profile of the legs of the stent compared to previous generations. The release also has been optimized, consists of a double-layer ball designed to improve access to the most difficult injury.

“Cromo-platino PROMUS Element and Element TAXUS stent have received a positive response from physicians since its launch in countries for the application of the CE marking, and we now have the pleasure of presenting a metallic coronary stent, based on the same platform of PtCr,” says Mike Phalen, Executive Vice President and President International of Boston Scientific. “OMEGA is the latest example of our commitment” innovation continued in the area of coronary stents. “”We are convinced that our cromo-platino stent technology will strengthen our leadership in the market of the stent coronary.”

“Positive clinical data from our studies with stents of ≪ PtCr (Element)
confirm the beneficial effects of our new platform of cromo-platino “, commented Dr. Keith D. Dawkins, Vice President and Director Médico of the Group of Cardiology, rhythm and Vascular of Boston Scientific.””Complete OMEGA family of PtCr stents, offering the Interventional cardiologist the possibility of treating patient with everolimus and paclitaxel stent metallic.”

OMEGA is available in 48 sizes with diameters of 2.25 mm 4,50 mm and lengths of 8 mm to 32 mm. Boston Scientific hosts and makes available to physicians and patients the most comprehensive range of coronary stents, the wider range of measures and the only platform with two options of drug. The company obtained the CE marking for the PROMUS Element everolimus-eluting stent in October 2009 and the eluting stent to paclitaxel TAXUS r Element Tm in May 2010.

The adoption of the CE marking for PROMUS Element Plus is scheduled for the second half of 2011.

About Boston Scientific

Boston Scientific is a company dedicated to the development, manufacture and marketing of medical devices around the world, and its products are used in a wide range of medical specialties interventionists.

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this press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature as described in Section 21E of the securities market law)Securities Exchange Act) 1934 American. These statements of a forward-looking nature can be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate”, “expect”, “project”, “believe”, “plan”, “plan”, “estimate” and other similar terms. These statements of a forward-looking nature are based on our beliefs, assumptions and estimates, derived from the data that was available at the time of issuing such statements and are not intended to be the guarantee of any event or performance level futures. Other statements of a forward-looking nature include those related to clinical trials, scientific activities, performance products, competitive bids, and growth investments. If the assumptions on which we base were to be incorrect, or if they materialize certain risks or doubts, the results could be substantially different expectations and forecasts expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements. In some cases, these factors have affected and could affect (alongside other factors) our ability to establish a business strategy, and may cause actual results to differ significantly from those referred to in the statements expressed in this press release. He is therefore warns the reader that it does not deposit an excessive confidence in any of our statements of a forward-looking nature.

Among others, factors that could cause such differences include: the economic, competitive, conditions of repayment and future regulation; the emergence of new products; demographic trends; the intellectual property; the litigation; financial market conditions; and business decisions that take our company and competing companies. All these factors are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of them are beyond our control. For a list and a description detailed of these and other risks and important questions that could affect our future operations, see item 1A, part I, risk factors for our latest annual report on form 10-K, submitted to the Commission of stock marketIt may be updated at point 1A, part II, risk factors in the quarterly reports on form 10-Q we have presented or present later.

We disclaim any intention or obligation to update or modify publicly any affirmation of a prospective basis to reflect changes in our expectations or in events, conditions or circumstances in which those expectations could be based, or that might affect the likelihood that actual results may differ from those mentioned in the statements of a forward-looking nature. This warning statement is applicable to all prospective character statements contained in this document.

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First course of Vascular Medicine of the SEACV, dedicated, inter alia, to diagnosis, therapy and the integrated approach of vascular pathologies.

First year of the SEACV Vascular Medicine, to dedicated, among other things, to diagnosis, therapy and the comprehensive approach to pathologies vascular.

from March 31 to April 1 all Spain specialists will meet in Madrid.

-the working sessions will take place in the Hotel Meliá Castilla, Captain Hague, 43.

Madrid, March 2011.- section of medicine Vascular-Angiology, of the Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery (SEACV), organized in the next 31 March and 1 April the “ course of Vascular Medicine ”, in which outstanding specialists, not only of the Vascular Surgery, but also internists, pulmonologists, geriatricians, pharmacologists, cardiologists and family doctors discuss the rápidosavances is experiencing approach of concurrence pathology, diagnosis, medical treatment and secondary prophylaxis of diseases as well as cuestionessobre vascular.

to Dr. José Ramón March, Coordinator of the section of medical Vascular-Angiology of the SEACV, these jornadasson ” an opportunity increasingly necessary for that Angiólogos, and Vascularesintercambien surgeons clinical experiences and update the latest advances in a field whose evolucionamuy technology quickly; as well as an adequate interdisciplinary forum in which to discuss issues pertaining to various specialists and, thus, be able to optimize the treatment of patients, the correct assessment of the risk aterotrombótico and its proper prophylactic ”.

another important novelty of esteI Vascular Medicine course is that it has been sidoelescenario elected to present the first consensus-guíaentre medical and Vascular Surgeons of primary care sobrela called Peripheral Arterial Disease. Estedocumento aims to be a roadmap for primary care physicians to channel the sick with this pathology by welfare itineraries suitable.

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Spanish Phlebology outlines the roadmap for the treatment of venous diseases in the 21st century.

Spanish Phlebology outlines the roadmap for the treatment of venous diseases in the 21st century.

nineteenth Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology.

-in Spain there are about three millions of patients with varicose veins, 650,000 with sequels postrombóticas and 250,000 patients with venous ulcers

-Congress will host the presentation of the consensus of Endovenoso laser of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, pioneer in Europe, and the clinical guide to sclerotherapy

-venous pathology covers a wide field of action that will from unsightly varicose veins until the Venosa thromboembolic disease, with its greater clinical consequence: pulmonary embolism (PE), entity that on many occasions is difficult diagnostic and studies with a mortality rate of 3-6 patients / 10000 habitantes-año

-Spain in die every year by pulmonary embolism 23,000 people, which makes this disease the leading cause of avoidable death hospital

Granada, 2011-April around 150 specialists in the field of the Phlebology address the new challenges of the specialty in the 21st century as part of the nineteenth Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology which will start on Thursday7 April 2011, at the hotel Abade Nevada Palace in Granada. The Congress, which will address the disease deep thromboembolic in territories border as central themes – Gynecology, Pediatrics and cancer – and pelvic venous disease, will welcome the presentation of the consensus of Endovenoso laser of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, pioneer in Europe, and the clinical guidelines of sclerotherapy.

Scientific meeting, which has international enhancement, trazará the road map for the treatment of venous diseases in the 21st century and will be addressed, as ensures Vicente García Róspide, President of the Organizing Committee, “ tracks current and controversial that surely will encourage the scientific debate ”. It is not one minor matter. The epidemiology of chronic venous insufficiency affects 10% to 25% of the adult population, which is to say that in Spain there are 2.5- 3 million patients with varicose veins, 650,000 with sequels postrombóticas and 250,000 patients with venous ulcers. “ Another very interesting ”, qualifies the expert “ is compatible with chronic venous insufficiency symptoms that 68 per cent of patients who attend primary care consultations for any reason, ”.

The venous pathology covers a wide field of action ranging from the banal pathology, represented by unsightly until the pulmonary embolism (PE) varicose veins, entity that on many occasions is difficult diagnostic and studies with a mortality rate of 3-6 patients / 10000 habitantes-año, which means 23,000 patients die every year for this cause in Spain. This fact is important because the EP is the first cause of avoidable death hospital.

It refers to the deep vein thrombosis (DVT), Vicente Garcia Róspide says it’s “ the third most common cardiovascular disease after ischemic heart disease and stroke. Its incidence is 1 / 1000 inhabitant per year and, in the case of elderly population, the percentage increases to 1 / 100 ancianos-año, which means that in Spain there are 60,000 cases annually ”

“ despite the prophylaxis of DVT ”, emphasizes the expert, “ its incidence does not decrease for reasons such as the increase in life expectancyincrease in the number of cases of cancer, more aggressive surgery in elderly patients, hospital high early without continuing prophylaxis and increase in the number of invasive vascular hospital procedures ”.

In regards to the news of the Congress, García Róspide recalls that during the same “ will discuss pelvic venous disease, very little known and studied entity, even by own specialists. What’s new in the diagnosis of this disease with ultrasound and techniques of photography, as well as new indications and therapeutic techniques will be showcased. Similarly ”, continues, “ will discuss new disease thromboembolic Venosa (ETEV) in the so-called territories border, i.e. of the developments in diagnosis, prophylaxis and treatment in different specialties who also face this disease, such as Hematology, obstetrics and gynaecology, paediatricsInternal medicine, oncology and primary care ”.

At the same time the Congress will review “ the latest in endovascular treatment of pathology Venosa laser and radiofrequency with foam and the recent advances in the prophylaxis and treatment of the Venosa thromboembolic disease, as for example the appearance of new oral anticoagulants requiring no controls analytical newspapers as the Sintron ”.

In regards to the presentation of the consensus of Endovenoso laser of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, pioneer in Europe, the Vice-President of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology and coordinator of the study, Vicente Ibáñez, analyze aspects related to this technique of endovenous lasera surgical strategy for the treatment of varicose veins. “ In the beginning, there is no limitation of diameter for the treatment of this type of inadequacies with the endovenous laser, except for those characteristics of the varicose condition imposed ”, said the expert.

Endovenous laser technique requires “ be careful with the employed power ” to avoid operation, rare disease. Also, this technique has sufficient accuracy to exclude certain venous segments “ with which avoid possible complications in other techniques, which involve little aesthetic scars ”.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips