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A study provides the basis for the first time genetic failure venous Chronicle shows its hereditary character in 97% of cases.

A study provides the basis for the first time genetic of inadequate venous Chronicle shows its hereditary character in 97% of the cases.

-the high heritability of risk of IVC justifies the search for the genetic factors that predispose to suffer this condition

-The study was carried out in 35 Spanish families of large

-is important to stress that the risk of suffering from IVC showed a significant genetic correlation with the risk of venous thrombosis, suggesting that genes influencing susceptibility to IVC also influence the risk of venous thrombosis

-high heritability that shows the IVC explains the lack of effectiveness of preventive measures

– On the other hand this result might explain the high rate of recurrence of varicose veins surgery

-this study opens the door to new therapeutic strategies, taking into account the relationship that has found the tracks of swelling

-the relationship established with the venous thromboembolic disease gives tools to prioritize the varicose veins that may be present complications

Granada, 2011-April GAIT (Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia) project, led by the genomics of complex diseases unit, the unit of haemostasis and thrombosis, and research group, Angiology, Vascular Biology and inflammation of the Research Institute biomedical Sant Pau (IIB-Sant Pau) in BarcelonaHe has been established, for the first time, the genetic basis of Venosa chronic failure. Dr. José Manuel Soria is the main project GAIT, where Angel Martínez-Pérez, Eleanor Rib, Olga Solá, Juan Carlos Souto, Luis Vila, Jose Maria Romero and the President of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, José Román Escudero have also been involved.

Remember the drivers of the study, which will be presented at the 19th Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology celebrated in Granada these days, that “ the Chronicle Venosa insufficiency (CVI) is a very common pathology, with a complex and multifactorial etiology, where the interaction between environmental and genetic factors creates a predisposition to the development and disease progression. Despite the high prevalence of the IVC, the hereditary component is still unknown, found in the literature contradictory studies with significant methodological limitations ”.

In order to identify these genetic risk factors for IVC, began in 2006, the recruitment of the GAIT (Genetic Analysis of Idiopathic Thrombophilia) project in its second phase. This project will analyse the genetic component and the environmental influence of a number of quantitative characters related to different pathologies of the cardiovascular area (venous and Arterial thrombosis and failure Venosa Chronicle) in 35 Spanish families of large size. The GAIT project constitutes a design pioneer with the application of the genetic statistics, the largest family group analysis (more than 10 persons per family) and with the collaboration of diverse disciplines such as medicine, genetics, biotechnology, statistics, mathematics, engineering and computing.

Specifically, in the area of the IVC, this study considers that “ 97% of the variation in susceptibility to develop this disease is attributable to genetic factors. Moreover, it is important to note that the risk of suffering from IVC showed a significant genetic correlation with the risk of venous thrombosis, suggesting that genes influencing susceptibility to IVC also influence the risk of venous thrombosis ”.

This is the first study that formally documents the high genetic component of IVC risk based on the analysis of data in methodically recruited extended families to allow conclusions on the general population. This study begins to fill a vacuum critic in the analysis of the gene of the IVC basis, that the high heritability of risk of IVC justifies the search for the genetic factors that predispose to suffer from this disease. On the other hand, we would like to emphasize that our results show a common genetic basis between the IVC and tromboembóica disease. This observation may have important clinical implications.

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They denounced the lack of solid studies that testen the effectiveness of treatments for venous thrombosis in children.

denounced the lack of solid studies that the effectiveness of treatments for children in venous thrombosis testen

19 th Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology.

– This is a disease which, although it is less common in children than in adults, primarily affects infants and adolescents (almost always in the context of other serious illnesses requiring care in intensive care units).

due to its low frequency – yearly affects about one in every 100,000 children-, the recommendations in that treatments refers are usually based on extrapolations of treatments in adults.

Bilbao, 2011-April on this subject has lectured the doctor Julio Romero González, pediatrician of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, in a talk titled “ special issue of the diagnosis and treatment of Venosa thromboembolic disease (ETEV) in the Pediatric ” held in the framework of the nineteenth Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology which took place from 7 to the April 9 at the Hotel Abade Nevada Palace in Granada.

the event brings together some 150 experts in the field of Phlebology to, among other things, address the new challenges of the specialty in the 21st century. In addition, the Congress, addressed as a central theme – as well as territories deep thromboembolic disease (Gynecology, Pediatrics and cancer) – frontier, pelvic venous disease, will host the presentation of the consensus of laser Endovenoso of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, pioneer in Europe, and the clinical guidelines of sclerotherapy

this type of disease “ manifests itself in the acute form, some of them with high mortality, that sometimes are chronic effects in survivors ”, explained the expert.

on the other hand, the speaker warned that “ because of its low frequency, few studies to test the effectiveness of the different proposed treatments, so recommendations are usually based on extrapolations of treatments in adults ”.

on preventive measures, “ the three main ones are: restrict to a minimum the use of central venous catheters, a careful use of them when they are needed, and prophylactic anticoagulation in highly selected patients ”, stated Dr. Romero.

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Physical exercise and mobilization reduces the risk of illness venous tromboémbolica in pregnant women.

physical exercise and mobilization reduces the risk of venous in women pregnant. tromboémbolica disease

19 th Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology.

-venous thromboembolic disease is the leading cause of death in postpartum women who have given light.

-about two of every 1,000 women suffer thromboembolic events during the pregnancy.

-family history of the pregnant woman, having more than 35 years, suffer from obesity, be multiparae, spending long periods of rest in bed and remain immobile for 4 days or more, smoking, hypertension, and certain other co-morbidities.

granada, 2011-April disease venous thromboembolic (ETEV) is the most common cause of Hospital death in developed countries. Following this consideration – and the incidence of this disease during the period of gestation – Granada gynaecologist, Milagros Cruz Martínez, argues that “ prevention is key to reducing their incidence, therefore during the preconception consultation should be a detailed investigation of the risk factors for this disease, initiating actions to reduce them, at the same time that should consider the possible need for thromboprophylaxis during pregnancy ”.

these thoughts were put on the table during the course of the nineteenth Congress national of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology, where the specialist ensures that “ risk is reduced to implement the Protocol established, based fundamentally on exercise, early mobilization during hospitalization and various measures of physical thromboprophylaxis that, at times, be combined with drugs ”.

in addition, during the presentation of the Congress, Vicente García Róspide, President of the Organizing Committee and head of Angiology and Vascular Surgery service of the. Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves of Granada, pointed out here that “ venous thromboembolic disease is the leading cause of death in postpartum women who have given birth in our field, ”.

recent studies show that the overall prevalence of events thromboembolic during pregnancy is about 2 per 1000 deliveries, being more common in the lower extremity left.

from the time of delivery, there are circumstances that can be changed the commitment of the pregnant woman, because now known caesarean section increased by 13.3% (95% confidence interval) the risk of the disease compared with a spontaneous vertex delivery; should also highlight the factors of the mother and her family history are risk, such as having more than 35 years, suffer from obesity, defined with an index BMI above 30 mg / m2, be multiparae, spending long periods of rest in bed and remain immobile for 4 days or more; In addition to presenting hyperemesis, dehydration, some co-morbidities such as severe infections fails congestive cardiac syndrome nephrotic, anemia, sickle cell disease, lupus, diabetes, hypertension and smoking.

hematological changes are essential to allow the homeostasis of the fetus and the mother, this is how it establishes an increase in blood volume by 40-50% that reaches the ceiling near the week 34, as well as a necessary alteration in the processes of coagulationwhich allows adequate perfusion to the placental bed and preparation against blood loss of the mother towards the end of pregnancy, when the separation of the placenta may cause serious bleeding, few hours after birth is recover processes fibrinolytic and uterine contraction. However sometimes hypercoagulability contrarreguladores processes are not sufficient and in 0.5 – 3.0 for each 1000 pregnant women happen serious complications for venous thromboembolism in turn covered events of deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, which is the leading cause of maternal mortality.

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Vicente Ibáñez, President of the Spanish flebólogos.

Vicente Ibáñez, President of the flebólogos Spanish.

-the chapter Spanish of Phlebology has renewed its Board of Directors in its 19th National Congress in Granada

– one of the main lines of work of the Spanish flebólogos for the coming years will be the realization of various consensus documents and guides for clinical practice

Granada, 2011-April the Assembly General of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology (CEF) of the Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery, collected in the framework of the 19th National Congress of this entity in Granada, has appointed Dr Vincent Ibáñez, specialist in Vascular Surgery, as the new President of the CEF for the next four years. Ibáñez succeeds Dr. José Román Escudero, who has exercised the Presidency in the last term in the post.

In the Assembly, has also undertaken the renovation of the charges that make up. In this way, Fidel Fernandez Quesada is the new Vice President 1; Santiago Rodríguez waiter exercise as second Vice President; M. ª Victoria Archdeacon Sanchez will play the position of Secretary of the CEF; and Javier Pacho Rodriguez will take under its responsibility the role of Treasurer.

As has been stated the new President of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology, “ over the next few years are going to promote the development of several scientific consensus and clinical practice guidelines. Also, will work in earnest to enhance not only the Phlebology in Spanish hospitals, but outside them, carrying a series of activities to the population and health promotion initiatives, collaborating, wherever possible, with public and private entities, for its implementation ”.

Dr.Vicente Ibáñez.

Dr. Ibáñez stated that, among other projects, “ will launch a consensus document on the endovascular treatment of venous insufficiency surface with water vapor and a clinical practice guideline on the treatment of venous thromboembolic restrain for inbed patients. In addition, are already anticipating the realization, jointly with the Spanish society of rehabilitation and medical physics (SERMEF), a scientific work on prophylaxis of the disease venous thromboembolic in patients with acquired brain injury, cerebral palsy, paraplegia and tetraplegia ”.

Similarly, has announced its intention to strengthen relations with primary health care, and advance aspects relating to prophylaxis in relation to several medical specialties, among which cited the gynaecology and Oncology, among others.

It has also added to the Spanish chapter of Phlebology will strengthen as a reference when assessing the characteristics of the new technologies that are introduced in the field of venous insufficiency.

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More than 90% of patients treated in the hospital internal medicine consultations presents some vascular risk factor.

More than 90% of patients treated in the hospital internal medicine consultations presents some risk factor vascular.

some 450 specialists meet in Valencia on the occasion of the 7th meeting of the Group of Vascular risk the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI) held today and tomorrow in Valencia.

-Obesity, hypertension, smoking, Dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus type 2, the main risk factors

– according to a study presented at the meeting between the 10 and 50% of people may suffer hypertension masked, relative to the population and is more common in male smokers and overweight

-early evaluation of the davascular ño allows to determine the involvement of different bodies unlikely disease and vascular risk in populations not usual that: adolescents, patients with HIV infection, ill from gout or sleep apnea

Valencia, may 2011.- cardiovascular diseases are now one of the leading causes of hospital admission in internal medicineso that recent data show that more than 9 of every 10 patients treated at the hospital internal medicine consultations presents one of its main risk factors. The most common include obesity, hypertension, smoking, Dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus type

these pathologies are “ a very important part of the internist every day, which comprehensively focuses on all of these problems and deals with all and each one of them in an integrated way ”, according to Dr. Miguel Camafort, Coordinator of the Group of Vascular risk of the Spanish society of internal medicine (SEMI).

In that regard, 5 today and tomorrow, may 6, is celebrated in Valencia the VII meeting of the Group of Vascular risk in the SEMI, which involved nearly 450 specialists in internal medicine and other related specialties and has targeted training, the update on the latest, the debate on controversial issues of vascular risk and the sharing of clinical information generated from research projects

During this meeting presents the last results of the ESTHEN study on the masked hypertension (HTAE), affecting between 10 and 50% of the population, depending on their characteristics, and which is more common in male smokers and overweight. The importance of the HTAE is that an undiagnosed illness that is present during their professional activity being normotensas in queries, so that only techniques of measurement of blood pressure at home can be detected.

In addition to the presentation of this study, this year’s program brings new theme early assessment of vascular damage, which according to the doctor Camafort “ allows to assess the involvement of different bodies before occurring disease, as well as vascular risk in non-standard populations such as adolescents, patients with HIV infection, gout sufferers or sleep apnea affects ”.

new treatments for the diabetic patient with vascular risk

other aspects to be addressed in this meeting is for the treatment of diabetic patients with high risk cardiovascular. “ although we know that the benefits of treating diabetes along with all other risk factors are undeniable, recent studies and guides published leave some uncertainty in the management of the diabetic patient, sobre up where and how we treat each and every one of the risk factors in patients ”, declares Dr. Camafort.

According to the expert, there are still two outstanding issues in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, such as cases of patients with high cardiovascular risk and those with kidney disease or kidney failure. “ In the first case, new drugs such as GLP-1 agonists can add anti-diabetic effect weight loss and better control of risk factors. In the second, newer drugs will allow us to dispose of antidiabetic agents in patients with renal ”.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips