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MEDRAD, INC. It announces the approval of the liberating drug Cotavance Tm ball in Europe.

MEDRAD, INC. Announces the approval of the liberating ball of drug Cotavance (TM) in Europe

– MEDRAD, INC. announced the approval and European launch of the liberating ball of drug Cotavance (TM) technology Paccocath r

-additional clinical studies and progress technologies for catheter Cotavance in progress

Warrendale, Pennsylvania, may 2011.- MEDRAD, INC., a business of Bayer HealthCare, announced on Tuesday it has received CE mark for its Cotavance (TM) Paclitaxel Coated Balloon Angioplasty Catheter with Paccocath (R) technology. Cotavance catheter used gastrostomies interventions for the treatment of arterial disease peripheral (EAP) and is approved for dilation balloon injury estenóticas in the iliac arteries and infrainguinal while paclitaxel is applied to the vessel wall to inhibit the restenosis. MEDRAD Interventional has begun to sell their Cotavance catheter in countries where has already received regulatory approval, including certain countries in Europe and the Middle East.”(1) The statement was made in conjunction with the Congress of the European Association of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EuroPCR) in Paris.

“”Effective treatments for peripheral arterial disease continue to be a major medical challenge,” said the Professor Gunnar Tepe, MD, Klinikum Rosenheim, Rosenheim, Germany. “The recent European adoption of catheter Cotavance offers new innovative approaches to improve patient outcomes.” “More importantly, the only clinical long-term positive results to date with drug eluting balloon have used technology Paccocath to keep more open coronary and peripheral vessels for longer compared to standard therapies”.(2), (3), (4), (5), (6)

Paccocath technology is a patented drug matrix applied to the balloon of a catheter for angioplasty. The matrix consists of paclitaxel, used in drug-eluting stents of drug to treat the disease cardiovascular and radiological contrast, Ultravist r 370 agent. When the balloon is inflated to dilate the vessels estrechados, paclitaxel is administered directly to the diseased area. Bayer Schering Pharma AG is the owner of the Paccocath technology and MEDRAD Interventional develops and markets under the brand Cotavance name.

The commitment of MEDRAD forward PAD treatment shows by the beginning of randomised trials that examined the safety and performance of the product of Cotavance to treat sick above and below the knee artery. Two of these studies, EURO channel and DEFINITIVE AR (sponsored by ev3 Inc., a company Covidien, using catheters Cotavance), will start to recruit patients this summer. In addition, COPA CABANA and RIVER studies will be launched at a later date. Collectively, these studies recruit more than 640 patients in approximately 90 sites around the world. Information from these studies will expand the scientific evidence of Cotavance catheter and Paccocath technology and they should provide valuable data for the clinical community to optimal care for patients with EAP.

In addition to start trials, MEDRAD continues to advance the technology of Cotavance paclitaxel eluting balloon angioplasty catheters. MEDRAD search CE certification for the product Cotavance of next-generation innovations that include the implementation of drug dose improved, a new platform of catheter and a full range of sizes of catheter. This advanced technology will be available in Europe in the second half of 2011. The company also advances with the clinical Device Exemption (IDE) process as one of the steps to obtain approval from the FDA for the product of Cotavance in United States.

“The European approval of Cotavance catheter, preparation for its next generation product release and the start of further randomised clinical studies highlight our commitment to advancing the treatment of peripheral arterial disease, particularly while the restenosis remains a major problem for many patients”, said Jack Darby, Vice President of MEDRAD Interventional. “As a main participant in the endovascular market, MEDRAD is pleased to offer this treatment even when we are actively pursuing further innovations and trials with the product Cotavance to level world.”

MEDRAD Interventional is formed by MEDRAD, INC. and Possis Medical, two innovative pioneers in cardiology endovascular products and intervencional. Focusing on research and development of advanced technologies, MEDRAD Interventional designs, manufactures and sells devices that allow the interventionist doctors see better and treat coronary and vascular disease. Paccocath, Cotavance and Ultravist are trademarks of Bayer Schering Pharma AG and are used under license by MEDRAD, INC.


MEDRAD, INC. develops, sells and delivers medical devices used to diagnose and treat the disease. Their product offerings include fuel injection of fluids for Radiology and cardiology devices Endovascular for the safe treatment of cardiovascular disease, accessories compatible with magnetic resonance imaging and equipment services. MEDRAD has received twice the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the highest honor that an American company can receive quality and business excellence (2003-2010). The company’s global headquarters is near Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA.)(UU.). MEDRAD is a business of Bayer Medical Care.

bayer healthcare

the Bayer Group is a global company with skills key in the fields of health, nutrition and materials of high technology Bayer HealthCare, a subsidiary of Bayer AG with annual sales of 16.913 million euros (2010), is one of the leaders of the world and innovative in the industry of healthcare and medical based products in Leverkusen (Germany). The company combines the global activities of the divisions animal health, attention to the consumer, health care and pharmaceutical products. Bayer HealthCare aims to discover and manufacture products that will improve human and animal health worldwide. Bayer HealthCare has a global workforce of 55.700 employees (December 31, 2010) and is represented in over 100 countries.


(1) Cotavance is not approved or available for sale at United States.

(2) Tepe G et to the. 2008 Local delivery of paclitaxel to inhibit restenosis during angioplasty of the leg. N Engl J Med. 14; 358 (7): 689-99.

(3) Unverdorben M. et to the. 2009 Paclitaxel-Coated Balloon Catheter versus Paclitaxel-Coated Stent for the Treatment of Coronary In-Stent Restenosis. Circulation. 2009; 119: 2986-2994.

(4) B. Schaller et to the. 2008 Two year follow-up after treatment of coronary in-stent restenosis with a paclitaxel-coated balloon catheter. Clin Res Cardiol. 97 (10): 773-81.

(5) Werk, M. et to the. 2008 Inhibition of restenosis in femoropopliteal arteries: paclitaxel-coated versus uncoated balloon: femoral paclitaxel randomized pilot trial. Circulation. 23; 118 (13): 1358-65.

(6) Doubt SH, Bosiers M, Lamme J, Scheinert D, Zeller T, olive V, Tielbeek, Anderson J, Wiesinger B, Tepe G, Lansky, Jaff MR, Mudde C, H Tielemans, Beregi JP. Drug-eluting and bare nitinol stents for the treatment of atherosclerotic lesions in the superficial femoral artery: long-term results from the SIROCCO trial. J Endovasc Ther. 2006; 13: 701-710.

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Portal announces its launch at Spain.

portal announces its release in Spain.

The scientific community and industry host successfully initiative.

Barcelona, 2011-may on the occasion of the 9th International Symposium on Endovascular therapy (SITE 2011) that took place last from 4 to 7 may in Barcelona, was presented the project a web portal specializing in the diagnosis and therapeutic endovascular aiming to be a useful tool to three public to which it is addressed:

patients and their families: as an educational and informative means of vascular pathology and its treatment.

médico-hospitalaria and pharmaceutical industry: how a specialized means of communication to publish their research and developments.

medical community endovascular: as a source of support in their clinical practice with the creation of the Endovascular Forum (VSF).

given the permanent state of evolution are the Endovascular techniques, the medical community has held the initiative, to the disponerde a new multidisciplinary and global digital platform for the exchange of knowledge and clinical experience.A forum to share original clinical cases, experimental research, communications, videos and images.

physicians, also applauded the creation of a media publicity, médico-científico aimed at patients and their families, in order to have access to peer-reviewed information and quality.

numerous professionals in medicine, both national and international opinion leaders, have joined the project of the new portal web

at the same time, representatives from the industry have welcomed very positively the new means of communication specialist, that it has a multimedia unique platform for the dissemination of its research and development, new product launches, studies, records post-marketing, press releases and product workshops

as Miguel Angel Serrano, Director General of Salutaria, developer company Portal “ we have positively surprised of the reception received by the portal we think we are definitely met a need that existed in this market ”

el doctor Editorial Director of the web portal is Dr. Vicente Riambau, head of Vascular Surgery of the Institute of the chest at the Hospital Clínico of Barcelona.

publishing company is Salutaria Universal, innovative and dynamic company of recent Foundation, specializing in medical and scientific communications in the field of health digital.


the human group that collaborates in salutaria is composed by a team of professionals from different disciplines, internationally recognized physicians, creative in the field of communication and experts in international marketing of the médica-hospitalaria industry, with a unique philosophy: be useful and beneficial to the health of the people

Salutaria: from Latin adj pl.neut., which means: healthy, beneficial, healthy, that give the life or health. Salutaria remedia: remedies for health, Salutariapraecepta: rules for health.

about is a web portal specializing in the diagnosis and therapeutic endovascular.A digital platform that proposes to integrate into a single web portal, much of the information of the endovascular world in Spanish language, with the goal of being a useful multimedia tool for three distinct audiences to which it is addressed:

patients and their families: as an educational and informative means of vascular pathology and its treatment.

médico-hospitalaria and pharmaceutical industry: how a media specialized in which to publish their research and developments.

medical community endovascular: as a source of support in their clinical practice with the creation of the ENDOVASCULAR FORUM (VSF).

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Decalogue of the Spanish chapter of Phlebology to the health of the varicose veins in summer

Decalogue of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology to the health of the varicose veins in summer

the Spanish chapter of Phlebology is the scientific institution of reference in Spain to the study, exploration, diagnosis and treatment of venous disease and lymphatic.

-With the arrival of the heat appear inconvenience by varicose veins or accentuate existing.

-prevent and eliminate any inconvenience arising from varicose veins is not always possible. However, there are a few simple measures that can contribute to reduce the inconvenience and delay the onset of new varicose veins.

-the tips are applicable to life at home, stays in bathing areas or in the field, those travel long (economy class syndrome), etc.

Madrid, July of 2011. Each year with the arrival of summer, the Vascular Surgeons are increased the number of patients who come with increased symptoms of venous insufficiency, mainly, varicose veins. It is inevitable with high temperatures the vein dilate and symptoms exacerbate. There is also a tendency to accumulate fluid in the legs (edema). Thus, in the summer often there are more varicose veins, this dilation may disappear with the end of the summer, but sometimes it is permanent.

Prevent varicose veins appear is not always possible. This is due to that even controlling the risk factors, genetic influences determining. However, there are measures that can be applied easily and to help reduce the inconvenience and delay the onset of new varicose veins. Given the large number of Councils with little scientific rigour which appear at this time of year, the Spanish chapter of Phlebology (CEF) of SEACV (Spanish society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery) believed that some recommendations based on scientific evidence may help the affected population to adopt more effective measures in each case. For this reason, it presents the following Decalogue.

1. Activate your legs
spend much time standing or seated (in particular with crossed legs) should be avoided, since it predisposes to venous insufficiency. Due to gravity, these situations conducive to the stagnation of blood in the veins. It is convenient to move and take small walks throughout the day or make circular movements with its feet. In the case of long journeys by car, train or plane (economy class syndrome), stand up once and walk a few minutes to encourage venous return. In the case of travel by car, make stops every two hours and give rides for rest areas (at least for 5 minutes). It is also advisable to use compression stockings elastic, massaging ascending on the calves, circular exercises on the ankles (avoiding the thighs keeps on the seat) and do exercises lifting form alternating tips and, later, the heels of both feet.

2. Practice a proper sport
walking is more beneficial to the venous circulation exercise, provided that you practice regularly and with an appropriate footwear. The sole of the feet, irrigated by numerous veins, acts as a pump, and at each step, its crushing drives blood upwards from the ankles to the calves. Later, the contractions of the muscles of the legs favour the progression of blood to the heart. For these reasons, the practice of gymnastics, cycling, golf, dance and swimming promotes venous return. It is especially healthy walk barefoot to the shore of the sea, as the freshness of the sea exerts a vasoconstrictor action which increases the venous tone.

3. Avoid sources of heat
heat promotes venous dilatation and therefore avoid any source of heat: sunbathing in the legs, depilation with hot wax, walk on hot floors, warm baths, sauna, etc.

4. Refresh your legs
cold causes venous contraction. Showers of fresh water in the legs activate the venous function and relieve the feeling of heaviness and pain. Walking along the shore of the sea associated with physical activity and the vasoconstrictor action.

5. Avoid constipation and overweight
A diet rich in fibre, a good hydration (drinking a litre and a half or two of water per day), a limited of saturated fats (butter, meat) consumption and an adequate intake of fruits and vegetables in a rich and varied diet can combat both constipation and overweightwhich have a negative influence on varicose veins.

6. Use comfortable clothing
too beat clothing compresses veins and blocks the venous circulation of return to the heart. It is advisable to avoid the pants too tight, the bands, the belts and the socks with strong elastic. Not so with the average therapeutic elastic compression, that are used to prevent and mitigate the appearance of varicose veins.

7. Take a right heel
high-heeled shoes reduces the surface of the foot support and flat shoes her rise too far. A 2-3 cm heel is the most advisable to ensure a good venous return. Walking barefoot on the active Beach in full the ‘ bomb planting ’ favouring in this way the venous return from the feet.

8. Promotes venous return in bed
it is healthy for varicose veins, carry out, lying face up, pedal movements at bedtime. The elevation of the legs of the bed of 10 to 12 cm reduces stagnation of venous blood while sleeping.

9. Massage your legs
massages of the legs, from the foot to the thigh, according to the sense of the venous circulation, increase the speed of return venous.

10. Medications and pregnancy
should be flebotónica medication, whether it has prescribed, and it should not abandon until that happens the heat. Also, certain circumstances such as pregnancy or taking oral contraceptives may aggravate the venous problems.

A summary of these recommendations can be found on the website of the chapter Spanish of Phlebology. Likewise, the CEF is working on the development of several clinical practice guidelines in a white paper on the venous and lymphatic pathology in Spain, to help professionals and the general population to the best knowledge of this pathology.

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Tips to prevent problems of circulation in summer.

Tips to prevent problems of circulation in summer

Spain, 2011-August with the arrival of the heat circulation problems increases due to the vasodilatory effect of high temperatures on the veins. The most common symptoms of what is popularly known as “ poor circulation ” are: feeling of heaviness in the legs, fatigue, swelling, tingling and cramps.

The circulatory problems are strongly linked to the genetic factor, but carry an unhealthy lifestyle can improve your appearance. Smoking, excess cholesterol, obesity or sedentary lifestyle are direct causes of this annoying ailment.

option medical clinics in plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, advanced and the treatment of obesity gives you the keys to prevent circulatory problems and ease their symptoms in summer:

-Seeks to not standing or sitting or during many hours followed.

– avoiding too much sun. Protects your legs with a sarong, e.g.

– monitors your food: moderating the consumption of coffee, alcohol, salt and saturated fat. It aims to be your diet never missing antioxidant effect foods such as tomatoes or carrots and polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as oily fish and nuts; they will help the blood to be more fluid and will decrease the risk of

-Drink at least two liters of water a day.

-to alleviate the inconvenience and encourage the circulation of the blood test to sleep with her legs in high placing you a pillow beneath these.

-No abuses of the heels or the tight clothing.

– ends the shower using you jets of cold and warm water in the legs. If you also accompanied it with a massage, you estimularás the movement and feel a relief of symptoms.

preassure therapy, an effective medical option to combat poor circulation

today, the advanced aesthetic medicine puts at our disposal numerous treatments that offer an effective solution to this awkward problem. The preassure therapy helps to eliminate fluid retention and to activate the blood circulation through mechanical massage make a lymphatic drainage. This is a technique especially recommended to treat the edematous cellulite and tired legs. Through the preassure therapy, lymphatic and venous drainage of treated areas we managed mechanically. It is a very useful treatment in oedematous cellulite, tired legs and/or problems of venous return.

Pressotherapy session lasting about 45 minutes and you are advised to perform weekly.

Recommended retail price: 1 session € 40
5 bonus sessions 141€

on option medical

clinics option medical, specialized in plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine, advanced and the treatment of obesity, are born at the end of the year 2009 with the goal of providing a service of high quality care medicinesafe and experienced in the doctor-patient relationship is the cornerstone. Currently has three clinics located in Barcelona (Terrassa, Mataró and l ’ Hospitalet de Llobregat) equipped with the technology more Cap sector and especially designed to offer the patient maximum comfort, effectiveness and security.

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How to measure child pain after an operation?

How to measure the child after an operation pain?

the study is published in ‘ annals of Pediatrics ’.

it is difficult to know the degree of suffering of a child that still does not speak after a surgical intervention. Researchers at the Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid) have validated the scale ‘ tears ’, the first and only tool in Castilian that measures the inconvenience of minors of fast and simple.

Spain, 2011-April “ the lack of appropriate tools prevents medical personnel know if children in pre-verbal age, who cannot talk to tell us how much it hurts the surgical wound, is treated appropriately ”, tells SINC Francisco Reinoso, lead author of the study and section chief of Pediatric anesthesia of Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid).

in order to alleviate this shortage, the researchers have been validated the first and only Spanish-language scale for measuring pain in children under the age of three years. With this tool, called ‘ tears ’ (an acronym for crying, attitude, normorrespiración, postural tone and facial observation), toilets can identify children who have pain acute after an operation, in which intensity is suffering and check whether the used treatment is effective.

to date, had measured pain in children who spoke and responded to the same scales used in adults. “ there are some studies conducted with younger children, but with instruments Anglo-Saxon, not always validated in Spanish, as the CHEOPS scale ”, points Reinoso.

the work, published in annals of Pediatrics, was carried out in 54 children aged between one month and six – after that age, children know to explain the inconvenience faced by – that had been surgically operated in Hospital Universitario La Paz and who were in the unit of recovery Posanestésica.

health three – a pediatric anesthesiologist, a resident and a nurse – they were responsible for observing children and measured its rate of crying, psychological attitude, breathing pattern, motor tone and facial expression. The registration was carried out before and after providing postoperative analgesic treatment, which coincides with the moments of greater and lesser pain.

results in 20 seconds.

experts scored simultaneously two types of scores: crying and CHEOPS. To ensure that the records were independent, used three leaves, so that no observer could see scores of others. The results show that the correlation between the scales is very significant.

“ the main novelty of tears lies in that for the first time the Spanish-speaking workforce that attends to children under six years can use a simple, concise and accurate scale that allows you to assess pain without searching translations from Anglo-Saxon scales, whose concepts are not always conveniently adapted ”, ensures Reinoso.

also allows you to enter factors associated with clinical methodology local. “ for example, Spanish nurses prefer to measure the rate of breathing through observation rather than measure the heart rate by monitoring, such as the Anglo-Saxon ”, added the doctor.

among the advantages of this scale is that you don’t have any electronic device for the collection of data. Measurement does not disturb the patient and only lasts between 20 and 40 seconds.

However, the authors also point limitations, as the influence of other factors in acute postoperative pain. Cold, hunger, the strange environment and pharmacological interactions can cause agitation after anesthesia general.

the scale is not effective against chronic pain and its application in patients with lung disease or cerebral palsy is complicated. Despite these limitations, crying has been applied to more than 35,000 children in Hospital Universitario La Paz, and this study confirms his reliability.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips