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CHANGE PAIN begins its course PAIN in musculoskeletal pain.

CHANGE PAIN begins its course PAIN in musculoskeletal pain.

-the courses PAIN in musculoskeletal pain, whose objective is to offer participants training to refine the approach of this kind of pain, thus improving the care of these patients, is aimed at specialists in Traumatology, rheumatology, rehabilitation, primary care and Geriatrics

-these coursesthey will be taught in more than 40 sessions distributed throughout Spain between April and September, noted for its high content of scientific and practical

-attending physicians who pass the evaluation test, will get seven credits granted by the Committee on continuing medical education, Ministry of health and policyTICA Social

Madrid, April of 2011- CHANGE PAIN campaign launched since last Wednesday a new training tool: courses PAIN in musculoskeletal pain. The objective of this initiative, carried out through the PAIN EDUCATION program, is offering training for attendees to refine the approach of this kind of pain and to offer better care to their patients. These courses will offer more than 40 sessions spread throughout the country between April and September 2011, and will be taught by physicians for pain units and specialists in Traumatology, rheumatology, rehabilitation, primary care and Geriatrics.

The PAIN courses stand out for its high scientific and practical content as well as by its methodology, which promotes a great interactivity between trainers and participants. Attending physicians who pass the evaluation test will get seven credits granted by the Commission of continuing medical training of the Ministry of health and Social policy. The first course is today held in Logroño, followed by others in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla and Oviedo. Between April and September will be 40 meetings in more than 20 different locations in Spain, with an expected around attendance of 1,500 healthcare professionals.

Each meeting will feature two speakers: the first will be the generalities of pain with relevant clinical cases and the second will address the more specific part of the specialist assistants, also including appropriate clinical cases.

The courses are given in days six hours that will foster the interactivity between trainers and participants through dynamic exchange of information and the resolution of clinical cases. Once completed the residential course, participants must complete their training through a time of individual educational work with the support of a CD in pain that will be delivered to the end of the day.

In addition to the training course in musculoskeletal pain, the PAIN EDUCATION program has already done eight of the twelve PAIN courses in neuropathic pain expected. This seminar is aimed at those physicians wishing to enhance their knowledge in this kind of pain, character and complex treatment. In addition, be convened in October, a new session of ongoing PAIN in er aimed at professionals who perform health care activity in the hospital emergency room, where the prevalence of pain in patients is high (60%) (1).

PAIN EDUCATION agenda also features on-line training courses. In this sense, in February, CHANGE PAIN launched an ambitious plan for training in pain which offer eight modules individually accredited by the Commission of continuing medical training of the Ministry of health and Social policy. This training course will be available free of charge during 2011 and 2012.

On the CHANGE campaign of PAIN

CHANGE PAIN is an international campaign supported by EFIC (European Federation of international associations for the study of pain) and thirst (Spanish society of pain) and implemented in Spain by the SinDOLOR platform.

He was born with the objective of raising the health community on medical needs not covered in the treatment of severe chronic pain and develop solutions to improve the quality of life of patients.

CHANGE PAIN develops through three fundamental pillars: the training of health professionals to promote the correct approach to pain, the research as a way of advancing the knowledge and the dissemination and publication of knowledge and results of such investigations.

About platform SinDOLOR

The SinDOLOR platform is an initiative launched in October 2008 by FUINSA (Foundation for health research) and the Grünenthal Foundation, with the aim of improving care to the patient with pain and their families. The SinDOLOR platform aims to raise awareness of health structures and society on the importance of pain for those who suffers from, coordinating actions of support and encouragement for the implementation of initiatives to improve the current situation.


(1) Mariné M, R. Molina, Neira M, Sánchez-Magro I (GEMUHC Group). Acute pain management in emergency unit. II Mediterranean Emergency Congress; 2003 Sep 13-17; Sitges, Spain.

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Grünenthal and SEDISA join forces against the pain.

Grünenthal and SEDISA join forces against the pain.

-Grünenthal Pharma and the Spanish society of health directors sign a collaboration agreement to promote the proper management of pain in the Spanish health system

– in a first phase will organize workshops on the management of pain and biomedical innovation within the framework of the 17th National Congress of hospitals

Madrid, 2011-March Grünenthal Pharma S.A. and the Spanish society of health management (SEDISA) have signed a collaboration agreement to promote the proper management of pain in the Spanish health care system and raising the awareness of society about this disease. The Alliance between the laboratory and the Group of professionals dedicated to the management of health will allow to organize a workshop on the “ management of pain in health centres ” and other on “ hospital biomedical research, economic dynamism, and progress ”, in the next National Congress of hospitals to be held between April 27-29.

During the ceremony of the signing of the agreement, representatives of both organizations have highlighted the importance of this Alliance. “ Our priority is to improve the health and quality of life of patients suffering from pain. And this goal can only be achieved her if we count with the collaboration and experience of those professionals who in the same way, ensuring the well-being of the population ”, assured William Castle, CEO of Grünenthal Iberia

“ in this sense, SEDISA represents a landmark in the integration of professionals dedicated to the management and offers a path to an important collective responsible for optimizing the resources for the proper functioning of hospitals ”, has been secured. Thanks to our experience in the treatment of pain, will provide useful tools for the most appropriate decision-making in hospital management, members of SEDISA ” has highlighted Castle.

For its part, Joaquín Estévez, President of SEDISA, wanted to highlight the importance of this agreement to combat the pain. “ We have the knowledge and means to avoid that people suffer from pain, but sometimes we forget to put the patient at the Centre of our attention. To do so, must receive the members of the World Health – clinicians, managers, business – as allies, not parties in a relationship for the sale. The agreement between Grünenthal, one of the pioneers and leaders in the field of pain, and SEDISA will help to restore the focus on the patient ”.

In the same vein, Lourdes Gonzalez, Manager of SEDISA has explained that “ Grünenthal will bring their experience and knowledge in the promotion of training activities on the treatment of pain and its approach ”. The first activities promoted by this collaboration be carried out within the framework of the 17TH National Congress of hospitals which will take place over the next days 27-29 April. Under the title “ Integral management of pain in health centres ”, speakers of high prestige in the field of pain, such as the doctors Rafael Galvez, head of the unit of pain and care palliative of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves (Granada), and José María Muñoz and Ramón, head of the unity of the pain of the Hospital Universitario la Paz and project director “ Hospital without pain ”, will offer his views on the need for a correct treatment, as well as the necessary measures to implement it.

from left to right: William Castle, CEO of Grünenthal Iberia and Joaquín Estévez, President of SEDISA.

Also, Castillo announced Grünenthal and SEDISA collaborate through a second workshop entitled “ hospital biomedical research, economic dynamism, and progress ”.

Later, this Convention has agreed to organize a regional Conference to address topics of interest according to the needs detected among the members of SEDISA. “ This agreement ”, completed Castle, “ Grünenthal continues commitment to working together and encouraging all those projects that contribute to improving the quality of life of patients with pain, in line with the interests and needs of the companies related to the health ”.

Caption (from left to right): Guillermo Castillo, director general of Grünenthal Iberia and Joaquín Estévez, President of SEDISA.

About Grünenthal

Grünenthal is a pharmaceutical company regarding worldwide in the treatment of pain, both for patients and for doctors and health managers. Innovation is one of its fundamental principles and one of the keys to be leaders in the global market for moderate to severe pain. Grünenthal is an independent German company family-owned, with offices in 35 countries around the world. Founded in 1946, Grünenthal has 512 employees in the region of Iberia and approximately 4,900 at the global level. In 2009 the global sales figures reached the 881 million euros.


SEDISA is an Association of private and non-profit-making, with legal personality independent of its members and itself, and with full legal capacity to administer and dispose of their assets and serve the purposes proposed. Purposes of SEDISA consist of the implementation of many activities contribute to the promotion, development, protection and defence of the health services in general and particularly the study and development of health management and leadership functions, as well as representation, management and defence of the professional interests of its members.

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The jury of the II edition of the awards for journalism platform SinDOLOR unveils the 15 best journalistic works on pain.

the jury of the II edition of the awards for journalism platform SinDOLOR unveils the 15 best works news on pain.

II Edition prizes of journalism platform SinDOLOR.

-journalistic works finalists addresses different themes on pain, from its impact on the quality of life of who is suffering to the latest advances in their approach.

the jury, formed by prominent personalities in the field of patients, professionals of the medicine and journalism, has valued the rigour, the lengu aje, creativity and the social work presented.

Madrid, March of 2011- the jury of the II edition of the awards for journalism platform SinDOLOR has released work 15 finalists of this second edition of the awards that summons the platform SinDOLOR.

the jury said that each of these works has been able to capture with rigour, appropriate social character and original form language, different themes of pain, since its impact on the quality of life of who is suffering to the latest advances in their approach. Also, the jury has highlighted the high turnout in this second edition and the high quality of the submitted works.

award ceremony of awards.

the names of the three winners of the II edition of the awards for journalism platform SinDOLOR, with a crew of 5,000 € a commemorative sculpture for the best article or story presented in each of the three categories of the contest: General media, audiovisual media and specialized press, will be announced at a gala to be held on May 5 in the headquarters of the Madrid Press Association.

members of the jurado:

Dr. D. Alberto Camba, Chairman of the SED (Spanish society of pain); DRA. Mrs. Ana Pastor, Vice President of the semFYC (Spanish society of family and community medicine); DRA. Ms. Dolors Navarro, Vice President of the Spanish Forum of patients; D. Francisco Cañizares, President ANIS (National Association of health information); D. José Manuel González Huesa, CEO of Servimedia; Mr. Norberto Villarrasa, director of the Grünenthal Foundation; Dr. D. Anton Herreros, director of FUINSA (Foundation for health research).

about platform SinDOLOR.

the platform SinDOLOR is an initiative launched in October 2008 by FUINSA (Foundation for health research) and the Grünenthal Foundation with the aim of improving care to the patient with pain and their families. The SinDOLOR platform aims to raise awareness of health structures and society on the importance of pain for those who suffers from, coordinating actions of training, research and patient care initiatives to improve the current situation.

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DMR, the anesthetic revolution compromised with the environment.

DMR, the anesthetic revolution compromised with the environment.

-this software allows the optimization of anesthesia machines, obtaining the minimum consumption of anaesthetic gases, with the resulting cost savings and environmental.

-its implantation in anesthesia rooms allows to achieve a 90% savings in the consumption of oxygen in operating room.

– eliminates the toxic contamination of operating and ensures minimum environmental pollution caused by halogenated anesthetics discharges to the atmosphere

Barcelona, March of 2011- the DMR software is the latest revolution in the halls of anesthesia, a patented method that allows the optimization of the machines of anesthesia, obtaining the minimum consumption of anaesthetic gases and the consequent economic savings and environmental.

the anaesthetic gases are small amounts of volatile anesthetic gases coming out of the circuit of anesthesia of the patient to the air in the operating room during the administration of anesthesia.

a variety of hospital staff (anesthesiologists, surgical nurses, surgeons, etc.) is exposed to inhalation of these gases, in the event that the operating rooms do not have gas extraction systems. The effects of exposure to high concentrations are sore head, irritability, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, diseases of liver and kidneys, reasoning and coordination difficulties …

distributed by the company ApplitecOptimizing, the software was created by the prestigious anesthesiologist Dr. Jaume Mas, expert in mechanical ventilation in Anesthesia and intensive care from 1960 until 2011 and also expert in anesthesia circuits closed from 1957 until the present day, providing annual training courses at the Academy of medical sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands through the partnership Catalan of Anesthesiology, resuscitation and pain treatment (S.C.A.R.D.).

maximum optimization.

DMR includes the patented method M.A.A.S (Minimalflow self AnaesthesiaSystem), which allows the optimization of the machines of anesthesia in the sense of getting the minimum consumption of anaesthetic gases. The system of minimum flows provides, allows to obtain a savings in the consumption of anaesthetic gases in the order of 85% compared to the system of high flows (open circuit) used regularly. Number of studies guarantee savings in high flows (open circuit) exceeding 25 EUR per hour, while minimum flows (closed circuit) Gets a close to five euros/hour saving.

in addition, the introduction of the DMR software in the halls of anesthesia allows get a 90% savings in the consumption of oxygen in the operating room, the abolition of the use of protóxico nitrogen and its associated facilities, in addition to a considerable reduction in the use of intravenous drugs (analgesics)(, relaxing, etc.).

obtained the connection, DMR information provided following the anesthesiologist during the anaesthetic: ventilation to each patient, correction of the changes that occur during the operative event, calculation of continuous alveolar ventilation (on-line), respiratory quotient and control of respiratory spareconsumption/min, the constant faith CO2 stabilisation of O2, providing minimum volatile anesthetic to keep the fMAC to the concentration proposed by the anesthesiologist and calculate the time of induction anesthetic.

the program also calculates the efficiency and effectiveness of the model of anesthesia inhalation used, indicating the deviations as a percentage of these parameters constantly. In addition, reports the cost /m according to the method and used anesthetic and the final cost of the anesthesia.

commitment to the environment.

according to a recent joint study by the University of Copenhagen and NASA, the anaesthetic gases used by doctors and dentists in medical procedures have a strong environmental impact. This work indicates that a kilo of anesthetic gas can affect the environment in the same way as 1,620 kilograms of CO2. It is estimated that the annual amount of anesthetic gas released into the atmosphere has the same impact as the one million cars. CO2 emissions

environmental benefits which DMR allows to obtain are, among others, the Elimination of toxic operating pollution (including the law on prevention of labour risks) and ensure minimal contamination me-dioambiental caused by halogenated anesthetics discharges to the atmosphere.

the program is in the line of multiple actions, all oriented to minimize climate change. Nitrous oxide nitrogen and halogenated volatile anaesthetics are destroyers of the ozone layer and have greenhouse. The volatile anaesthetics represent about 1% of the total of chlorofluorocarbons discharges into the atmosphere, according to countries, and the software DMR contributes to the total decrease of contamination of the surgical areas. Also allows working minimum flows with the maximum safety to maintain temperature at 30 degrees and the humidity 80% in the anaesthetic circuit without heaters and humidifiers external.

If we add to that provided for the use of Xenon, very little anesthetic gas and high cost optimization seems as something essential and software using DMR to minimum flows is therefore a great opportunity highly recommended.

the trend in more advanced countries is the use techniques of minimum and minimum flows, so most manufacturers offer machines which, by their design, are perfectly suited for this type of flow. Anesthesia workstations meet all the requirements of monitoring for safe use of general anesthesia with minimal flow techniques, so the lack of monitoring is no longer an excuse to implement them.

about ApplitecOptimizing.

ApplitecOptimizing it is constituted and acts as a network of highly specialized, integrated business and technology, consultants organized using a specific methodology of integration, allowing multiply their respective added value. Our goals is the optimization of all processes (production, logistics, SupplyChain, …) in companies in different areas, looking also for reduction in all types of costs in such enterprises (economic and environmental costs).

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Change Pain study: Doctors and patients, together against pain.

Change Pain study: doctors and patients, together against the pain

-CHANGE PAIN launches two studies, one directed to doctors and other patients in order to increase awareness about the severe chronic pain, as well as strengthen the doctor-patient communication

-The initiative, which also occurs in other countries of Europe, will also enable review its approach to differences between the different European professionals

-the collection of information through surveys to both groups, can make a donation to the City Foundation NGO of hope and joyfor the training and recruitment of specialized staff in the hospital COHAJ (City of Hope and Joy Foundation) in Kameswaran (India)

Madrid, February 2011- international campaign CHANGE PAIN, whose aim is to improve the care of patients with chronic pain, has launched in Spain two studies in order to increase awareness about the severe chronic pain. The first is aimed at physicians and is intended to gather information on the differences in the approach of severe chronic pain among various Spanish medical specialties.

For its part, the second study, aimed at patients, will collect information about the perception they have about their pain, their real needs and if they are satisfied with the treatment they receive. The information provided by patients will contribute to the health professional to meet your expectations and needs, and in some cases, improvements in the doctor-patient communication.

Studies carried out by two surveys carried out in two separate groups and, in the case of directed to doctors, is now available on the page. In early March will begin the survey patients by means of a questionnaire provided by your own doctor.

The initiative, which develops also in other countries of Europe, trusts that the results of both studies also serve to increase knowledge of severe chronic pain and consider its approach differences between different European health care professionals.

Severe chronic pain in Spain and in the rest of the world is sometimes infratratado and his approach is not always the most appropriate. In this sense, one of the studies addressed crucial issues such as the different treatments and perceptions pose a number of relevant questions about the criteria that follow in diagnosing and treating this disease to health professionals.

In addition to contributing to the development of the knowledge and treatment of this disease, participants will also collaborate with a noble cause. CHANGE PAIN will make a donation to the NGO Foundation city of hope and joy, designed to train and recruit staff specialized in the hospital COHAJ (City of Hope and Joy Foundation) of Kameswarn (India), terribly affected by the Tsunami.

The results of both studies will be published soon here.


CHANGE PAIN is an international campaign supported by EFIC (European Federation of international associations for the study of pain) and thirst (Spanish society of pain) and implemented in Spain by the SinDOLOR platform.

He was born with the objective of raising the health community on medical needs not covered in the treatment of severe chronic pain and develop solutions to improve the quality of life of patients.

CHANGE PAIN develops through three fundamental pillars: the training of health professionals to promote the correct approach to pain, the research as a way of advancing the knowledge, as well as dissemination and publication of the knowledge and results of such investigations.

About City Foundation of hope and joy

The City Foundation of hope and joy, founded on 25 May 2001, is an organization non-profit who was born with the objective of helping the most needy. Characterized by its commitment with the people who suffer, trying to transform poverty into self-sufficiency, providing the possibility of being architects of their own destiny. The work is divided into two types of services: basic multi-purpose character, directed to all citizens and groups, and specific services aimed at specific target groups and sectors depending on their problems and needs. The City Foundation of hope and joy, started in international cooperation projects in the year 2001. On the other hand, it is working actively with local counterparts in Guinea, India, El Salvador, Argentina and Ecuador, education and health projects.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips