CHANGE PAIN begins its course PAIN in musculoskeletal pain.
CHANGE PAIN begins its course PAIN in musculoskeletal pain.
-the courses PAIN in musculoskeletal pain, whose objective is to offer participants training to refine the approach of this kind of pain, thus improving the care of these patients, is aimed at specialists in Traumatology, rheumatology, rehabilitation, primary care and Geriatrics
-these coursesthey will be taught in more than 40 sessions distributed throughout Spain between April and September, noted for its high content of scientific and practical
-attending physicians who pass the evaluation test, will get seven credits granted by the Committee on continuing medical education, Ministry of health and policyTICA Social
Madrid, April of 2011- CHANGE PAIN campaign launched since last Wednesday a new training tool: courses PAIN in musculoskeletal pain. The objective of this initiative, carried out through the PAIN EDUCATION program, is offering training for attendees to refine the approach of this kind of pain and to offer better care to their patients. These courses will offer more than 40 sessions spread throughout the country between April and September 2011, and will be taught by physicians for pain units and specialists in Traumatology, rheumatology, rehabilitation, primary care and Geriatrics.
The PAIN courses stand out for its high scientific and practical content as well as by its methodology, which promotes a great interactivity between trainers and participants. Attending physicians who pass the evaluation test will get seven credits granted by the Commission of continuing medical training of the Ministry of health and Social policy. The first course is today held in Logroño, followed by others in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Sevilla and Oviedo. Between April and September will be 40 meetings in more than 20 different locations in Spain, with an expected around attendance of 1,500 healthcare professionals.
Each meeting will feature two speakers: the first will be the generalities of pain with relevant clinical cases and the second will address the more specific part of the specialist assistants, also including appropriate clinical cases.
The courses are given in days six hours that will foster the interactivity between trainers and participants through dynamic exchange of information and the resolution of clinical cases. Once completed the residential course, participants must complete their training through a time of individual educational work with the support of a CD in pain that will be delivered to the end of the day.
In addition to the training course in musculoskeletal pain, the PAIN EDUCATION program has already done eight of the twelve PAIN courses in neuropathic pain expected. This seminar is aimed at those physicians wishing to enhance their knowledge in this kind of pain, character and complex treatment. In addition, be convened in October, a new session of ongoing PAIN in er aimed at professionals who perform health care activity in the hospital emergency room, where the prevalence of pain in patients is high (60%) (1).
PAIN EDUCATION agenda also features on-line training courses. In this sense, in February, CHANGE PAIN launched an ambitious plan for training in pain which offer eight modules individually accredited by the Commission of continuing medical training of the Ministry of health and Social policy. This training course will be available free of charge during 2011 and 2012.
On the CHANGE campaign of PAIN
CHANGE PAIN is an international campaign supported by EFIC (European Federation of international associations for the study of pain) and thirst (Spanish society of pain) and implemented in Spain by the SinDOLOR platform.
He was born with the objective of raising the health community on medical needs not covered in the treatment of severe chronic pain and develop solutions to improve the quality of life of patients.
CHANGE PAIN develops through three fundamental pillars: the training of health professionals to promote the correct approach to pain, the research as a way of advancing the knowledge and the dissemination and publication of knowledge and results of such investigations.
About platform SinDOLOR
The SinDOLOR platform is an initiative launched in October 2008 by FUINSA (Foundation for health research) and the Grünenthal Foundation, with the aim of improving care to the patient with pain and their families. The SinDOLOR platform aims to raise awareness of health structures and society on the importance of pain for those who suffers from, coordinating actions of support and encouragement for the implementation of initiatives to improve the current situation.
(1) Mariné M, R. Molina, Neira M, Sánchez-Magro I (GEMUHC Group). Acute pain management in emergency unit. II Mediterranean Emergency Congress; 2003 Sep 13-17; Sitges, Spain.
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