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Grünenthal Foundation and the extraordinary Chair of the pain of the University of Salamanca call Award for research in pain 2011

the extraordinary Chair of the pain of the University of Salamanca and la Fundación Grünenthal call Award for research in pain 2011

-The scientific work on pain resulting winner will get a prize of € 6,000

-applications may be submitted by the authors, both by people not associated with the work until 1 December

Madrid, July of 2011- the Foundation Grünenthal, in collaboration with the Chair special of the pain Foundation Grünenthal of the University of Salamanca, announces the award to the “ research in pain 2011 ”.

The best work on the pain will be rewarded with 6,000 euros. Seeks to thus recognize and promote scientific research related to the field of pain, both epidemiological and experimental, pharmacological or clinical.

All original and independent works that have been published in scientific journals from January 1 until December 1, 2011, may submit to this award. The work may be submitted by the authors themselves, as well as people who have not participated in the elaboration of the same.

Interested candidates must submit the work to the following address with the ID of the publication required:

Foundation Grünenthal
c / Dr. Zamenhof, no. 36
Madrid 28027,

or by e-mail to:

The deadline for submission of these trials will be open until 1 December 2011.

The jury of the award to the “ research in pain 2011 ” will be formed by the rector of the University of Salamanca, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Grünenthal Foundation, the director of the extraordinary Chair of pain “ Foundation Grünenthal ” of the University of Salamanca, as well as representatives of the Spanish society of pain (SED)the Spanish Rheumatology society (be) and the Sociedad Española de Oncología Médica.

The most innovative and interesting works can be collected and published by Grünenthal Foundation.

To check the basis or more information about this call, can be contacted at the following web pages:

on the Grünenthal Foundation

La Fundación Grünenthal is a private non-profit, with full capacity for work and own resources. With its motto “ live without pain, better ”, the Foundation defines his dedication to training, dissemination of scientific knowledge, collaboration with scientific societies and research support. These activities are carried out mainly in the fields of pain and palliative medicine and neurodegenerative diseases.

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The relevance of the control of the cell death and the role of a gene in the battle against cancer.

the relevance of the control of the ‘ death ’ cell and the role of a gene in the battle against cancer.

It is published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.

-The discovery represents a new breakthrough in knowledge of tumoral transformation and may have applications at the level of diagnosis and treatment.

Barcelona, July 2009.- The research group in pathological anatomy of the Institut de Recerca of l ’ Hospital Universitari Vall d ’ D’hebron of Barcelona has studied the role of the RSK4 as a possible tumor suppressor gene. The result of testing, in vitro, ratify the properties of the RSK4 gene to curb the growth of some types of cancer. Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal, responsible for this research, explains that the RSK4 get this surprising result “ inducing cells to limit their proliferation in renal tumors and colon ” details and findings of the research are published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research.

The cell as a suppressor of tumors mechanism senescence

Senescence is defined as the process by which a cell ceases to multiply and divide to move to a vegetative state or inactivity, which loses its proliferative ability. Therefore, the cells “ normal ” have a limited life and “ turn off ” when entering senescence. However, in the case of the tumor cells this process does not occur by what their proliferation does not cease. This “ immortality ” characterized the cancer cells are determined by an uncontrolled growth of tumors. Given that exceed the senescence is one of the basic initial requirements so that there is a malignant cell transformation, analyse the mechanisms which modulate the senescence can help develop more effective therapies against cancer.

RSK4 gen: an enemy of cancer

Previous studies on the cellular procedures involved in the early stages of the transformation of many solid tumors have identified several genes whose loss of functionality has been associated with cellular immortality or an induction delayed senescence. One of these genes is the RSK4 which, as noted above, is less active in a high percentage of renal tumors and colon. Researchers at the Institut de Recerca of l ’ Hospital Universitari Vall d ’ Hebron increased, through in-vitro tests, (activity) expression of RSK4 gene in colon carcinoma cell lines and noted that the presence of the RSK4 induced cellular senescence, thus slowing the growth of tumors. “ To the overexpress this gene test as very aggressive tumours stopped ”, assures us of the DRA. Gemma Armengol.

The next step

In the words of Dr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal, from the results obtained in the research, the aim is to “ study how it regulates the RSK4 and find a way of sobreactivarlo on tumor cells to induce them to senescence and stop proliferation ”. On the other hand, we need to get move in vitro results to real patients. With regard to possible applications of the discovery, Laura López, author of the doctoral thesis of which is a part of this study, explains that “ may be a marker forecast and serve at the level of diagnosis, to determine how to evolve a tumor ”.

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The Spanish society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology, committed to the ongoing training in the clinical laboratory.

the Spanish society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology, committed to the ongoing training in the laboratory clinical.

Each year, renewed up to 10 percent of knowledge in the area of the laboratory clinical

-scientific advances in analytical methodology and diagnostic procedures, in instrumental techniques, robotics or information systems lead to the clinical laboratory specialists should update its content constantly.

-distance training programme has registered 900, proof of the interest of professionals to the day.

-present courses of the SEQC gather more than 500 specialists in their activities.

-the virtual classroom is a step forward to provide updates to the specialist from their own workplace, saving time and energy to this supposed.

– society distance education programs are they are subjects as the ‘ validation of analytical reports ’, ‘ biochemical study of the perimenopause and menopause ’ or ‘ criteria for the realization of the Leukocyte formula manual ’.

-molecular biology and genetics, as well as new tumor markers or the development of information systems and telemedicine as a tool in the management information, are some of the key areas in the training of such specialists in the future.

Madrid, March 2010.- The evolution in the laboratory is the result of advances in research and in the Diagnostics industry. Thus, progress being made in speeding up reaction times to make the diagnosis of the patients as quickly as possible. Also, there is an evolution in the improvement of the technical precision of determinations and in increasing the reliability of the results of the laboratory. Other areas which perceives this remarkable progress are determinations at the bedside of the sick, in the use of ICT in the planning of the work and its communication with the medical analysis applicant.

For this reason, the Education Committee of the Spanish society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology (SEQC) continues with its commitment for the training in the area of clinical laboratory. Thus, it is currently carrying out its tenth third programme of distance training, which has registered 900.

The program consists of nine modules covering topics as the ‘ diagnosis of autosomal dominant hipercolesterolemias ’, ‘ HIV and laboratory ’ or ‘ pharmacological monitoring of immunosuppression ’. Other subjects covered include ‘ parathyroid hormone. Molecular forms and diagnostic utility ’, ‘ criteria for the implementation of the manual leukocyte formula ’ or ‘ C-reactive protein and cardiovascular disease ’.

Also, other subjects are taught as ‘ biochemical study of menopause and perimenopause the ’, ‘ diagnostic measurements fetal DNA in maternal blood: utility and clinical applications in developing ’ and ‘ validation of analytical reports ’.

This continuing distance education programs are accredited with 4.7 credits and have several advantages, such as self-assessment and the obtaining of a diploma at the end.

“ The SEQC has a long tradition of training since the beginning of its activity and currently devotes great effort to this ”, highlights the DRA. M. Carme Villá Blasco, President of the Education Committee of the society, who highlights the continuing distance in the clinical laboratory education program. “ It – explains – represents the practical application of scientific discoveries and is a very broad area, where specialization is increasingly ”.

The expert indicates that “ this profession requires a constant effort of training to maintain professional competence it is estimated that ten percent of knowledge are renewed, extend or technologically change every year ”. And is that scientific advances in methodology and diagnostic procedures, in instrumental techniques, robotics or information systems “ cause clinical laboratory practitioners must constantly update their content ”. Great participation in these programmes demonstrates the interest of professionals to the day.

As for the future, the expert maintains that the breadth of knowledge in the clinical laboratory requires professionals a dedication. For example, cited some issues that must be taken into account, such as “ molecular biology and genetics, not forgetting the new tumor markers or the development of information systems and telemedicine as tools in the management of the information ”.

In addition to this line to encourage the formation, the Spanish society of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology has underway several courses of quality of the samples in the preanalítica phase, to be held in different Spanish cities. Also programmed a course on governance in the annual clinical laboratory and others on the management of waste, in an attempt to cover all areas of the analytic process: from the preparation of the patient and obtaining the sample until the final report of the results, as well as the correct management of waste. Face-to-face courses bring together more than 500 specialists in their activities.


On the other hand, and of great interest are the seminars of the virtual classroom. Were made during 2009 attended half of 60 points of connection with an average of five participants point of connection.

For this year, next March 25 will start the new cycle of the virtual classroom with the theme of “ prevention of colon cancer and straight ”. Followed by this, on April 21 will take place which is entitled “ clinical value of determination of serum light chain ”. And on 26 the training seminar will be based in “ HE4 A new marker of interest in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer ”. To continue the training programme of this year will take place in the third quarter a meeting on “ assessment of the patient anemic. Current aspects of the study of erythropoiesis. All developed by specialists of the first order of our country

“ Finally, it should not be forgotten – highlights the head of the Education Committee of the SEQC – training is carried out through conferences and scientific meetings where they are exposed and discussed the scientific advances and where delves into the technical innovations ”.


The Spanish society of Clinical Biochemistry and pathology Molecular (SEQC) – founded in 1976, currently includes around 2,000 professionals and main aims to bring together all scientists interested in the clinical laboratory field, promote the dissemination of scientific and technical publicationsorganize meetings, courses and conferences on national and international levels and co-operate with other scientific societies. Also, the society wants to contribute to study and recommend standardised methods and to establish guidelines and recommendations for training in the field of Clinical Biochemistry and Molecular Pathology.

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Sclerotherapy techniques remove varicose veins from 1 inch thick without surgery.

Sclerotherapy techniques remove varicose veins from 1 inch thick without surgery.

When leg veins are unable to return to the heart all the blood that comes at the right pace, there is a loss of blood velocity and stagnation. This anomaly is known as venous insufficiency and is manifested by symptoms such as aching legs, tingling, cramps, varicose veins, swelling, heaviness, spider veins or varicose ulcers. If venous insufficiency is not treated, can lead to serious problems such as ulcers (large varices), eczema (small veins), pigmentation flebostática (ponding Hb) and venous thrombosis and phlebitis.
The transparency of the skin causes the dilation of the capillaries and varicose veins become very visible. The emergence of these “paths” vein, usually affecting face, legs and hands, produces a result unsightly. The patient does not feel comfortable with their appearance and tend to disguise or hide the affected areas, which affects a change in social habits, limiting outdoor activities, use clothing to hide injuries and corrective makeup can not always fulfill its function, and so on.

Depending on the type of varicose veins, there are different methods of treatment:
Sclerotherapy is a technique of removing varicose veins or excess fluid causing this type of vascular injury without surgery.
This is a technique used to treat dilated capillaries and varicose veins emerging as a preventive, or once have appeared. The treatment consists of a mild infiltration of the affected vessel chemistry that causes their disappearance. This achieves that the flow is diverted to a healthy vessel and restore normal flow.
With the help of a magnifying glass hypodermic mircrojeringas adequate and is inserted on the skin taut needle bevel to 45 degrees in the vein to inject small doses of a chemical

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The Hospital of the South East gets first ISO certification for one of their services.

the Hospital of the South-East gets first certification ISO for one of its services.

-Pathological anatomy of the Hospital’s Southeast section has achieved the ISO 9001 quality certification. This is the first such recognition granted to one of the services of the Centre of Arganda del Rey. The objective of its professionals is the become a benchmark for quality and service to the patient.

Madrid, may of 2010- the pursuit of excellence and the quality of service to the patient by professionals from the Hospital in the Southeast has had their first reward. They have only been two years since the centre opened its doors to its reference population for one of its sections has achieved recognition for its high standards of quality and efficiency.

In this way, pathology professionals can boast of being the first service of the Hospital to get ISO 9001 certification. For this reason, and for about a year, team doctor Sáiz-Pardo, have worked in the design and implementation in place of a management system according to the guidelines that makes the quality standards.

To obtain such recognition, auditors have assessed, among other issues, technological media that has the service as well as efficiency in the work of its professionals. According to Felix Bravo, Managing Director of the Southeast, this first certification symbolizes the bet determined by the quality of care to the population of reference and a first step towards the achievement of excellence.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips