Recognition of Cytology of immediate diagnosis and the role of the pathologist in the target therapies.
recognition of Cytology of immediate diagnosis and the role of the pathologist in the therapies target.
Awards 2010 Pathos.
-Argentines Adrián Moreno and Graciela Ghirardi, winners in the first edition of the awards pathos of Anatomy pathological.
-Target therapies are those who point to a specific objective and have experienced a breakthrough due to advances in technology.
-the winners, which have been given yesterday conferences – by way of prejornada-in the Hospital of Zumarraga, collected their prizes during the day of the Pathos awards to be held on May 22 in the Palacio Miramar in San Sebastian.
-the Dr. Moreno awarded ‘ look to innovation ’ due to its system of management of diagnostic cytology tests at the Hospital National Alejandro Posadas from Buenos Aires.
-DRA. Ghirardi takes the prize ‘ look Social ’ by putting people over his job as head of pathological anatomy at the Hospital of Córdoba (Argentina), and the prize best user, awarded by the own Internet.
-the awards Pathos arise on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Web site of pathology.
San Sebastian, may 2010.- the first edition of the Pathos pathology awards award Argentines Adrián Moreno and Graciela Ghirardi. Both specialists have come to the Basque country to collect them and have been given yesterday in the Hospital of Zumarraga – by way of prejornada – conferences. Saturday, May 22, in central hours of the Pathos 2010 awards which will take place in San Sebastián (morning in the College of physicians of Guipúzcoa) and night at the Miramar Palace, they collected their prizes.
Dr. Moreno, President of the Argentina society of Cytology (SAC), will receive award look at innovation, for the work carried out in this partnership, both at the head of the laboratory of Cytology of the Hospital Nacional Prof. Dr. Alejandro Posadas, in Buenos Aires. There imposed a new organizational model that benefits patients, medical and technical, and saving large sums of money. “ Is a simple procedure how to perform an aspiration needle puncture fine for cytological sampling and develop an immediate diagnosis of them issuing a printed and signed diagnosis ” points out the own Moreno.
This system, “ began as an game ”, he instituted and resulted in an increase in the accessibility of the patients with the diagnosis in hand, can be immediately redirected by relevant doctors, with the consequent economies of time and effort. Thus, section led by Moreno currently performs an average of 120 samples per day, and which has led to the attention of all social sectors of the city. “ The truth is that I feel a little embarrassed to receive this award, that is not an innovation based on new technologies, but on values and ethical principles ”, supports a modest Dr. Moreno
precisely, the importance of the puncture aspiration, communicating with clinicians and new possibilities in this area are presented have been the axis of the Conference Dr. Adrián Moreno has offered in the Hospital of Zumarraga in the prejornada of the Pathos awards. “ The opening of a service, the exchange of ideas, the training of young people, technical or medical, or promotion of certain fundamental ethical values are revolutionary changes even in the 21st century, we must not hesitate to take ”, outlines the winner.
Anteposición of human
For its part, Dr. Graciela Ghirardi will be awarded Prize look Social, due to his anteposición of persons above the medical profession itself, to be herself and not give up its principles. Ultimately, by providing the social and human aspect of pathological anatomy. Dra Ghirardi, head of pathological anatomy of the Hospital of Córdoba, in argentina Cordoba, and a member of the Latin American Association of Social Medicine (Alames) takes time betting on social participation as a guarantee of a fair construction of society itself. A few thoughts in his work at the hospital. “ Must confront together the revolutionary change that presents a unimaginable speed, where we will have to opt to keep pace or remain stagnant in the same site ”, claims.
In addition to collecting the award on Saturday, May 22, Ghirardi said today at the Hospital of Zumarraga his theories about the ‘ therapies Target ’ for cancer and on the cytology and other trends. In this regard, the doctor spoke on the new role that exercises the pathologist, “ this invisible doctor ”, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of patients of cancer, as well as the importance of technological advances for the successful implementation of ‘ therapies target ’.
As they explained the techniques to identify molecules ‘ target ’ and responded to many questions posed experts to undertake their work: “ can heal the sick? why some patients do not respond to these therapies? We get new information to help give more molecular information of tumors? ”.
The DRA. Ghirardi has been awarded by users of the website, with the prize the user best.
Awards Pathos
The Pathos Awards arise on the occasion of the first year of the portal of pathological anatomy to reward individuals, companies or institutions that somehow have collaborated with this interactive and participatory communication project for professionals in this field.
They are therefore a way to thank and pay tribute to members of the pathology by choice of the Pathos Project direction along with the vote of users. Serve these awards, in addition, to make real during a few days so far was a virtual project that has been visited by more than 20,000 unique users that have entered into more than 200,000 pages and which has over 500 registered users, also active in the web as editors.
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