Inflammatory Intestinal chronic disease patients and specialists discuss the disease.
Inflammatory Intestinal chronic disease patients and specialists discuss the disease.
in Spain there are 60,000 affected by disease inflammatory bowel.
Madrid, February 2011- Thursday 17 February today UACC (Crohn’s and Colitis care unit) of the Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ D’hebron of Barcelona, Catalonia ACCU (Association of sufferers Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis of Catalonia), with the collaboration of Abbott, organized a meeting of free care for patients affected by chronic Intestinal inflammatory disease (IBD). During the meeting, which will take place in the Hotel Barceló Sants to 18. 00 h, the specialists of service digestive Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ Hebron will provide information on this disease.
IBD is a chronic disease is not contagious, of unknown cause, which appears most often in young people. There are two fundamental ways: Crohn’s disease, which can affect any part of the digestive system, and Ulcerative Colitis, which only undermines the colon.
Patients attending the meeting will discuss and report in the hands of specialists in IBD on important aspects related to their disease as the role of the specialists, the doctor-patient approach, treatment or pregnancy and sexuality after the operation.
The meeting will be divided into four parts where each specialist will develop a theme. Antonio Torrejon, of the UACC, explain the role of the nurse expert in IBD, a demand that is already a reality. Dr. Francesc Casellas will be the approach to the patient as the center of health care. Dr. Natalia Borruel discuss the impact of biological treatments in the Crohn’s disease and the great change that has meant to treat it. And Dr. Marc Marti will address the issue of sexuality, fertility and pregnancy in IBD patients already operated.
Manel Rivero, President of ACCU Catalonia and Ildefonso Pérez, President of ACCU Spain will participate in the Act. At the end of the presentations attendees may ask questions about topics or issues related to IBD.
About inflammatory bowel disease
Currently in Spain there are 60,000 affected by IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). It is a chronic disease that manifests itself with periods of low activity of the disease (remission) alternate with periods of illness (outbreak). The symptoms depend on the type of the anatomic location and the severity of the inflammation. The emergence of abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and weight loss is common in general.
In addition, can affect other organs, usual appearance of skin lesions, pain in joints, etc.
In the case of ulcerative colitis than usual is to affect the rectum, resulting in an increase in the number of depositions with the removal of blood. Abdominal pain and loss of weight depending on the severity of the outbreak may also be.
Crohn’s disease often appear diarrhea and abdominal pain may be accompanied by fever. Sometimes produces perineal affectation that include fistulas, i.e., communications between the bowel or intestine and other organs.
Normally these diseases occur in young people and limited the daily life of the sick, because the symptoms alter your day to day affecting their social and working life. There is currently no cure for the disease, but with the development of new drugs, get greater control of the disease which has improved in recent years the quality of life for our patients.
About ACCU Catalunya
It is the Association of sufferers of Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis of Catalonia, which is part of ACCU Spain “ declared public utility Association ”, non-profit, and with over 9,000 partners, divided into 34 provincial or regional groups.
UACC about
Unit attention Crohn’s – Colitis of the Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ Hebron offered a service from the system health, free and open, addressed to all those individuals and institutions that, in one way or another are associated with inflammatory bowel disease: patients, family members, medical … the overall aim is to work to improve the quality of life for people affected by inflammatory bowel diseaseas well as its surroundings.
About Abbott
Abbott is a company dedicated to the care of health through the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritional products and medical devices and Diagnostics. The company employs about 90,000 people worldwide and sells its products in more than 130 countries.
Abbott is certified as the best company to work in the health sector and the second in the overall ranking of sectors as Best Workplaces Spain 2010. Abbott has over 1,500 employees and 60 years of history in our country. The company’s activity is oriented to meet the needs of patients with chronic diseases and high clinical, economic, social and emotional impact. Abbott has a presence in all areas of the Spanish healthcare industry (including r & d and manufacturing at its centres in Madrid, Granada and Alcobendas). Its products cover all phases of the process of the disease (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and healing) and are present at every moment of the life cycle: infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.
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