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Inflammatory Intestinal chronic disease patients and specialists discuss the disease.

Inflammatory Intestinal chronic disease patients and specialists discuss the disease.

in Spain there are 60,000 affected by disease inflammatory bowel.

Madrid, February 2011- Thursday 17 February today UACC (Crohn’s and Colitis care unit) of the Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ D’hebron of Barcelona, Catalonia ACCU (Association of sufferers Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis of Catalonia), with the collaboration of Abbott, organized a meeting of free care for patients affected by chronic Intestinal inflammatory disease (IBD). During the meeting, which will take place in the Hotel Barceló Sants to 18. 00 h, the specialists of service digestive Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ Hebron will provide information on this disease.

IBD is a chronic disease is not contagious, of unknown cause, which appears most often in young people. There are two fundamental ways: Crohn’s disease, which can affect any part of the digestive system, and Ulcerative Colitis, which only undermines the colon.

Patients attending the meeting will discuss and report in the hands of specialists in IBD on important aspects related to their disease as the role of the specialists, the doctor-patient approach, treatment or pregnancy and sexuality after the operation.

The meeting will be divided into four parts where each specialist will develop a theme. Antonio Torrejon, of the UACC, explain the role of the nurse expert in IBD, a demand that is already a reality. Dr. Francesc Casellas will be the approach to the patient as the center of health care. Dr. Natalia Borruel discuss the impact of biological treatments in the Crohn’s disease and the great change that has meant to treat it. And Dr. Marc Marti will address the issue of sexuality, fertility and pregnancy in IBD patients already operated.

Manel Rivero, President of ACCU Catalonia and Ildefonso Pérez, President of ACCU Spain will participate in the Act. At the end of the presentations attendees may ask questions about topics or issues related to IBD.

About inflammatory bowel disease

Currently in Spain there are 60,000 affected by IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis). It is a chronic disease that manifests itself with periods of low activity of the disease (remission) alternate with periods of illness (outbreak). The symptoms depend on the type of the anatomic location and the severity of the inflammation. The emergence of abdominal pain, diarrhea with blood and weight loss is common in general.

In addition, can affect other organs, usual appearance of skin lesions, pain in joints, etc.

In the case of ulcerative colitis than usual is to affect the rectum, resulting in an increase in the number of depositions with the removal of blood. Abdominal pain and loss of weight depending on the severity of the outbreak may also be.

Crohn’s disease often appear diarrhea and abdominal pain may be accompanied by fever. Sometimes produces perineal affectation that include fistulas, i.e., communications between the bowel or intestine and other organs.

Normally these diseases occur in young people and limited the daily life of the sick, because the symptoms alter your day to day affecting their social and working life. There is currently no cure for the disease, but with the development of new drugs, get greater control of the disease which has improved in recent years the quality of life for our patients.

About ACCU Catalunya

It is the Association of sufferers of Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis of Catalonia, which is part of ACCU Spain “ declared public utility Association ”, non-profit, and with over 9,000 partners, divided into 34 provincial or regional groups.

UACC about

Unit attention Crohn’s – Colitis of the Hospital Universitario Vall d ’ Hebron offered a service from the system health, free and open, addressed to all those individuals and institutions that, in one way or another are associated with inflammatory bowel disease: patients, family members, medical … the overall aim is to work to improve the quality of life for people affected by inflammatory bowel diseaseas well as its surroundings.

About Abbott

Abbott is a company dedicated to the care of health through the discovery, development, manufacture and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical products, including nutritional products and medical devices and Diagnostics. The company employs about 90,000 people worldwide and sells its products in more than 130 countries.

Abbott is certified as the best company to work in the health sector and the second in the overall ranking of sectors as Best Workplaces Spain 2010. Abbott has over 1,500 employees and 60 years of history in our country. The company’s activity is oriented to meet the needs of patients with chronic diseases and high clinical, economic, social and emotional impact. Abbott has a presence in all areas of the Spanish healthcare industry (including r & d and manufacturing at its centres in Madrid, Granada and Alcobendas). Its products cover all phases of the process of the disease (prevention, diagnosis, treatment and healing) and are present at every moment of the life cycle: infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity and old age.

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The study of the Sentinel lymph node carried out by the services of Pathology, instrumental in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer.

the study of the Sentinel lymph node carried out by the services of Pathology, a key player in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer

Know the stadium and the spread of breast cancer are the main elements to determine the treatment that the patient must be carried out, therefore PAS-IAP stresses the importance of the study of the existence of metastasis in the patients making more concrete and rapid diagnosis

Barcelona, March 2011- breast cancer is the most common among women around the world, accounts for 16% of all female cancers, according to figures from the World Health Organization (who). Survival rates vary widely depending on the areas of the world, from 80% in North America, Sweden and Japan, up to 60% in middle-income countries means and 40% in countries of low income, according to who. Improvements in early detection programmes and advances in diagnosis and treatment of recent years have led to a significant reduction in mortality from breast cancer in the European countries: “ in Spain, the reduction of mortality started especially since 1990 with the introduction of new diagnostic techniquesearly óstico and more effective treatment regimens ”, emphasizes Dr. Aurelio Ariza, President of the Spanish society of pathology and Spanish Division of the International Academy of pathology (PAS-IAP).

An optimal approach in breast cancer through early detection. So it is essential to carry out a certain diagnosis to confirm the disease and the study of spread of cancer to learn about the area or areas, according to the PAS-IAP.

“ Today the certainty of cancer diagnosis always makes a pathologist by microscopic examination or complete and detailed histopathological of biopsy, regardless of whether cancer breast or other ”, explains Dr. Ariza. “ is not a procedure carried out by any machine or automatic, but that requires the revision of the tissue by means of microscopic study for to make the diagnosis if detected which can be interpreted as cancerous tissue ”, has tempered García red Marcial doctor, vocal communication and social projection of the PAS-IAP.

This work, as stated from society, requires a very specialized training of the pathologist in the detection of breast cancer since “ is a cancer that can manifest itself in diverse form ”, detailing Dr. García red.

Once is the study of certainty, the second step is to conduct a study of the extent of the cancer, which will allow to know the extent and areas affected by cancer: “ recently Yes one have been able to introduce techniques that automate the detection of extension beyond the site of origin breast cancerin other words, we know the metastasis to lymph nodes. These techniques, molecular pathology, are very sensitive and are able to detect even tumor cells isolated at a metastasized lymph node ”, explained Dr. García red, adding that “ now uses the study of lymph node Sentinel, it is the first lymph node they find tumor cells when driving for the lymph or blood from the original primary tumor elsewhere in the body, a process we investigationg metastasis. The identification of the ganglion Sentinel by the automatic method established the team of doctors attending to the patient, usually in the breast unit, which includes surgeons, gynecologists, oncologists, radiation, radiologists, medical nuclear and medical pathologists ”.

In this same vein, Dr. Vicente Furió, specialist in breast pathology and Anatomy pathology of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos Madrid service Gynecologic, remember that “ though we can have machines that help in early detection of metastatic disease through breast cancer Sentinel lymph node, can only be this technique in pathology services if the pathologist checks that the type of tissue that is looking really corresponds to lymph node and if there is a prior confirmation by the presence of carcinoma histopathological study in breast ”.

For PAS-IAP is particularly important the promotion of quality and innovation of study pathological diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of the response to therapy of cancer-related. “ The society strives to make visible the important tasks which the pathologist performed at the service of the cancer patient and strives to ensure that these tasks are provided with social care and the necessary human and technical resources ”, has tempered the President.

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25% Of the worlds population suffers from some kind of allergy.

25% Of the world’s population suffers from some kind of allergy.

– took place the IV Congress of the society Catalana of Immunology belonging to the Academy of medical sciences i la Salut de Catalunya i Balears to determine how T lymphocytes centralized mechanisms of allergy, autoimmunity, transplantation, inflammation, anti-infectious response, immunodeficiency and therapies anti-cancer

Barcelona, November 2010- About 25% of the population suffers some kind of allergy. T lymphocytes are the Central cells that regulate the immune response of this pathology, as well as in Autoimmunity (which affects 5 per cent of the population), in immunodeficiencies (between 2% if we take into account the HIV-AIDS infection), organ transplantation, inflammation (on the basis of a host of diseases such as stroke or arteriosclerosis …) and click Options therapeutic anti-cancer.

In this way, the Congress (iv) of the Catalan society of Immunology has focused on defining the mechanisms that these T cells involving determine all these diseases. The Congress 6 invited speakers and about 40 scientific papers have been submitted. It has been the presence of approximately 200 attendees the opportunity to listen to and participate in the latest developments that are taking place on these diseases and their mechanisms that tended.

Information about the Academy

Academy of medical sciences and health in Catalonia and Balearic Islands is an entity founded in 1872, with officially recognized legal personality and which provides a forum and meeting place of professionals in the health of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencia and Andorra. It is an independent institution serving the country and is not linked to any official body.

Its purpose is to promote the study and the cultivation of the Sciences of health in all its aspects: human, technical, social and civic, both in its care teaching and research side
It is a lively scientific community, the collective effort that adapts to the needs and scientific circumstances at the time, working in collaboration with other medical, biological and pharmaceutical, domestic and foreign companies, with a constant concern of progress.

It is the most important medical Corporation of our country, by the number of partners, currently there are more than 23,000. It is composed of 76 scientific societies where the professionals of the health sciences are grouped. Annually, the volume of scientific activities undertaken together is greater than 3,000 acts and professionals who exceed the figure of 42,000 people.

Is present in any part of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Valencia and Andorra, through its subsidiaries, and their special characteristics, fruit of the momentum of civil society, can be considered that it is an institution unique in the world.

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Stallergenes inaugurates its new plant for production of grass pollen.

Stallergenes inaugurates its new plant for production of pollen from grass.

-collection and production of raw materials of Amilly unit comprises 45 hectares of fields of grasses, and will be expanded in the coming years to 150 HA

-The launch of these new facilities Stallergenes becomes the world’s largest producer of grass pollen and dust mites

Madrid, 2011-February Stallergenes has opened its new production unit of raw material in Amilly (Loiret, France Department). These facilities will be dedicated to the collection and processing of pollens of grass, used for the manufacture of allergen immunotherapy and, in particular, tablets of sublingual immunotherapy treatments.

Designed according to the strictest standards of pharmaceutical production, this new plant ensures the optimal control of raw premiums that they are used in the production of pollen of grasses. Stallergenes has developed a unique production process and conversion of material raw material in active pharmaceutical ingredients to achieve the highest quality and meet the high requirements of health regulatory agencies.

At the opening, Stallergenes officials explained that this collection and production process will be fully automated.

The plant currently comprises 45 hectares of fields of grass, they will be extended to 150 in the coming years, allowing cover half of the overall requirements of production of pollen from the company for five years.

In addition, the biopharmaceutical company plans to extend the functionality of this new plant for the production of dust mites, activity today in day is on the premises of Antony.

“ Stallergenes, which is already a world leader in the production of mites in house dust in the pharmaceutical industry, becomes, thanks to the strong investment made in this new production plant of Amilly leader in production of pollen of grasses. This investment, together with the considerable effort that we are conducting r & d, has been carried out in France in partnership with public scientific organizations involved in the study of allergy ”, stated at the inaugural Albert Saporta, President of Stallergenes.

About Stallergenes

Stallergenes S.A. is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes sells its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries by more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.

Stallergenes in Antony (Íle-de-France) factory is the major centre of production of allergens prepared specially for a patient (APEP) in the world, making it more than 150 different allergens to treat some 500,000 patients annually.

More than 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is aimed at research and development. 2010 Stallergenes turnover volume of 216 million euros and more than 500,000 patients were treated with products of the company.

Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in our country Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. owns one portfolio of products for the treatment of 95% of patients with allergic diseases and it has been, since its implementation in Spanish territory for 11 years, by a strong work of research into new products.

on the Stalair ® program

Stalair ® is the program for pharmaceutical and clinical development of sublingual immunotherapy tablets developed by Stallergenes to obtain marketing authorization as pharmaceutical products in Europe and in the other markets strategic

Launched in 2003 in line with the directives issued in 2009 by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the program offers the same level of recognition that standard pharmaceutical products for immunotherapy tablets.

Oralair ® is the first capsule for the program. Marketed since 2008 in Germany, was recently launched in the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and Italy. It is in the process of being authorized and marketed in other countries.

The second project in the program are Actair ® tablets of immunotherapy against dust mites. Recently, its effectiveness has been demonstrated after four months of treatment and the permanence of its effect after only a year of treatment (study VO57.07 in Europe). Stallegernes is currently preparing documentation for registration to obtain the approval in Germany and has begun a phase III study with children. After consultations with the German governing biological products Agency (PEI), Stallergenes shall submit to the German authorities the documentation necessary for your registration authorization during the present year. Stallergenes planned marketing Actair ® in Germany at the end of 2012, and in Europe in 2013 through the mutual recognition procedure.

The compressed with rBet v 1 (recombinant of birch pollen allergen) has been tested in a study of Phase IIb/III, with positive results in to Birch pollen allergic rhinitis. Additional studies are currently being developed.

The tablets for ragweed pollen and Japanese cedar pollen are in the early stages of development.

In its entirety, the program covers 80% of the respiratory Allergy immunotherapy markets.

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Published the first book of aerobiology and respiratory allergies of Tenerife.

Published the first book of aerobiology and respiratory allergies in Tenerife.

this work is of great importance within the medical and social levels of pollen and spores of fungi can cause reactions allergic.

Spain, 2011-February Air Liquide in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Centre for atmospheric research of Izaña of the State Agency of meteorology (AEMET) have developed the first book of aerobiology and respiratory allergies of Tenerife, result of the project EOLO-PAT.

The information contained in the work is of great relevance and application in both medical and social level, because pollens and spores of fungi that are in the air can trigger allergic reactions. For this reason, knowing which are present and at what time of the year not only helps detect more easily the causative agent of the allergy, but also to the persons concerned may take appropriate measures to improve their quality of life (taking medication at the appropriate time)(avoid proximity to species of pollination, planning for voluntary movements at the time without the presence of allergenic agent …)

the book is divided into different parts, the initial chapters deal with climate and landscape environment and methodologies and techniques that have followed in the studythen explain the diversity and number of pollens and spores of fungi have been recorded in the air in Tenerife.

Also, it also includes a section showing the pattern that continue the atmospheric concentrations of each of these particles throughout the year and the proportion of the population affected by respiratory allergies due to pollens. The last chapter explains how can access to continuing this project online, weekly updated information on the Internet, and how to access the information published by other aerobiológicos of national and international studies.

PAT EOLO project and the work place Canary in panorama world aerobiológico, since that data that are generated are part of the Spanish networks and European (REA, SEAIC and EAN) and is being developed in Santa Cruz de Tenerife from 2004.

The digital version of the publication can be downloaded here.

Air Liquide is the world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment and is present in 80 countries with 43,600 employees. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and the noble gases are at the heart of the activity of Air Liquide since its creation in 1902. As these molecules, Air Liquide continually reinvents its business to anticipate the challenges of their present and future markets. The Group innovates to make possible the progress at the time that excels in jointly achieving dynamic growth and consistency in their findings
innovative technologies for limiting emissions, reduce energy consumption in industry, put to value natural resources or develop energies of tomorrow, such as hydrogen, bio-fuels or solar energy … oxygen for hospitals, home care, contribute to the fight against nosocomial diseases … Air Liquide combines several products with different technologies to develop applications and services with high added value for its clients and society.

A partner for the long term. The Group relies on the commitment of its employees, the confidence of its customers and the support of its shareholders to develop a competitive growth strategy’s long-term vision. The diversity of its teams, activities, markets and geographical presence ensures the strength and sustainability of their development, and strengthens its ability to continuously conquer new territories to overcome your own limits, and build their future.

Air Liquide explores the best that the air can offer to preserve life, maintaining a dynamic of sustainable development. In 2010, its turnover reached 13,500 million EUR of which more than 80% out of France. Air Liquide is listed on the stock exchange of Euronext Paris (compartment A) and part of the CAC index 40 et Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips