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The I Edition of ALERGO FORUM held in Madrid.

Is celebrated in Madrid the I Edition of ALERGO-FORUM.

the meeting on Celiaquia, allergies and food intolerances has emphasized the role of the intestinal. mucous

Madrid, February 2011. He is celebrated with great success for assistance the “ meeting on Celiaquia, allergies and food intolerances ”, organized by Alervita, Centre specialising in products and services for people with food allergies and celiac. Hotel Zenit Ababa in Madrid has witnessed first-hand the great interest generated by this topic in the society. And, according to the world Organization of the allergy (World Allergy Association), allergic diseases affect at least 20% of the world’s population, and this percentage, food allergies are increasing prominence. In fact, they have become the second most common allergy type, behind asthma. Only one fact: it is estimated that approximately 75 per cent of the world’s population have a genetic trait which makes levels of lactase to begin an irreversible decline after breastfeeding, but fortunately, not everyone has this substance intolerance symptoms after consuming it in normal amounts.

ALERGO-FORUM aims to become a point of meeting, learning and exchange of experiences and create a greater awareness in society about the allergy and food intolerance. I Edition has counted with the participation of Dr. Jesús Calderón friend, Director of the Center diagnostic Calderón; Carla wheat, Director of Alervita and Sergio Fernandez, Director of the classroom of Spanish cuisine and Chef responsible for the program cook with you.

the meeting has begun with the intervention of Dr. Jesús Calderón friend, Director of the Center diagnostic Calderón, who explained to participants the functioning of the immune system, highlighting its memory capacity and the fundamental role played by the intestinal mucosa in the same. In addition, reported on the mechanisms of Defense and its manifestations through the skin, eyes, etc. He also wanted to explain a field above which there is still a great ignorance, but that in his opinion it is progressing, diagnostic tests, and possible treatments aimed at improving the intestinal permeability. In concluding his speech, Calderon has highlighted that “ our intestinal mucosa is central and take care of this is our health care ”.

The second operation was conducted by of Carla wheat, Director of Alervita, who has invited attendees to reflect pointing out that the number of Allergy and food intolerance is increasing every day, particularly among the child population. For the Director of Alervita, it is necessary to analyze what happens during the gestation period, during which the fetus draws through the diet of the mother. It must also take into account the lack of nutrients in the current food, pollution in large cities, the use of pesticides, etc. “ all we have to educate the society about this problem and provide the affected information and appropriate advice to enable them to maintain their quality of life. In this sense is vital to establish the necessary protocols for early diagnosis ”.

In addition, it has also been present Sergio Fernández, Director of the classroom of Spanish cuisine and Chef responsible for the program cook with you, who has shown to be allergic does why not be an impediment to benefit from a healthy, balanced and varied diet. Fernandez stressed that “ is not a cookbook for patients, is simply a different cuisine, with certain limitations. The key to success lies in that the final result is rich and enable us to carry out a menu for the whole family. For this reason, it is important to keep trying different recipes, e.g. bread, until you reach the perfect point with which we can prepare an attractive menu from the gastronomic point of view ”.

to finish the event attendees came to Alervita, where Sergio Fernandez made a practical demonstration of “ cooking with limitations ” showing attendees how to prepare “ almond milk Seseras ” and “ passion fruit foam ”.

About Alervita

Alervita is a project created and directed by a group of professionals committed to providing comprehensive solutions to the problems of intolerances and allergies in all its aspects. In Alervita, we want to create awareness in society, to promote nutrition, natural medicine and its synergies with other disciplines and tools as a way to enhance the health and well-being of the affected

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The CGCOO advised to step up the eye protection against allergies spring, especially if you use contact lenses.

The CGCOO advised to step up the eye protection against allergies spring, especially if you use contact lenses

it is estimated that up to 25% of the population suffering from conjunctivitis allergic.

-The high concentrations of pollen that occur during the spring cause eye discomfort in many people, by which the General Council of Ópticos-Optometristas schools offers a number of recommendations for those that don’t want to renounce the use of contact lenses

Madrid, April of 2011- spring is the season where we startedagain, to enjoy the outdoors, but it is also the era in which many people suffer from allergies, as well as make difficult breathing, may also affect our eyes. Seasonal allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever, which is a reaction for the large amounts of pollen that float in the air because of the blooming of plants and trees are among the most common.

allergic conjunctivitis

and trouble breathing, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough and itching in the nose and throat, seasonal allergy also has ocular symptoms such as:

-itching and redness, irritation result and widening of the tiny blood vessels of the conjunctiva, resulting in redness.

-sensation of foreign body or swelling of the eyelids.

-Tears, that the conjunctiva glands react to produce more tears than normal.

-slight Photophobia or sensitivity to light.

These annoyances due to inflammation of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that covers the eye and the inside of the eyelids, when the allergic person comes into contact with pollen, against which the immune system reacts inappropriately, as if it were an invader. To protect themselves from this threat, the body produces antibodies against the allergen. These antibodies are to release certain chemicals, including histamine, which are triggering the characteristic symptoms of allergy.

In addition to the spring pollen, can also cause allergic conjunctivitis mites dust and dander of domestic animals, as well as some beauty products. According to Juan Carlos Martínez morale, President of the General Council of schools of Ópticos-Optometristas, “ it is estimated that up to 25% of the population suffers from allergic conjunctivitis ”.

Allergy and contact lenses

Many contact lens users think it’s best to stop use in spring and opt for glasses, when the reality is, nowadays, it is possible to avoid or reduce the eye discomfort for seasonal allergies. In particular, Juan Carlos Martínez Moral recalls that “ the ópticos-optometristas carried out adaptation of lenses of contact Visual needs and lifestyle of the patient ”.

The market also available disposable lenses with different frequencies of replacement, which include the daily disposable, which may be the best option for people suffering from ocular allergies that prevent any accumulation of allergens agents on its surface. As for the rest of the lens, the key is to follow correct guidelines of maintenance, cleaning and disinfection at the end of the day guarantee not to form deposits on the lens that can end up causing eye discomfort.

D ecálogo to avoid the eye discomfort

1. If you use contact lenses, it is advisable that limits its use when you have conjunctivitis to not aggravate eye irritation. Can also choose to use them only in the afternoon, they descend when pollen levels in the atmosphere

2. Try not to go for a walk through the countryside or parks, where usually have a higher concentration of pollen.

3. When you travel by car, keep increases the points of contact.

4 Use sunglasses to protect you dust and other particles in suspension.

5 Avoid exposing you to environments with dust, pets or irritants that aggravate the symptoms (smoke, chlorine from swimming pools, etc.)

6. At home, avoid the accumulation of pollen closing Windows and keeping clean surfaces with a damp cloth.

7 Use humidifiers and air conditioners that have specific filters for pollen.
8. Extreme your daily hygiene. To return home, take a shower you and change your clothes, since pollen can be deposited in the hair and clothing.

9 Wash you hands often.

10. Avoid rubbing the eyes to you.

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The community reported in real time until June of levels of pollen in the atmosphere.

The community reported in real time until June of levels of pollen in the atmosphere

on the Internet, through a new way of subscribing to the Palinocam network, users can choose how to receive the information.

– you can choose to obtain alerts via SMS messages or email

-aerobiológica information, developments and daily pollen forecast is available here

Madrid, 2011-April the community of Madrid, through the Ministry of health, it has activated its information system daily levels of pollen that occur in the atmosphere, through the network Palinológica of the community of Madrid (Red Palinocam), which includes the delivery of mobile (SMS) messages from high levels, messages via email alerts, in addition to the daily update of information on the levels, evolution and prediction on the Internet and automated telephone information service. From January 2011 subscription to the information system can be done by Internet.

The SMS is sent when the daily pollen forecast exceeds levels banana and olive, and average levels of grasses, which are the three most important pollen types in spring from the point of view of public health.

You may also request the receipt of SMS via your mobile phone by sending a text message with the subject “ high pollen ” phone 615 01 11 11. E-mail messages contain information daily and evolution of the pollen, as well as the newsletters of prediction.

The Palinológica network updated daily on its website information on pollen values corresponding to the previous day (from Monday to Friday), as well as the prediction up to 72 hours. You can also access this information by calling information Telefónica 902 545 900 service.

Health Department with the information system which is a recognized validity tool for public health, keeps informed health professionals, people with allergies, scientific societies, the media and the general population, so they know pollen types more common in every moment, its concentration in the ambient air, variation and evolution in time and prediction on a daily basis.

With the data received are bulletins daily prediction of banana, grass and olive tree pollen levels. Daily prediction methodology is performed with the historical series of data from pollen and meteorological variables provided daily by the Territorial delegation of Madrid of the State Meteorological Agency. The prediction of pollen is in the form of four levels, which serve no clinical criteria, but statistical criteria of the own range of pollen in our region.

Spring storms increase levels of pollen pollen levels dependent on weather conditions. The rain on an ongoing basis in spring “ lava ” atmosphere and reduces the concentration of pollen, but if it is intense, brief time and high electrical content, you can increase the concentration of grains of pollen and allergens in local and timely way. Wind mobilizes and is the pollen and facilitates penetration by airway. In general terms is called pollination period at the time that the pollen (set of tiny grains contained in the anthers of flowers) remains in the air.

Pollen and spring polinosis

At the present time, spring begins flowering of the Paseo bananas, pollen type Platanus, usually occurs suddenly, reaching high concentrations, and the flowering period is very short, approximately fifteen to twenty days. April bloom some grasses in our region, although it is during May and June when bloom most of them are of great importance for the allergic patient; also bloom during these months (G ° Plantago) llantenes and the olive tree (Olea europaea L.).

The arresters volumetric pollen continuously take a sample of the air on a sticky surface, which is collected every day by hand and taken to the laboratory, where is analyzed to the optical microscope by specialized personnel. Center Coordinator for the environmental health service receives data from the sample after its reading, the following day, drawing up relevant information, newsletters and the prediction.

Tips for allergic

The allergic person should know the pollen types to allergic, as well as periods of pollination of plants that produce, their levels and evolution over time, as well as the prediction of pollen types.

You must also follow the medication according to the guidelines prescribed by the doctor. Antihistamine drugs may produce drowsiness and decrease of attention, which must be taken into account when driving and other activities that require concentration, so it is recommendable to travel by car with closed Windows (avoiding, if possible, travel by motorcycle or bicycle).

Keep in mind that atmospheric pollen concentrations are higher in the early hours of the morning and last evening, promptly increase sharply the days of strong winds and high content of electric Spring storms, so avoid pollen contact with the mucous membranes of the mouthnose and eyes, using sunglasses and masks.

In homes are advised to use the vacuum cleaner and wet our microfibre cloths to clean the dust, to prevent the spread of mites. Using pollen filters in air conditioning of the dwellings.

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Combat allergies and spring asthenia with natural products of Pranarôm.

Combat allergies and spring asthenia with natural products of Pranarôm.

Pranarôm laboratories offer various 100% natural products for preventing allergies as well as to combat the physical and nervous fatigue

Madrid, April of 2011- Pranarôm, leader in scientific aromatherapy and essential oil 100% pure and natural expert, offers us various 100% natural products to prevent and combat the allergy and asthenia spring.

The so-called spring asthenia affects a large number of people. For this year, the Spanish society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEIAC) provides for approximately 18% of the Spanish population (i.e. 7 million people) to padecerá some allergic process.

This disorder, which comes with the arrival of good weather is characterized by a profound fatigue, exhaustion, decay and lack of energy to carry out routine activity. There are two types of spring asthenia: physical origin is often manifest through fatigue and body weakening, and nervous origin that stands out because the person shows a special fatigue when it comes to mental activity.

Laboratories Pranarôm with various essential oils natural has created different products that help relieve the symptoms of allergies and spring asthenia in a different way.

On the one hand, the OLEOCAPS N ° 8 capsules are a digestive tonic, with functions of hepatoprotectoras and decongestants can be used for the prevention of respiratory joys that eases breathing during periods of pollen and dust.

On the other hand, tarragon capsules have recognized properties on any type of allergy. It is indicated for preventing allergic crises of respiratory nature.

More oriented to help overcome the mental fatigue is the product OLEOCAPS No. 7, indicated when the person manifests symptoms such as unexplained sadness, irritability or disturbed sleep.

And finally, Pranarôm recommends the essential oil of oregano has numerous and powerful properties, is a broad-spectrum anti-infection and an excellent tonic stimulating general, ideal to combat physical and intellectual fatigue.

About Pranarôm

Expert in essential oils chemotyped, 100% pure and natural for over 25 years, is the fruit of a long work based on the research of the quality of raw materials and the scientific validation of empirical preparations of our ancestors.

pranarôm international controls throughout the production chain, from the cultivation of aromatic plants to the packaging, through distillation by steam trawlers. Each batch of essential oil is subjected to several analyses that allow to define the essential oil from the botanical and biochemical points of view.

In fact, industrial application coupled with a rigorous research makes Pranarôm leader in the study of the activity of essential oils on all the symptoms of a disease. Its scientists from r & d, along with the best universities run various projects to alleviate the major problems of human health, i.e., antiviral, immune and de-worming activities.

Pranarôm is supplier of important names of cosmetics, pharmacy and the agri-food sector. Some of their products are exclusively sold in drugstores.

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Climate change and pollution exacerbate ocular allergy.

climate change and pollution aggravated allergy eye.

-this condition causes frustration, tiredness and affects performance labor.

-the change of environment in Easter may exacerbate the symptoms.

Madrid, April of 2011- itching, dryness, tearing, red eyes and blurred vision. These symptoms associated with allergic conjunctivitis, this year will be more common and more profoundly affect people who already suffered them in previous seasons, due to climate change and pollution. Thermal fluctuations and pollution will lead to the emergence of a type of pollen more aggressive and permanent in the atmosphere which, according to specialists from Bavaria clinic, will increase eye problems among the Spaniards.

the World Health Organization estimates that a quarter of the population suffers from eye allergies and in Spain there are six million people suffering from allergies. The condition affects especially the new generations, that suffer from it 4 of every 10 under 30 years old. “ The most common trigger for allergic conjunctivitis is pollen, although there are other very common allergens such as dust, mold, some medications and some makeup mites ”, said Dr. Fernando Llovet, Director doctor’s clinic Bavaria.

“ the most common symptoms are blurred vision, tearing, dry and red eyes but it can also appear runny nose, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, itching of the nose, mouth or throat and sinus headache. This generates a State of frustration, irritation and fatigue that can cause distractions in the conduct and work performance in patient ”, warns the specialist’s clinic Bavaria

the best way to prevent the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis is avoid, to the extent possible, be in contact with the offending agent, in this case, pollen. “ to do so, must remain in closed places, use large and enveloping sunglasses and frequently wash hands with SOAP and waterespecially during the Easter holidays, when we change our environment and we expose ourselves to agents that we are not used ”, recommends Dr. Llovet. “ Once we have the symptoms, must go to our ophthalmologist and our allergist to identify the allergen which has caused and recommend us the appropriate method for the relief of ocular allergy ”, concludes.

clinic Bavaria.

clínica Baviera is a Spanish medical institution specializing in ophthalmology, with 59 points, which is present in several European countries (Spain, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Italy). Founded 25 years ago, the quality of care, the permanent improvement of results and the incorporation of innovative and solvent techniques have been its raison d ’ être.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips