Oralair ®, already on sale at Spain.
Oralair ®, now on sale at Spain.
Oralair ® is the first treatment pre-coestacional immunotherapy sublingual tablets for the allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses.
Madrid, 2011-may Oralair ®, a drug indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, is now available in Spain with ordinary prescription, public funding, normal contribution and visa inspection. Oralair ®, Stallergenes Ibérica S.A., is the first treatment pre-coestacional immunotherapy sublingual tablets for the serious allergic rinconjuntivitis caused by the pollen of gramÃNEAs.
Oralair ® is a treatment for children and adults with allergic rhinitis by grasses that they do not control adequately using symptomatic treatments. In addition, its pattern of Administration provides greater ease of use with care that they need to be taken throughout the year: starts four months before the pollen season and is interrupted at the end of it.
Oralair ® consists of a set of pollen of grasses that correspond mainly to natural exposure of patients in Spain: Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense, Dactilys Glomerata and Anthoxanthum odoratum.
on rhinitis allergic.
in our country, according to the results of epidemiological studies, 4% of children aged 6 to 7 and 8 per cent of children aged 13 to 14 suffering from allergic rhinitis by pollen of grasses. In adults, the prevalence is a 11%.
situation Oralair ® regulatory.
ORALAIR ®, through the procedure of recognition, is authorized in the European Union in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania.
about Stallergenes.
Stallergenes S.A. is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes sells its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries by more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.
Stallergenes in Antony (Ãle-de-France) factory is the largest center of production of allergens prepared specially for a patient (APEP) in the world, making more than 150 allergens different to treat each year some 500,000 patients.
more than 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is aimed at research and development. 2010 Stallergenes turnover volume of 216 million euros.
Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in our country Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. owns one portfolio of products for the treatment of 95% of patients affected by respiratory allergic diseases and it has been, since its implementation in Spanish territory for 11 years, by a strong work of research in new products