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Oralair ®, already on sale at Spain.

Oralair ®, now on sale at Spain.

Oralair ® is the first treatment pre-coestacional immunotherapy sublingual tablets for the allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses.

Madrid, 2011-may Oralair ®, a drug indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis, is now available in Spain with ordinary prescription, public funding, normal contribution and visa inspection. Oralair ®, Stallergenes Ibérica S.A., is the first treatment pre-coestacional immunotherapy sublingual tablets for the serious allergic rinconjuntivitis caused by the pollen of gramíNEAs.

Oralair ® is a treatment for children and adults with allergic rhinitis by grasses that they do not control adequately using symptomatic treatments. In addition, its pattern of Administration provides greater ease of use with care that they need to be taken throughout the year: starts four months before the pollen season and is interrupted at the end of it.

Oralair ® consists of a set of pollen of grasses that correspond mainly to natural exposure of patients in Spain: Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Phleum pratense, Dactilys Glomerata and Anthoxanthum odoratum.

on rhinitis allergic.

in our country, according to the results of epidemiological studies, 4% of children aged 6 to 7 and 8 per cent of children aged 13 to 14 suffering from allergic rhinitis by pollen of grasses. In adults, the prevalence is a 11%.

situation Oralair ® regulatory.

ORALAIR ®, through the procedure of recognition, is authorized in the European Union in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania.

about Stallergenes.

Stallergenes S.A. is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes sells its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries by more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.

Stallergenes in Antony (Íle-de-France) factory is the largest center of production of allergens prepared specially for a patient (APEP) in the world, making more than 150 allergens different to treat each year some 500,000 patients.

more than 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is aimed at research and development. 2010 Stallergenes turnover volume of 216 million euros.

Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in our country Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. owns one portfolio of products for the treatment of 95% of patients affected by respiratory allergic diseases and it has been, since its implementation in Spanish territory for 11 years, by a strong work of research in new products

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“Allergic and asthmatic children learn to manage their disease in summer camps”.

“-Allergic and asthmatic children learn to manage their disease in summer camps ”.

-specialists of the Andalusian society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (AlergoSur) put in place one year their camp, which will take place from 4 to 10 July in Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla)

-registration period remains open until June 1 here or by calling the 648 262 140

Spain, 2011-may “ children with allergic disease tends to be a child overprotected in control of your illness, so much that sometimes can suffer limitations in your normal daily activity out of fear that can trigger symptoms ”, explains the Virginia doctor Bellido, Member of the Andalusian society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (AlergoSur) and coordinator of the camp’s summer for children allergic and asthmatic, which will take place from 4 to 10 July in Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla).

“ The goal is to teach children between 6 and 12 years to learn about their disease, so they can learn to control it. The camp is a good environment to do so, that are outside of their usual and atmosphere surrounded by children who also have allergic disease and many others that do not. They will have daily workshops, which we deliver with the doctors Eva Rubio and Cristina Lopez. In them, you will learn how to recognize its symptoms, these triggers and how to avoid them and control them. Also, sports activities and leisure activities with the rest of encamped, seeing all involving the same things without limitation in the majority of cases will be developed ”, explains the alergóloga, who says that this initiative positively affects parents to get home. “ See that child handles very well his illness and also realize that his son should and can take a completely standardized life ”.

The details

“ Workshops are changing every day. recognition of allergens with drawings, theaters on how these particles are able to trigger allergic reactions in different organs or above how to recognize symptoms early and treating them are some of the activities that will be implemented. Thus children learn to use the medication each required in the event of symptoms ”, continues.

Leisure activities include archery, road safety education with karts, flying fox, canoeing, night evenings or craft workshops. “ The best thing is to see they having fun and being children understand and fully manage their symptoms. Draws attention as, for example, the allergy to any food do not take anything that have failed you us or without asking first, are well aware ”, points.

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The desperation of parents of food allergic children leads to the use of methods of diagnosis without scientific rigour.

the desperation of parents of children allergic to food causes the use of methods of diagnosis without rigorous scientific.

-the Dr. Francisco Moreno Benítez has presented an update on the existing laboratory methods for diagnosis of allergies and intolerances in the XL meeting of AlergoSur food.

– according to recent studies 7.4% of the population is allergic to any food

Seville, 2011-June before the desperation of parents or patients suffering from severe allergic problems, you are using methods for diagnosis without scientific rigour any. It is the duty and obligation to scientific societies through the creation of specific committees reporting methods are currently validated and why and which are not, for the diagnosis of allergies or food intolerances, explained Dr. Francisco Moreno Benítez at its Conference in the XL meeting of the Andalusian society Allergology and Immunology clinic (AlergoSur), which was held this weekend in the Hotel NH Central Convention in Seville.

“ live in an era of easy access to information through tools of communication such as the Internet. We went to a social situation where collected a very large number of opinions on any topic or social matter of concern. With these conditions never greater potential of information and in turn lower quality ”, said the specialist.

el doctor Moreno continued his lecture in the XL meeting of AlergoSur highlighting that “ allergies are increasing, but the food affects most directly to society because it implies much to children. Studies in the Spanish population, whose data published by the Spanish society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology pick up 7.4 per cent of people with allergy to any food ”.

“ the diagnosis of food allergy is complex due to the large number of potential allergens present in each food and the high number of potentially involved food. Uses and customs are changing, we have access to all kinds of food (by exotic it) and for all the year besides the variability in the presentation of symptoms and the difficulty in controlling the food (or its traces) hidden (labelling not clear or full, confusing nomenclature, no need to indicate membership of the traces)(, etc.), subject to the patient (often to parents of children with food allergy) a situation so distressing that only those who suffer from means it ”, highlighted.

“ this is a situation that is paid for the use of non-scientific methods, not be contrasted and valued for the diagnosis of “ allergies ” to anything and what is more commonly “ intolerance ” these ”.


the Allergist concluded that “ the diagnosis and the possibility of treating allergy or intolerance food, passes the scrutiny and work of the physician and the use of endorsed complementary evidence; skin tests, determination of serum IgE test of the encouragement of the few foods that are available and especially oral provocation controlled as a definitive diagnosis. Their correct employment depends on the treatment, as in the case of allergy to cow’s milk proteins, egg and certain fruits can be treated and cured ”

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The effects of sublingual immunotherapy with allergens are kept four years after starting treatment.

the effects of sublingual allergen immunotherapy are kept four years after starting treatment.

Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (eaaci) Symposium “ a new era in allergen immunotherapy ”

-the results of a clinical trial conducted in adult long-term show a reduction of all symptoms to be treated with Oralair ®, tablets of sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses

Madrid, 2011-June the results of a multicentre phase III-long-term, presented at the Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), have shown that the effects of Oralair ®, sublingual immunotherapy as tablets for allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by pollen of grasses and managed with a pre-coestacional Protocolthey are kept within three years of treatment and a year after the end of the same. The reduction of all allergic symptoms observed in adults who participated in this study, he remained during the three years that were receiving the tablets of 300IR and Oralair ® in the first year post-treatment.

Dr. Sabina Rak, of the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg (Sweden), who participated in the Symposium of Stallergenes “ A new era in allergen immunotherapy ” explained how the researchers had carried out this study aimed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of the tablets for sublingual immunotherapy of grasses 5 adult with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis caused by grass pollen. 633 Patients were divided into three groups, the first group to receive placebo and the remaining two Oralair ®, starting with the treatment four and two months before the pollen season, respectively.

To evaluate the results, researchers used as a main criterion the adjusted average score of symptoms (AAdSS). The analysis of the fourth year, medium-sized differences from placebo in two treatment groups were of a – 22.9% (p = 0. 0112) for the Group of four months and a – 28.5% for group of two months (p = 0. 0019). Adverse effects were not recorded during the first year free treatment or in earlier periods. “ This test – assured Dr. Rak – it has shown long-term efficacy of treatment with tablets of sublingual immunotherapy of five grass, suggesting an increased efficiency with the passing of the seasons. However, the study still is not over, because in its fifth year, we will evaluate the effect of Oralair ® on a second free treatment station ”.

At the same Symposium doctor Pascal Demoly, allergist in the University Hospital of Montpellier (France), addressed the false beliefs about allergen immunotherapy and concluded that “ despite the recent progress in the understanding of the allergy, still allergen immunotherapy should fight against false beliefs that are not justified ”said the expert. “ The high level of clinical evidence that we have currently endorses the efficacy and safety of allergen immunotherapy and enables professionals to implement it in their daily practice, thus entering a new era in the treatment of allergy ”.

About Stallergenes

Stallergenes S.A. is a biopharmaceutical company international, a leader in the manufacture and innovation of allergen immunotherapy treatments. Stallergenes sells its products to prevent and control the allergic disease in 50 countries by more than 10 subsidiaries in Europe and 40 agreements of distribution and collaboration around the world.

Stallergenes in Antony (Íle-de-France) factory is the major centre of production of allergens prepared specially for a patient (APEP) in the world, making it more than 150 different allergens to treat some 500,000 patients annually.

More than 20% of the annual turnover of the pharmaceutical company is aimed at research and development. Stallergenes turnover volume of 216 million euros in 2010.

Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. is the subsidiary of Stallergenes S.A. in our country Stallergenes Ibérica S.A. owns one portfolio of products for the treatment of 95% of patients affected by respiratory allergic diseases and it has been, since its implementation in Spanish territory for 11 years, by a strong work of research in new products

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Air Liquide signed a collaboration agreement with the European Federation of associations of patients with respiratory illnesses or allergies.

Air Liquide signed a collaboration agreement with the European Federation of associations of patients with respiratory illnesses or allergies.

Spain, June of 2011- Air Liquide, the world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment has signed a collaboration agreement with the EFA (European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients Associations). This Brussels-based European Federation brings together national associations of patients suffering from respiratory conditions (22 countries represented with 500,000 members).

in the framework of this partnership, Air Liquide supports the efforts undertaken by the EFA to inform and sensitize public opinion and the European authorities about lung disease chronic (COPD) obstructive. This pathology, subdiagnosticada, represents a major public health challenge that the World Health Organization provides that in 2015 COPD happen from the 4th to the 3rd cause of death in the world. In Europe, the total cost of COPD is estimated at 45 billion euros.

Air Liquide, care home, European leader in Europe serves some 500,000 patients with apnea and inadequacies respiratory, particularly patients with COPD severe treatment of oxygen of long duration. Air Liquide works daily for better access to home care and the improvement of the quality of life of patients affected by diseases Chronicles.

Pascal Vinet, Director worldwide the Medicinal activity and activity group Medicinal operations, stated: “ this collaboration with EFA reflects our commitment to patients and our concern to respond to their needs. The dialogue between all the parties concerned – associations of patients, professionals of the health, scientific societies, industrial, taxpayers and public authorities in the health sector – is essential for better care to patients and to fight effectively against the growth of respiratory diseases ”.

DRA. Marianella Salapatas, President of the EFA has indicated: “ with the agreement of collaboration with the EFA Air Liquide contributes significantly to improve the situation of those affected by lung disease and we are grateful for this ”.

Air Liquide.

it is a world leader in gases for industry, health and the environment and is present in 80 countries with 43,600 employees. Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and the noble gases are at the heart of the activity of Air Liquide since its creation in 1902. As these molecules, Air Liquide continually reinvents its business to anticipate the challenges of their present and future markets. The Group innovates to make possible the progress at the time that excels in jointly achieving dynamic growth and regularity in their results

innovative technologies for limiting emissions, reduce energy consumption in industry, put to value natural resources or develop energies of tomorrow, such as hydrogen, biofuels and photovoltaics … oxygen for hospitals, home care, contribute to the fight against nosocomial diseases … Air Liquide combines several products with different technologies to develop applications and services with strong added value for its clients and society.

a partner for the long term. The Group relies on the commitment of its employees, the confidence of its customers and the support of its shareholders to develop a competitive growth strategy’s long-term vision. The diversity of its teams, activities, markets and geographical presence ensures the strength and sustainability of their development, and strengthens its ability to continuously conquer new territories to overcome your own limits, and build their future.Air Liquide explores the best that the air can offer to preserve life, maintaining a dynamic of sustainable development. In 2010, its turnover reached 13,500 million EUR of which more than 80% out of France. Air Liquide is listed on the stock exchange of Euronext Paris (compartment A) and part of the CAC index 40 et Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips