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María José Giménez, new President of AlergoSur alergóloga.

Alergóloga María José Giménez, new President of AlergoSur.

-Málaga natural is the first woman to preside over this scientific society

-the new Board of Directors, acting as the annual meeting held recently in Seville, AlergoSur XL has as I challenge to improve the current map of the allergy in Andalusia

– “ want allergic patients have the same opportunities in specialized medical care as in other autonomous communities”

Seville, July of 2011- the Andalusian society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (Alergosur), which held the past weekend your XL annual meeting in Seville, meeting attended by 200 specialists, has been its Executive Board chairs the Dr. María José Giménez.

The native of Malaga alergóloga is the first woman President of the scientific society. “ The new working group posed as a challenge progress in better care of the allergic patient so this can have the same opportunities in specialized medical care as in other autonomous communities ”, explains the new President of AlergoSur.

“ Want to promote the specialty of allergy in all health care, scientific and participatory levels in society in general. To this end, we want to create more prevalent specific committees of some diseases such as asthma and food allergies, which will allow greater participation of AlergoSur in health care processes requiring a higher implementation ”, adds.

Dr. María José Giménez

one of the challenges of the team chaired by Dr. María José Giménez is “ further encourage the participation of AlergoSur in health programs and registries that currently has the Ministry of health and affecting the allergic disease such as the healthcare process of asthma, the registration of patients in air (food allergy and Anaphylaxis) program or registry of patients with rare diseases, among others ”.

Giménez also explains that his intention was “ move to the Andalusian public health system need to position our Allergists in the SAS services portfolio, reviewing each of the eight Andalusian provinces, to facilitate the meeting between the Group of professional specialists in allergy and citizens who need his assistance. From here went availability and collaboration to improve the current map of the allergy in Andalusia ”.

Also, the new President of AlergoSur has highlighted that it begins this new task with “ illusion, wanted to work with hope ” because “ want the very best in quality of care, training, scientific activity and all the activities involved in allergy in Andalusia ”.

AlergoSur is a scientific organization made up of professional specialists in allergy in order to promote the study and the improvement in the treatment of allergic disease in Andalusia.

Curriculum vitae of the specialist

María José Giménez Romero holds a degree in medicine and surgery from the University of Malaga. Specialising in Allergology as MIR conducted at the Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena of Sevilla.

She is graduated in healthcare management by the Andalusian School of public health and he has done a PhD in paediatrics.

It belongs to the optional upper body in medicine of the Junta de Andalucía. He has continued his training with training programs accredited by the Spanish society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), European Academy of Allergy and reception of health of the Board of Andalusia.

New Board policy AlergoSur

currently operates medical allergy with diverse practice tasks: asthma, immunotherapy, food allergy, Pediatric allergy, allergy skin and labor, along with specific research is such areas.

He is a member of the SEAIC for 18 years. He is currently a member of the Committee of asthma, Member of AlergoSur and member of the SAMFYC.

In recent years he has compatibilizado his activity as a specialist in allergy with primary health care (General Medicine and Pediatrics) and healthcare management.

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You can study Anatomy on your mobile phone by just 13, 99€!

now you can study Anatomy on your mobile phone by just 13, 99€!

-The chips of self-assessment of Anatomy of GILROY, now available for your iPhone

– with more than 200 images, 1500 labels, questions and answers themed

Madrid, 2011-March health science students now have the best tool for the study of Anatomy: self-assessment of Anatomy of Gilroy in mobile chips

After posting to Spanish PROMETHEUS, mother of the anatomy of the work, Publisher medical Pan-American released the chips of self-assessment of GILROY, the perfect complement to the practical study of the anatomy.

these chips are now available in version iPhone

an application designed so that students can over and over again review the silent figures with their respective signs before consulting the answers. All images are identified with the page number corresponding to the Prometheus, Atlas Anatomy Gilroy, self-assessment cards.

This interactive guide contains a selection of the most representative images and is structured into 4 sections: back, abdomen and pelvis, upper limb and lower limb.

illustrators of Prometheus, winners of multiple awards, have created a new standard of excellence in illustrations of Anatomy: reproduce with fidelity anatomical preparations real better than ever before showing the detail demanded by the study of this discipline.

To learn about the application, you can download a free demo at: which you know the quality of the images and test it.

the full version contains over 200 images and 1500 labels and also includes questions and answers themed images. The application can be purchased onsite APP:

more information.

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The Spanish society of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació I physical medicine demand the revision of the ERE of mutual Terrassa.

The Spanish society of rehabilitation and physical medicine and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació I physical medicine are calling for the revision of the ERE Mútua Terrassa.

in defense of healthcare to patients and specialty medical.

-the ERE of mutual Terrassa reaches 97% of the rehabilitation service of this Center, affecting thus rehabilitative (400,000 inhabitants) area health coverage and rehabilitation processes in course

– the quality of health care will be very embittered if finally is carried out as, leading to physical and psychic disorders patients from this service

-the measure will lead to important consequences for the public sector because of predictable delays that occur as a result of the increase in periods of low, and the economic impact of the derivations of these sick

-the record of employment regulation affects doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, foniatras, auxiliary and administrative staff

– there is the added fact that this service is a unit Acreditada teacher by the Ministry of education for the formation of internal resident doctors (MIR) in this specialty. Also carries out a research activity of high technical quality

Barcelona, July of 2011- the Spanish society of rehabilitation and physical medicine (SERMEF) and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació i physical medicine have sent a joint letter to the various entities involved in the approval of the record of employment (ERE) submitted by the Hospital Universitari mutual Terrassa Regulation)(HUMT) on 30 June, in order to reconsider his acceptance. said ERE is the dismissal of 71 73 professionals that make up this hospital rehabilitation services, which affects the rehabilitative health coverage from a population that exceeds 400,000 persons, as well as the numerous rehabilitation proceedings currently under way.

Two scientific societies claim in his writing to the Hospital Universitari mutual Terrassa the withdrawal of its request for ERE or, in the case of moving forward, keep operating the service of rehabilitation, in order to avoid the negative impact on the health coverage of more than 400,000 people living in the municipalities of Terrassa-St.QuirzeRubí, Valldoreix and Mirasol, St. Cugat, La Floresta and Les plans; for certain diseases, such as the neuroquirúrgicas or thoracic surgery, the population reaches 1 million inhabitants.

The Spanish society of physical medicine and rehabilitation and the Societat Catalana of Rehabilitació i physical medicine have jointly submitted letters to the Minister of health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Mayor of the City Council of Terrassa and to the President of mutual Terrassa, calling for the revision of the ERE. Both entities show your “ indignation and astonishment at the grave health situation that the closure of the rehabilitation service will generate ”, and whose impact on the health of the population of the area are eligible for a “ tremendous irresponsibility ”.

Of carrying out the case of proposed employment regulation, service of rehabilitation of mutual Terrassa, including outpatient, hospital rehabilitation and geriatric care, would be completely dismantled. This service currently working doctors, physiotherapists, nurses, occupational therapists, speech therapists, foniatras, auxiliary and administrative staff.

Health, economic and labour cost

The scientific societies of rehabilitation and physical medicine have indicated that “ without continuity of rehabilitative treatment interruption will be sequels and irreparable deficits in patients, which will have impact on their quality of life, especially in the more fragile: children and the elderly, which are also the most common users of these services ”.

Also have shown that the implementation of the ERE will be “ delays ” job recovery “ of workers affected by trauma or disease requiring rehabilitation ”. They have also alluded to the “ economic impact of the derivations of these sick ”, and the impact “ in the quality of life ” patients and “ physical and psychic disorders that will mean all these patients, referral and care assistance elsewhere ”.

Educational unit accredited training MIR

Given the fact that, in addition to its vast health care activity, rehabilitation of mutual Terrasa is an educational unit accredited by the Ministry of education for the formation of internal resident doctors (MIR) in the specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation. Also, this service has highlighted so far to develop a relevant research activity “ of high technical quality, and that has been raised to this service at a very high level of efficiency and quality ”.

Are currently treated in rehabilitation of mutual Terrassa service patients suffering from neurological and neuromuscular diseases (stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, infantile cerebral palsy, párkinson, etc.), heart disease (ischemic heart disease)(, etc.), diseases of the apparatus locomotive (such as osteoarthritis, lumbago, tendonitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Spondyloarthropathies, inflammatory diseases of the connective tissue, politraumatismos, scoliosis, fibromyalgia and osteoporosis), diseases of the vascular and lymphatic system, well as other pathologies various or rare.

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You sanitas, in the top 10 of the best companies to work for Spain

you sanitas, in the top 10 of the best companies to work for Spain

-A total of 172 undertakings analysed, Sanitas has reached the top 10 in the ranking of “ the best companies to work for ”, which draws up every year the magazine currently economic.

-ranking includes six categories and each Sanitas has achieved an excellent rating, ranks first in the overall ranking of the health care sector

– are also taken into account variables such as la gestión of talent, the remuneration and compensation, training and development, corporate responsibility and direct assessment by employees of the company itself.

Madrid, July of 2011. A total of 172 undertakings analysed, Sanitas has reached the top 10 in the ranking of “ the best companies to work for ”, which draws up every year the magazine Actualidad Económica. Thus, Sanitas has climbed 9 positions on the 2010 ranking and enters the top 10 of enterprises more caring to their employees, second only to large companies such as BBVA, Kimberly Clark, Orange, LG, Deloitte, Ausonia, Santander or Coca-Cola.

The ranking includes six categories and each Sanitas has achieved an excellent score. deal with number 3 in the category of “ environment ”, which assesses various benefits offered to employees for everyday life. One that stands out the ranking of these advantages is the headquarters of Sanitas, free gym for employees and also offers plenty of activities. “ The concern of the insurer for the sport, – publishes economic news – which has among its clients to major companies such as Real Madrid, goes that their workers are also in the form ”.

It should be noted that you Sanitas occupies first place in the overall ranking of the health care sector, ahead of Groupama (post 15), Mutua Madrileña (post 52), VidaCaixa-Adeslas (post 54), Mapfre (post 64), USP hospitals (since 89) or Caser (since 110).

This ranking also takes into account variables such as the management of talent, pay and compensation, training and development, corporate responsibility and direct assessment by employees of the company itself.

Group Sanitas

The Sanitas group, specializing in health and health care, including the companies: Sanitas insurance, Sanitas hospital, Sanitas Residencial and Sanitas new business. You sanitas insurance is the leading company with regard to private customers of insurance for medical care and health in Spain, with 1.98 million members. In 2010, its turnover was EUR 1.449,5 million.

You sanitas hospital manages three hospitals and 71 health centres multiespecialidad and dental. You sanitas residential is one of the main companies of Spain elderly care, he has 41 residences throughout the country and has more than 5,000 residential spaces.

You sanitas more solutions for taking care of you offering a wide range of complementary services for health and welfare in their own centres and the Sanitas Mundosalud centers.

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Adherence to treatment has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and the health care system

adherence to treatment has a significant impact on the quality of life of patients and the health care system

support programs to patients is, for years, fundamental tool in countries around the world

-failure causes does not fulfil the essential aim of any treatment: cure.

– it is estimated that 50% of patients fail to properly follow their treatment within a month of start it. This abandonment involves more than 125,000 lives in Europe and more than 125,000 million euros on unnecessary medical expenditures.

Madrid, July of 2011. For years, hospitals and health centres around the world develop custom programs to make patients aware of the role that plays the medication prescribed in their healing and that those who initially decided not to take to change their behaviour and increase their adherence to the same. Thus adherence to treatment has become a definitive tool that manages to significantly improve the quality of life of chronic patients and positively affects the sustainability of health systems.

To analyze the impact of adherence to treatment is both from the point of view of health and quality of life of patients, such as the economic systems of health impact, just hold the Conference in Madrid “ how attitudes and fundamental beliefs of the people may change their adherence and persistence ” organized by Atlantis Healthcare and taught by Dr. Grant TaylorPsychologist of health, with more than 23 years of experience in the public and private sectors and Director of clinical of Atlantis Healthcare in New Zealand, which has developed projects in fields such as orthopaedics, obstetrics, cardiology, diabetes, obesity, respiratory medicine and transplantation of heart.

It is estimated that the month of the beginning of treatment, approximately 50% of chronic patients no longer follow it correctly, this abandonment is each year more than 125,000 million euros in costs of hospitalization, spending that would not occur if patients continue treatment normally. In addition, failure to comply with causes that the patient won’t get the best results in its health and feel that it has very little control over their disease.

Programmes of support to the patient are intended to achieve changes in behaviour of groups of people with chronic diseases or risk factors. The objective is to change beliefs towards disease, medication, or the individual relationship with them, avoiding the deterioration or the appearance of crisis patients and unnecessary public spending.

For Dr. Taylor “ non-adherence is a behavior with a significant impact on the results of the treatment and quality of life of the patient. Using the knowledge and skills in psychology of health behavior change techniques, can influence that behavior to improve the health of the patient and ensure welfare ”.

New Zealand, United States, United Kingdom and Australia have been pioneers in the practical and theoretical development to understand the factors that determine the adherence to treatments. In Spain, the pharmaceutical industry is beginning to implement programmes of support to the patient and several universities have research centres in this discipline.

The psychology of the salud:

Towards the end of the 1970s psychologists began to work systematically in areas of physical health, although they were initially limited to move to this area the psychological principles used in clinical psychology or mental health. Soon developed studies and research focused on people with physical health problems and Health Psychology, also known as medicine behavioural, acquired its own space as a branch of professional psychology. Experts currently theoretical foundations strong and multiple research on behaviour-related health to improve the status of the patients and their quality of life.

The theory of behavior Planificado (Fishbein and 1975 Ajzen), the model of self-regulation (Leventhal, 1987), the health belief model (Hochbaum, 1958) or the theories of behavior on the accession of the teachers Weinman and Petrie, constitute the theoretical foundations of this discipline.

About Atlantis Healtcare

Atlantis Healthcare was founded in 1993 in New Zealand and has now offices in Germany, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Spain. It is a global leader in the development and implementation of support programmes for patients with acute and chronic diseases. More than 70 programs around the world help patients better manage their health, increase their adherence to prescribed treatments and make the necessary adjustments in their day to day for a better quality of life.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips