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BIOVAL organizes the IV Edition of the upper course of biotechnology.

BIOVAL organizes the 4th edition of the upper course of biotechnology

-Carlos Simón, prize King Jaime I of 2011 medical research, and Ken Morse, Member of the Committee on innovation and entrepreneurship of the Obama President, among the professors of the Fourth Edition

-the course is aimed at researchers and business professionals who want to enter or refocus her career in the biotechnology sector

Valencia, 2011-July the course senior biotechnology company organized by BIOVAL will begin the month of October its Fourth Edition with a teaching team made up of experts in this field at national and international levels, from enterprises and relevant entities of the sector of biotechnology and the corporate governance.

A biotechnology company requires a multidisciplinary team capable of regularly collaborate on projects with multiple departments such as finance, marketing and sales, r & d, legal, etc. BIOVAL launched this course four years ago with the aim of combining the scientific-technological profile and the profile of business management to respond to the specific needs of professionals who require biotech companies. The course is aimed at professionals with a scientific basis that need to incorporate a business training and, on the other hand, graduates in biology, law, economics, business and engineering who want to enter in the field of biotechnology.

Maria Eugenia Hernández de Pablo, Manager of BIOVAL stresses that “ in addition to being a key training for profile scientific professionals who need knowledge of business management, the course is an opportunity for executives of companies or sectors which have suffered the crisis and want to redirect their careers to a sector with great potential such as biotechnology ”.

In addition to developing the knowledge and skills needed to work in a biotechnology company, the completion of the course extends the network of professional relationships of the pupil, increasing its relational capital to have the opportunity to meet with the leaders of the sector. The training programme is completed with biotech companies associated to BIOVAL practices, and thanks to which many students of previous editions have joined definitely your template.


BIOVAL is the Association that brings together more than 70 biotech companies in the Valencian Community, research centres and technological universities and hospitals whose research activity is linked to the biotechnology BIOVAL was formed in late 2006 to develop and take advantage of the opportunities for innovation in the biotechnology sector, as a vector of economic and social growth in the Valencian Community, Spain.

The biotechnology business fabric in the Valencian Community has increased more than 100% in the number of biotechnology companies, from 24 companies in 2003 to 70 in 2010, by which it is situated, at the national level, between the regions with the highest number of bio. The turnover of the 70 biotech companies in the Valencian Community exceeded € 80 million in 2010. It concerned employment, the figure rises to almost 1,000 employees, employment generation has been produced in recent years, this figure was 700 in 2008.

You can access the full course information (enrollment, faculty, program, etc.) on the website of BIOVAL

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Manifesto for the creation of safety in hospitals and health departments.

manifesto for the creation of safety in hospitals and health departments

The Spanish health system has a category of excellent globally and from the National Association for the Integral security in hospital centres (ANSICH) and the Observatory for the Integral security in hospital centres (OSICH), we are contributing to that excellence betting every day on the improvement of comprehensive security in healthcare. With this manifesto take one step, to request, pursuant to the regulations in force, the creation and implementation of the security departments in hospitals (according to the law of 30 July 1992 private security, Royal Decree 2364 / 1994 December 9 and Royal Decree of 11 January 4, 2008).

Hospitals are the organizations that have the largest catalog of existing risks, 24 hours a day 365 days a year and have to take the security of its facilities and its high technology, as well as the people that they are (patients admitted with or without any mobility)(, medical professionals and other workers, families, patient, visits, etc.), if to this we add the situation of stress that our patients and users suffer, we have a situation where the security management is a key and essential piece for the proper functioning of the centres.

From both associations we have seen, after several meetings and events with various officials of hospital security, which is not complying with the existing rules, entrusting these specific tasks of peacekeeping personnel or anyone else not enabled, forgetting about the responsibilities of managers and the obligatory nature of their creation. The end of the security departments is to manage and ensure comprehensive security facilities, patients, workers and visitors, and is therefore that it urge the parties concerned to its creation and adjustment.

Pedro Gómez Quirós and Fernando Padilla Sancha
Presidents of ANSIC and OSICH

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Almirall and the Galatea Foundation organized “Health of MIR” to raise awareness among medical residents about the importance of their own health care

Almirall and the Galatea Foundation organised “ health of MIR ” to raise awareness among medical residents about the importance of their own health care

(-More than 100 resident doctors participated in this programme, which took place in the Commálaga, the illustrious College official of doctors in the province of Málaga)

– addressed the stress factors specific to the residents and how cope

Barcelona, July of 2011- internal resident doctors (MIR) are in a formative period in which consolidated its powers as specialized medical futures. For this reason, training in all the senses is crucial. Almirall and the Galatea Foundation have organized a training session, “ Mir health ”, aimed at helping medical residents to carry out a proper exercise of his specialty, taking into account not only the technical aspects but also the acquisition of skills, behaviours and skills that enable them to do so in a healthy position.

During this informative Conference, held this month of July in the Commálaga, more than 100 attendees were able to talk with the best specialists and know the importance of their own health care.

The event was presided over by the second Vice-President of the Commálaga, Andrés Buforn Galiana, and moderated by his Deputy, Carlos Carrasco Pecci, and is part of the agreement between Foundation orphans Board of Trustees of the College medical organization, Fundación Galatea, entity that works for the health and well-being of doctors, and Almirall.

José Manuel López, southern area of institutional relations of Almirall, commented that “ the goal of these sessions is to give practical information necessary for the best development and training for the MIR ”:

approach to mental health care provider health

as well as general health informationComprehensive care programmes were also presented to doctor sick (PAIME) colleges of physicians, for physicians with mental health and addiction problems. About it, focused presentations, such as those developed by the Secretary general of the Commálaga, Mr. Manuel García del Río, who presented the programme PAIME. Also, the DRA. Eulalia Masachs Galatea Foundation developed the paper „ the health of MIR: the residents stress factors and making them frente‟, which aroused great interest.


Almirall is an international pharmaceutical company based on innovation and committed to the health. With headquarters in Barcelona (Spain), Almirall researches, develops, produces and sells drugs own r & d and licensing with the aim of improving the health and well-being of people.

The therapeutic areas in which concentrates its resources in research are related to the treatment of asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), gastrointestinal disorders, psoriasis and other skin forms.

Almirall drugs are currently present in over 70 countries. It has direct presence in Europe and Latin America through 12 subsidiaries.

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Communiqué of the Central Ethics Committee of the WTO with regard to the publication of various erroneous information on the code of medical ethics.

communicated the Commission Central of ethics of the WTO with regard to the publication of various misinformation on the code of medical deontology.

Madrid, 2011-July before certain information biased and wrong about the code of medical deontology adopted on 9 July by the General Assembly of official colleges of physicians, the plenary of the Central Commission of ethics, as responsible for its preparation, wants to move to the public the following considerations:

1-about the lack of independence in the drafting of the code. Our work has done over these past two years and a half with absolute independence and freedom of discretion, without any influence or pressure from individuals or groups.

2. On the lack of transparency and difficulty of participation of the doctors.

Systematics which governed this country for the development of standards by bodies representing has followed in the drafting of the code: the code has been drawn up by a technical Committee, the Central Committee of ethicscomposed of twelve doctors elected in free and secret elections. Completed its development, after two and a half years of work and deliberations, it referred to all the schools official from doctors of Spain for its dissemination, knowledge and contribution of allegations. As a result of this procedure the Central Ethics Commission received 372 amendments, many of which were incorporated into the document.

This latter text was submitted to all the colleges of physicians of Spain. Received new allegations which were valued and subjected to secret ballot one by one, on July 9 in the Assembly General of the Organization Medical College, which brings together the whole of Spanish doctors represented in vowels national and provincial Presidents.

3. Concerning the absence in the code of the adequate protection of the right to conscientious objection.

It is the first time that a Spanish Medical Ethics Code devotes a chapter which enshrines the right of the doctor to conscientious objection (Chapter VI, articles 32 to 35).

4. On the tolerance of the code with regard to abortion.

Article 51.1 says: “ man is an end in itself, in all phases of the life cycle, from conception to death. The doctor is obliged, in any of its proceedings, to safeguard the dignity and integrity of persons under its care ”.

Article 55.1 says “ the doctor is at the service of preserving life he entrusted any of its stages ”. It is clear the position of the code of respect for human life.

However, the code includes in his second final provision: “ the doctor to act covered by the laws of the State shall not be liable deontológicamente ”.

This code has put special care to respect the autonomy of the patient whose exercise is essential to your doctor to provide adequate, reliable and complete information so that the patient may freely make their decisions. The information is a legal and ethical duty to which there is no conscientious objection.

We would like these considerations were a stimulus for a leisurely, complete and attentive reading of the code.

Fdo.: the plenum of the Central Commission of unethical medical of the Organization Medical College.

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Two projects of Institute Biocruces received the award of research Merck Serono 2011

two projects of Institute Biocruces received the award of research Merck Serono 2011

awards in ‘ rare diseases research ’ and ‘ research into fertility ’

-investigations carried out in the Department of Gynecology and obstetrics and pediatric nephrology section will receive help to continue the development of the project.

-the team of Nephrology Pediatric designed by researchers at the UPV/EHU and university hospitals Central Asturias and Canary a platform computer, called ‘ ’, to assist practitioners in clinical, genetic diagnosis and treatment of rare disorders of tubular origin in children

– “ platform can help us much in the consultationIt will allow us to better understand the clinical variability have the data of a large number of patients, but above all will allow access to the genetic diagnosis to those countries in which there is no money to carry out studies and difficult access to the information ”, says Gema Ariceta, responsible for the section.

-the work led by Roberto Matorras gynecologist has obtained a grant of € 200,000 for his study of endometrial tissue and receptivity uterine.

Bilbao, 2011-August Two research projects of the BioCruces Institute have been awarded the prestigious Merck Serono research awards 2011, giving substantial support to the development of the same. Projects come also from two very different departments, such as the Department of Gynecology and obstetrics and pediatric nephrology section.

On the one hand, the Merck Serono research award 2011 in the area of ‘ research for rare diseases and their clinical implications ’ has gone to the area of pediatric nephrology, by project, this section is carried out by the University of the country Basque UPV/EHUthe Central University Hospital of Asturias and the Hospital Universitario de Canarias.

The award-winning work, called development of a system of molecular clinical study of primary tubulopatías to maximize the scientific yield of information and diagnostic procedures, mainly consists of an Internet portal that serves as a clinical guide to specialists in diagnostic clinical and genetic rare diseases within the pathologies tubular children.

The computer platform,, offers clinicians not only the possibility to check symptoms and treatments of these rare diseases, but it also enables them to participate in the creation of a database clinical and molecular pathologies such as distal renal tubular Acidosis, the Gitelman syndrome, the disease of Dent family hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis, Bartter syndrome type III or Diabetes Insipidus nefrogénica.

“ Aid that can come us in very handy the Nephrologists as consultation, but especially those countries that do not have specific studies of these diseases and have difficult access to the information about them is ”, says Gema Ariceta, responsible for the section of Nephrology Pediatric BioCruces. The project took an award which aspired more than 70 nominations.

Prize in Gynecology

On the other hand, the Department of Gynecology and obstetrics has received the scholarship for the ‘ research into fertility ’ (Grant for Fertility Innovation) project called endometrial tissue Proteomics to measure uterine receptivity, led by Dr. Roberto Matorras. This work has been one of the five chosen in this field to receive the aid of 200,000 euros, between 55 applications from 14 countries.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips