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PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Simbionix Tm obtained patent.

PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Simbionix Tm obtained patent.

Cleveland, August 10, 2011- / PRNewswire / – Simbionix USA Corporation, the world leading supplier of products for education and training of simulation medical for medical professionals and health care sector, is pleased to announce that a patent in United Kingdom was awarded for its innovative software PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Tm.

The PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Tm is a pioneer in the sector, allowing clinicians to create anatomical models specific 3D and 4 d data from images of a patient as CT for Endovascular procedures planning and simulation-based. The patent was granted for the technology patented Simbionix used to simulate an angioplasty procedure guided by image based on the entry of the medical image 3D of the patient, thus enabling a practical experience in planning and testing, also provides physicians generation unlimited case studies unique clinical and the ability to better demonstrate a complex clinical procedures to their patients.

Earlier this year, the PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Tm software was released for marketing (market cleared) at United States, designed for use as a software interface and system for segmentation of images for the transfer of image data from a medical scanner to an output file. It was also designed as a preoperative software for simulation and evaluation of surgical treatment options. Unique for simulation Simbionix systems, 3D segmentation model can export to practice ANGIO Mentor Tm Simbionix Simulator environment. The results are a method made for the creation of a library of modules always expanding training and preoperative information summary.

“This addition to the comprehensive portfolio of IP of the company is a proof of the uniqueness and quality products and exceptional Simbionix development team,” said Mr. Boaz Tal, Chief Financial Officer of Simbionix. “Medical education solutions technologically advanced are becoming more accepted and regularly integrated into medical training programs.” Patented software PROcedure Rehearsal Studio Tm enables the integration of medical imaging training, strengthening the link between clinical procedures and training. “The grant of the patent is a further sign of recognition to expansive product line of Simbionix, which offers innovative solutions for a promote physician performance and ensure the safety of the patient.”

About Simbionix USA Corporation

Simbionix is the global leading provider of simulation and training for medical professionals and the sector of health care products. Simbionix, founded in 1997, maintains its commitment to offer high quality products, to promote the clinical performance and optimize the results of procedures.

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The dark beer has more iron than the blonde.

The dark beer has more iron than the blonde.

-a team of researchers from the University of Valladolid has analyzed 40 brands of beer and found black beers are more free iron than the blondes and the alcoholic. Iron, as well as being an essential element in the human diet, helps to oxidize organic compounds that give stability and flavour to these drinks

Spain, 2011-August black beers contain an average amount of iron free of 121 ppb (parts per billion) versus the 92 ppb of the blondes and the 63 ppb of the alcohol-freeAccording to an analysis of 40 types of beer from all five continents, carried out by researchers at the University of Valladolid (UVa).

“ Although it’s very small amounts, the variations are clear and could be the result of processes of production or of the raw material used during the manufacturing ”, pointing to SINC Carlos Blanco, the area of food technology in the UVa Professor and co-author of the work.

The study, which publishes the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, said that extracts from malta and hops used specifically in the manufacture of black beer could explain their highest levels in iron.

However, the blonde beer production makes a filtering with ‘ diatomite ’ (sedimentary rock with microalgae used to clarify the drink), a porous material that traps the metal and reduced their concentrations.

For beers without alcohol evaporation processes are applied to vacuum to remove alcohol. This operation also favors the Elimination of iron ions by the trawlers engaged in volatile molecules.

Black beers contain 121 ppb of iron free with the 92 ppb of blondes.

To carry out the work have been analysed 17 brands of beer produced in Spain and 23 other countries. In particular 28 Blondes, six black and many others without alcohol. Containing as much iron has been a Spanish black beer (165 ppb) and other Mexican (130 ppb), and that less, two without alcohol from Holland and Ireland (41 and 47 ppb respectively).

Determination of iron and other metals in the beer is relevant not only for being essential elements for the human body, also for his involvement in the preparation of the drink. The concentrations of metals can determine its organoleptic characteristics, stability and quality.

With this work the researchers have validated the technique have been developed to analyze the iron (called ‘ cyclic voltammetry differential pulse adsortiva ’), a method “ ultrasensitive, selective, fast, reliable and cheap ”. Recently the team has also applied for the first time a “ electronic language ” to quantify the degree of bitterness and alcohol in the beer.

Bibliographic references:

Sancho, Daniel; White, Charles A..; Knight, Elizabeth; Pascual, Ana. “Free iron in pale, dark and alcohol-free lager beers commercial”. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 91 (6): 1142-7, April of 2011. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.4298.

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The number of disabled permanent is reduced by half in the last 15 years.

The number of disabled permanent is reduced by half in the last 15 years.

Spain, 2011-August according to data made public by the Ministry of labour and immigration over the last month of July, the average amount of pensions for permanent disability stands at 805,77 euros, an increase of 3.3 per cent over the previous year. A figure below the pensions for retirement, currently 916,19 euro.

Through these data made public the number of contributory pensions in Spain amounts to 8.812.560, a number exceeding the figure of the previous year by 1.6%. Of these nearly nine million pensioners, 5.250.797 are pensioners, 2.310.329 are widows, with 940.096 compensation are the beneficiaries of a pension for permanent incapacity and fourth and fifth place are contributory for orphan pensions and pensions for families, with a much lower figure. All these contributory pensions have been spending the social security of 7.1 billion euros, or what is the same, 5% more than the same month of the previous year.

Through the analysis of changes in the pension for permanent incapacity of the past 15 years, according to data from the National Institute of statistics, we can observe as the number of pensions granted by the National Social Security Institute has decreased to almost half in this period of time, from 1.658.170 in 1994 to 940.096 ciphers to date by the Ministry of labour and immigration.

These data represent a reduction of almost half of clinical cases which were considered as disabled permanent in any degree: which makes think if it will have not changed the criterion for granting these pensions, along with the Social security coffers.

The law medical group has since 1978 fighting for the defense of those who need it most, advising from a technical, medical and legal point of view to those who are entitled to the incapacitation, with the aim of achieving greater guarantees of success in the process of Declaration of the permanent incapacity.

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Gout is the cause of acute arthritis common in the adult population.

Gout is acute arthritis cause more frequent in the population adult.

clinic in BioCruces research

-affects 1% of adults, reaching 5% over the age of 70. 20% Of patients with acute gout have a history that discourages the routine treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and colchicine

-BioCruces Institute specialists investigated with two drugs to improve the treatment of this disease in these patients can not follow the usual procedures

-the objective of the project is to assess the effectiveness of both drugs or their combination for control of signs and symptoms of acute gout

– “Is currently unknown what is the best alternative both efficacy and safety ”, says Dr. Fernando Pérez Ruiz, responsible of the Rheumatology unit of BioCruces and the project leader

Bilbao, August of 2011- the drop suffered by Kiko Rivera in a well-known television program did jump to the fore a disease that is more common than the people think. In fact, in Spain the suffering 1% of adults, a percentage which rises to 5% for those over 70 years. The drop is also the main cause of acute arthritis in the adult population.

This rheumatic disease caused by an accumulation of salts in urato (uric acid) in the body, is a treatment that is effective based on anti-inflammatory and colchicine. However, 20% of patients with acute gout can not receive this treatment because these drugs are contraindicated for his health, and currently there is no evidence of what is the best option for them.

This is why the BioCruces Institute has begun an investigation whose aim is to discover the best way to treat these patients who cannot receive treatment as usual pharmacologically. Therefore the group led by Dr. Fernando Pérez Ruiz of the Rheumatology service is comparing two medications (tetracosáctida and betamethasone) or their combination as a treatment dose in these patients, evaluating both its effectiveness and its security. Both drugs are old (more than 20 years in the market) and cheap (have a cost close to 1 euro), which makes it more difficult studies with them due to investment in logistics.

“ All published studies exclude this type of patients, which are not uncommon in routine medical practice and, even knowing they are effective, it is unknown if one or other, or their combination, are the best choice of treatment or there is no difference between them ”, explains Dr. Fernando Pérez.

The study, which aims to assess the efficacy of the drugs in controlling the signs and symptoms of acute gout, is being conducted with patients through various agencies. In addition to BioCruces, participating in the project hospitals La Paz, 12 October and Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona, the General Hospital of Castellon and researchers in the study group of arthritis Cristalinas in the society Spanish Rheumatology (GEACSER).

Thus, the principal investigators of the project are the Dres. Eugenio de Miguel (La Paz), Pilar Fernández Dapica (twelve in October), Mercedes Jiménez Palop (iron gate), Miquel Belmonte (Castellón), César Díaz Torné (Sant Pau) and Joana Atxotegi (crosses), under the overall coordination of Dr. Pérez. In fact, the Rheumatology service of the Hospital de Cruces has extensive experience in this field and is considered a landmark national and international, having published over 50 articles in international journals, with a cumulative impact exceeding 100 and some of them already referenced in the international texts, both medicine and Rheumatology.

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The Health Department of the Bank experts warn that the correct use and conservation of medicinal products should exercise extreme in the summer.

Experts from the Health Department of the Bank warn that correct use and conservation of medicinal products should exercise extreme summer.

-is important to check the exterior appearance of the drug, discarding it should present an abnormal appearance, that he can point to a change in its pharmaceutical properties

– If you are going to travel abroad, should retain the leaflets of medicines, in order to find generic or similar, and take over medical prescriptions to avoid possible problems in customs

-some medications, as diuretics or anti-inflammatory drugs, can exacerbate the effects of high temperatures

Alzira, August of 2011- experts from the Health Department of the Bank notice of the need to carry out a correct use and conservation of medicines during the summer

to the high temperatures which often reach in this time of year, it is important to consider measures for the proper conservation of you drugs, focusing on those drugs that require special storage conditions, as it is the case of medicinal products must be kept cold and to be used as soon have pulled out of the fridge. In this regard, the special conditions for the conservation of certain drugs contained in their respective containers.

The Health Department of the Bank experts recommend checking, especially in summer, the external appearance of the product, especially those with pharmaceutical forms identified as suppositories, ovules or creams, that are quite sensitive to high temperatures; in the event that the product presents an abnormal appearance, should dispose of it, that this alteration of its outward appearance may mean a change in the properties of the pharmaceutical form.


Travel, recommends not take medicines in the luggage of the car with the luggage, because, in these compartments, there is no ventilation or cooling and they can reach very high temperatures can affect medications.

It is also essential to maintain the conditions of transport for medications that require it, such as those to be retained between the 2 ° C and 8 ° C, which should carry in insulated packaging refrigerated (without freezing); or drugs which may remain at a temperature of 25 ° C and 30 ° C, which should carry a non cooled insulated packaging so that they can reach temperatures higher in certain places.

If you are going to travel abroad, the Health Department of the Bank advised to retain prospects for medicinal products, that, in some countries, it is difficult to locate some drugs from pharmacies but yes they can be generic or similar with another brand commercial but identical active principles. In addition, it is advisable to carry over some doses to use in case of loss of baggage and medical prescriptions of medications we transport to avoid possible problems with customs.

Medicines that accentuate the effects of heat

On the other hand, the Bank Health Department experts warn that some medications may exacerbate the effects of high temperatures indirectly or may aggravate a heat stroke. These medications include diuretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive drugs, antibiotics and antivirals, the antiarrhythmics, some anti-diabetic, lipid lowering (which are used to regulate cholesterol), antidepressants, antihistamines, antipsychotics and some antiparkinsonism medicines.

It must be borne in mind that Neuroleptics or antipsychotics and Antidepressants can induce a serious pattern of hipertermina (increased body temperature). It is also important to note that you must have certain precautions with medications that Act on the degree of wakefulness that alter the individual’s capacity to perceive heat.

The Bank Health Department experts point out that, in any case, should follow the instructions of the physician and, in any case, stop the treatments set by him.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips