Nearly half of Spaniards devotes less than two hours a week to carry out physical exercise.
Nearly half of Spaniards devotes less than two hours a week to exercise physical.
II study international Bupa Health Pulse 2011 on chronic enfermedados: exercise physicist.
– a 37 of every 100 Spaniards not they like the idea of physical exercise, although they were aware of should practice more
-nearly half of Spaniards (48%) fails the who recommendation to exercise regularly, and 14% not never practised
Madrid, 2011-August is essential to maintain a healthy physical exercise. However, 48% of Spaniards does not reach the minimum of two hours a week recommended by the World Health Organization (who). Nearly half of Spaniards (46%) believes that work is one of the main obstacles to exercise, and are where most allude to the lack of time (25%), above any other country in the twelve respondents.
This is one of the main conclusions drawn from the study international Bupa Health Pulse II 2011, done by Bupa, the parent company of Sanitas.
From a simple stroll through parks and streets up to any kind of sport they allow keep fit as well as helping to prevent possible disease in the long term. According to the World Health Organization, it is advisable to devote two hours per week to the realization of physical exercise to achieve, among other benefits, an improvement in immune and muscle tone, a decrease in blood pressure or even achieve weight loss.
Despite this recommendation, only 38% of Spaniards considered the sporting activity as part of their daily lives, a percentage less than 47 per cent of the international population claiming physical exercise on a regular basis.
22 of every 100 Spaniards only practiced sport occasionally because did not enjoy it, while 37 percent think that you should increase your physical activity. The population of countries such as Mexico (33%), New Zealand (38%) and United Kingdom (39%) shows the same attitude to the sport. practical
According to the level of development of countries, the reasons that point are different, for example in developed countries such as Australia, United States or New Zealand the lack of motivation is positioned as the main excuse when it comes to physical exercise while that in the countries in the process of development as BrazilIndia or Thailand hide the lack of time and the cost.
The couple and friends, fundamental
For every 100 Spaniards 62 is easy and fun to do physical exercise if you do as part of a group or with friends. This percentage is even greater in countries such as Thailand (84%) and China (82%). United Kingdom where only 37% of the population considered that physical exercise in group is a reason to keep in mind is situated on the opposite side.
China and United States, to the head in the practice of sports
This study international Bupa Health pulse II 2011 shows that 18% of the population at the international level not carried out any kind of physical exercise during the week and 55% makes it less than two hours. These data confirm that most of the population is below the levels of physical activity recommended by the World Health Organization (who) to reduce the risk of disease.
At the international level, Brazil (33%) and Saudi Arabia (32%) are the countries where less exercise is practiced, while 8 out of 10 people believe that they lead a healthy life (81 per cent and 84 per cent respectively). If it is found in China (58%) and United States.USA (55%), where more than two hours more than half the population of both countries engaged in activities sport.
Data sheet
For the preparation of this second study of Bupa Health Pulse 2011 has been a total of 13.373 interviews online in 12 countries (United Kingdom, Spain, Australia, Mexico, India, EE)UU. (Brazil, China, Hong Kong, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and New Zealand). The questionnaires were answered between April 22 and May 23. In Spain 1,048 persons were interviewed and established quotas so that the sample be representative at national level by sex, age and region.
Group Sanitas
The Sanitas group, specializing in health and health care, including the companies: Sanitas insurance, Sanitas hospital, Sanitas Residencial and Sanitas new business. You sanitas insurance is the leading company with regard to private customers of insurance for medical care and health in Spain, with 1.98 million members. In 2010, its turnover was EUR 1.449,5 million.
You sanitas hospital manages three hospitals and 71 health centres multiespecialidad and dental. You sanitas residential is one of the main companies of Spain elderly care, he has 41 residences throughout the country and has more than 5,000 residential spaces.
You sanitas new business offers a wide range of complementary health services in their own centres and through the Sanitas Mundosalud centres.
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