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Chiron hospital began a campaign of moderate alcohol consumption.

Chiron hospital began a campaign of moderate consumption of alcohol

on the occasion of the beginning of the Feria of Malaga.

– alcohol consumption soars during the fair season, six of every ten people that usually do not consume, do fair-time

-the traffic unit of the hospital wants to educate the Malaga population risks posed by excessive alcohol consumption as well as the dangers involved in driving a vehicle in a State of drunken

Spain, 2011-August under the motto do it for your health!, Hospital Chiron Málaga returned once again to the Malaga fair to promote responsible behaviour among citizens. In this sense, the hospital and its trafficking unit have begun on Saturday, August 13, a prevention campaign to promote a moderate consumption of alcohol among people over 18 years.

Explains Dr. Felix Martinez, Member of the traffic unit and head of emergency department during the fair season fires, over 60 per cent, the consumption of alcohol, i.e. six out of ten people that usually do not consume, do at fair time. Data, is also linked to the increase in car accidents associated with the State of drunkenness of citizens, according to the specialist, “ is necessary to us all involve the responsibility that no one drive after drinking that this may give rise to irreparable injury ”.

Thus, Hospital Chiron wants to move to the Malaga risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption as well as the dangers of driving a vehicle in a State of drunkenness. In this sense, the specialists of the Centre Hospitalier suggest avoiding the consumption of alcohol, or failing that, do so sparingly, alternating a glass of water or juice for every 30 milliliters of alcohol and certainly accompany these sugary food or fruit drinks. In the same way, is recommended for those dates that increases the consumption of alcohol, take care of the quality of sleep and maintain the immune system in healthy conditions to resist the damage that can lead to this product. The experts of the traffic unit explained that you among the main consequences, alcohol consumption decreases pupillary reflexes, movements and language by up to 90 percent.

The campaign that launched Hospital Chiron Malaga told, during the first day of fair, with an information stand at anchor Street (in front of former provincial Council) where staff of the hospital advised stakeholders on how to consume alcohol in an appropriate manner and, from where, in order to foster responsible citizens conduct, is presented to the Malaga with informative maps with routes within these dates to enjoy on foot or by transport fair audience.

on Hospital Chiron Malaga

Hospital Chiron Málaga has 24,600 square meters dedicated to health care and cutting edge equipmentmore than 150 physicians and Surgeons of the highest level and 35 medical specialties available to the patient. The hospital has 136 beds for hospitalization of which 25 are suites and 250 parking spaces parcamiento. It also has all the services of a general hospital with 51 external consultations, hospital surgical day, adult, gynaecological and paediatric emergency, bathtub for natural births, neonatal ICU to the assistance of deliveries less than 32 weeks. The hospital is the only private hospital in the province specialized in reconstructive microsurgery and corrective cosmetic surgery, which provides the possibility to correct all those errors of an aesthetic operation in another centre.

Hospital Group about Chiron

Currently, group hospital Chiron has seven general hospitals in Barcelona, Madrid, Málaga, San Sebastián, Valencia, Vizcaya and Zaragoza, as well as a hospital day in Zaragoza and a monographic Center of reproduction in Bilbao.

Chiron is the first hospital group in healthcare area of new construction in Spain, with a total of 207. 000 m km². All its centers are equipped with the most advanced equipment in diagnosis, treatment, and telemedicine, in total, there are 2,200 employees, manages 917 hospital beds, 104 ICUs, 103 operating theatres and 537 clinics.

Group Hospital Chiron has agreements with the majority of medical insurance at the national level and in 2010 treated in its hospitals 254.445 er 87.715 income, 66.988 interventions, 6.410 births and 763.374 consultations.

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Bladder cancer.

Cancer of the bladder.

-tumors can progress

-Can penetrate the muscular layer of the bladder, which makes that it happens to be a tumor located in metastatic

Spain, 2011-August tumors bladder malignant, are mostly diagnosed when they are superficial, non-invasive, i.e., are located in the mucosa which is the outermost part of the bladder and manifest themselves with blood in the urine.

Explains Dr. Elias Mora Kumboz, medical urologist, in these cases, Transurethral resection of bladder by endoscopic route, is still the best alternative.

“ The big problem is that these tumors after treated with Transurethral resection can resort or progress. To decrease the likelihood that resort or progress is placed, after Transurethral resection of the bladder, tuberculosis vaccine. There is a treatment protocol and has been to diminish the recurrence, ” said.
However, these tumors can progress, i.e., penetrate the muscular layer of the bladder, which makes it change from being localized to metastatic tumor

adds doctor Mora Kumboz that results have been achieved so far to apply chemotherapy in advanced state, despite the fact that there is a new scheme of treatment, have not been as effective as expected.

When the tumor infiltrates the muscular layer of the bladder, surgery remains the best alternative. For men, is the total removal of the bladder and prostate. While in women, as well as the bladder are removed the matrix and the ovaries. Becomes a new bladder with intestinal and must be anastomosar to the urethra so that the patient is urinating in a natural way, i.e., spontaneous urination.

Of course, this has its advantages, disadvantages and its complications, however, is a well-established technique and many patients are very well.

The other form of surgery is to practice the urostomy, which involves placing an external bag at the bottom of the abdomen, a widely used in such cases alternative.

At the same time being bladder preservation protocols. If the patient does not want surgery or is at high risk, to apply chemotherapy combined with radiation therapy to see if they remove the tumor, this alternative has its detractors and supporters and the results as a therapeutic option are to be seen.

In all cases the patient should discuss options with your physician.

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Peace researchers describe a new syndrome caused by a genetic alteration.

Peace researchers describe a new syndrome caused by an altered genetics.

study involved renowned geneticists from Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland, Poland and Sweden.

-the work has been published on Friday in the prestigious journal American Journal of Human Genetics

– for the first time at the global level a new genetic entity clinically recognized in 8 individuals is defined

– causes intellectual disability, features dismórficos, alterations of the balance or the behavior

Madrid, August of 2011- the American Journal of Human Genetics journal issued last Friday a study describing for the first time at the global level a new entity genetic clinically recognizable in eight individuals called 8q21.11. Researchers of the Institute of medical genetics and Molecular (INGEMM) of the Hospital Universitario La Paz of Madrid coordinated this study involving scientists from CIBER of rare diseases as well as renowned geneticists from Holland, Ireland, Poland and Sweden.

The study, led by Dr. Maria Bralo Palomares, the Institute for health research of Hospital La Paz (IdiPAZ), requires the phenotype associated with this microdeleción, which includes intellectual disability, traits characteristic dismórficos, hypotonia (decreased muscle tone), disturbances of balance, hearing loss (decreased hearing) and alterations to the behavior.

Knowledge of these symptoms will make it possible to diagnose new cases and delve into the associated clinical disorders, improved genetic counseling and clinical follow-up of these patients.

Chromosomal abnormality

In genetics, a “ deletion ” is a special type of chromosomal structural abnormality that consists in the loss of a fragment of DNA of a chromosome, causing an imbalance. In most cases, the deletions occur spontaneously, but individuals with the disorder, if they have reproductive capacity, have a 50% risk of passing it on to their children.

Microdeleción syndromes are defined as a group of clinically recognizable disorder characterized by a small deletion in a segment of the chromosome that covers multiple genes associated with diseases, each contributing to the phenotype independently. Microdeleción syndromes identified so far include the Velocardiofacial syndrome, Williams syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman Syndrome.

The clinical consist of the loss of chromosomal material, which comprises, in most cases between 1 to 3 billion base pairs of DNA, which can not be detected by conventional chromosomal analysis.

Latest technology

The medical advised and Molecular of the peace Institute has latest technology as a complete platform of Arrays (array-CGH) for the development of innovative products such as microarrays with application in pharmacogenomics and diagnosis of genetic diseases. The INGEMM researchers have designed a new product, called Karyoarray ®, which is a DNA microarray for diagnosing more than 350 genetic diseases and congenital malformations.

Comparative genomic hybridization of high-density arrays designed by researchers at the INGEMM, which has made possible to locate and characterize the genetic region responsible for this new syndrome have been used for carrying out the study.

This technique of genetic diagnosis can analyze the complete genome of an individual in search of alterations of gain or loss of genetic material, which results in a period of 48 to 72 hours.

Peace research

IdiPAZ is the Institute for health research of the Hospital Universitario La Paz and manages all of the resources of research, development and innovation of the Centre with the aim of contributing to the promotion and protection of the health of the population. There are 44 research groups focused on six areas: neuroscience, cardiovascular, infectious diseases and immunity, pathologies of large systems, cancer and human molecular genetics and, finally, surgery, transplantation and health technologies.

It is an area of biomedical research fruit of the relationship between the hospital and the Foundation for biomedical research, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and the Laín Entralgo Agency of the Madrid community, which has allowed to configure multidisciplinary teams to tackle joint research projects.

Medical genetics and Molecular

The Institute of medical genetics and Molecular of the Hospital La Paz (INGEMM) was created in 2008 and is part of IdiPAZ. Its goal is to provide a comprehensive solution to the growing demand for clinical genetics, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. The INGEMM integrates research, clinical practice and laboratory diagnosis in the same Institute, in a multidisciplinary and comprehensive framework of the current. genetic

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The RACE, ANFABRA, DGT and the BP service station network reported the risk of fatigue on tours of the bridge from the 15th of August.

The RACE, ANFABRA, DGT and the BP service station network reported the risk of fatigue on the routes of the bridge of the August 15.

inside of the campaign for prevention of fatigue, “ A refresh, your best fuel ”.

-the objective is to educate motorists that the accidents caused by fatigue can be avoided with simple measures such as rest and drink a soft drink, that helps to maintain the capacity of attention to the wheel

– as part of this special device, installed information points in petrol stations and rest areas of BP in the concienció of the importance of detecting the symptoms of fatigue and there have been recommendations to adopt healthy habits

-the past weekend coincided with the patron of a number of locations where the binomial parties and alcohol is present at many times of the day, which is usually a risk on the road. In addition, fatigue and night driving, increased fatigue and cause a large number of accidents

Madrid, 2011-August during the past weekend, including the holiday Monday, August 15, have been more than 6 millions of displacements in one of the moments of greatest intensity of traffic on Spanish roads throughout the yearto the match which starts vacation, returning from their summer break, along with those who took this long weekend to take a few days of rest. In addition, during this bridge were also held the patron saint of many localities, what does increase the short journeys. In any case, the fatigue and sleepiness, coupled with the increase in traffic, it causes an increase in the risk of an accident. To highlight this problem, the RACE, ANFABRA, DGT and the BP service station network launch action to raise awareness of fatigue and drowsiness.

The RACE – Royal Automobile Club of Spain, ANFABRA Association of soft drinks and the Directorate General of traffic (DGT), with the collaboration of the BP service station network, have chosen one of the year’s busiest bridges to a special device to raise awareness about the risk of fatigue on these routes. To do this, installed information points served by RACE monitors in various BP service stations distributed by the national geography. There, was provided to users of vehicle brochures containing recommendations to adopt healthy habits during driving, emphasizing the need to maintain the body properly hydrated and avoid alcohol consumption provided that it will lead. This awareness-raising action is part of the prevention campaign of the fatigue which, under the motto “ A refresh, your best fuel ”, takes place during these summer months, paying special attention to moments of much traffic, which has been the past weekendwhich increases the circulation intensity.

It is important to remember that the fatigue is the fourth leading cause of death on Spanish roads. According to various studies, stop every two hours, small stretching and drink a soft drink, which helps maintain good hydration and adds sugar important for maintaining attention, are good habits to prevent the risk of accident by fatigue.

Lack of rest, dehydration, heat, the consumption of alcohol, stress, etc. are some of the causes of fatigue. This causes a decrease in attention to driving and increases in 86% of the time of reaction against an obstacle, which increases the risk of an accident. Furthermore, drive without rest means fail to see 40% of the signals.

But drivers remain unaware of the risks, for what it does not detect its symptoms on time and not taking appropriate preventive measures. Thus, according to the findings of the “ study on fatigue and driving 2011 ” prepared for the RACE and ANFABRA to discuss habits to the steering wheel and level of knowledge and perception of the risk of Spanish drivers, 75 per cent of respondents suffered sleepiness at the wheel and a 60% loss of concentration.

Patron and alcohol

Other risks for road safety in these days is the consumption of alcohol. In August coincided with the patron saint of many Spanish cities. These celebrations often drink alcohol and then take the car. For this reason, in the campaign it was stressed that alcohol and driving are incompatible, because that is not only an infringement, but also multiplies the risk of accident nine. In addition, fatigue, night driving, travel by road secondary, common in these days, make the risk of accidents may trigger.

Tips for the displacement of 15 August

Road safety requires that the driver is in the best conditions when he gets behind the wheel. Incorporate good habits is the best way to improve security and reduce the risks.

– take the leadership in a relaxed manner and do not try to recover the time lost after a jam. The goal is to reach out and get well.

– must comply with and respect the rules of movement.

-fatigue and sleep are present in much of the traffic accidents. Heaviness in your eyes flicker constant,… are alarm symptoms: stand and rest.

-each stop should last at least fifteen minutes, get off the car and take a snack. Click here for desentumecimiento of the joints and back stretching exercises.

· fitting the seat (bench and support), the headrest and make an adjustment in depth and height of the wheel. Travel comfortably reduces the cramps and aches muscle.

-Alcohol and driving are always incompatible. Never drink if you are driving, however short the journey.

– stay hydrated. The symptoms of dehydration appear relatively soon on long trips and in summer, and cause the reduction of the attention, abotargamiento, headache, tiredness and muscle fatigue.

-some medications can cause drowsiness or affect vision or coordination. talk to your doctor before starting the journey.

-Take the same precautions when making short journeys that in long-haul. Secondary roads cause a large number of accidents fatal.

-one last tip: when you stop, take a refreshing drink that, in addition to moisturize it, help clearing it, improve its levels of care.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips