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Experts presented a new biomaterial for improving the quality of the fabrics perimplantarios without the need of autografts.

Experts presented a new biomaterial for improving the quality of the fabrics perimplantarios without the need of autografts.

-the use of the matrix collagen can extend the life of implants dental, reducing the possibility of development of perimplantitis.

-Faced with connective tissue graft matrix collagen allows early scarring, less sense of pain, prevents hemorrhages and reduces the need to take anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics

-perimplantitis is a common problem that affects to the implants and causes to lose bone

Madrid, April of 2011- the matrix collagen may soon be used by all dentists as an alternative to the inconvenience and pain caused by connective tissue graft. Dr. Fabio Vignoletti, researcher hired by Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a specialist in periodontics and implants the clinic Periocentrum Madrid, presented the results of pre-clinical and clinical studies that demonstrate the advantages of the use of this new material at the Cannes Osteology Symposium on dental implants.

Perimplantitis is a common problem that affects to implants dental, causing to lose bone and reducing its useful life. In certain clinical situations, to prevent perimplantitis dentists come to make a speech which consists in the increase of the keratinized gingiva. “ The usual technique is take a portion of the palate gum and adapt it to the area of the implant; Thus the increase of keratinized gingiva is obtained. However, this type of autograft causes sensation of pain in the patient, can cause bleeding late and needed in two areas of surgical intervention ”, explains Dr. Vignoletti.

Prof. Mariano Sanz, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University Complutense of Madrid, and experts of the Periocentrum Dr. Ramón Lorenzo clinic and Dr. Fabio Vignoletti, which are part of his research team have been the first to compare the graft of connective tissue with the new matrix collagen in two controlled clinical trials, randomizados, at the same time. The researchers noted that the use of the collagen matrix allows an early healing, patients experience less pain sensation, reduces the possibility of producing bleeding and the need for analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs. Thus, to analyze the healing times discovered that any sensation of pain with the use of the new biomaterial disappeared a week or ten days earlier in the connective tissue graft and, therefore, the patient’s recovery was much faster.

“ The use of the collagen matrix will help us to improve the quality of tissues in different clinical situations around implants for our patients, it is a way of preventing the development of perimplantitis and ensure more long-term health ”, says doctor Vignoletti. This specialist has already used the new material in several pilot experiences in the clinic Periocentrum Madrid, but the matrix collagen is not marketed in Spain up in a few months.

The Osteology International Symposium, organized by the Osteology Foundation, has brought over 3,000 specialists in Cannes. The regeneration of tissue, the management of risk factors and of complex cases, the latest results in bone regeneration and new treatments and products for the increase of soft tissue are issues that raise interest in the field of the Periodontics and implants dental and that they have been addressed in these workshopsamong other matters related to tooth regeneration.

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Statements by BENEO ISOMALT and PalatinoseTM receive a positive opinion of the EFSA.

statements ofBENEO ISOMALT and PalatinoseTM receive a positive opinion of the EFSA

Spain, may of 2011- April 8, 2011It was not a ’Black Friday’ but ’radiant’ for BENEO. All statementsconcerning article 13(1) presented by BENEO ISOMALT and PalatinoseTM(Isomaltulose) have been positively evaluated by the European authority ofSafety food (EFSA) 1 in the fourth batch of opinions. Thestatements in question refer to two areas in the choice offood can be important: the maintenance of dental health and thereduction of the response glucémica postmeal, i.e., the effecthypoglycaemic. The BENEO Institute is nevertheless realistic enoughI like to know that there is still long way to go in the “journey of»’these statements’.

health dental.

statementsDental presented by BENEO2, EFSA said that “the alleged effects are””dental health”, “remineralization of teeth”, “no””cariogénico” and “does not promote tooth decay”, reflecting thescientific evidence that frequent consumption of sugar contributes to the«tooth demineralization» 3. The EFSA concluded that consumption offood/beverages that contain ISOMALT or PalatinoseTM instead of carbohydrates ofeasy fermentation, as the traditional sugar carbon, can help tokeep the mineralization of the teeth by the decrease of thedemineralization of tooth. Added: “to carry the statement […] East»type of food or beverages [should] not reduce dental plaque pH bybelow 5.7 for a period of up to 30 minutes after consumption nor«lead to dental erosion». As such, the food must be subjected to theknown telemetry of the pH of dental plaque developed by the UniversityZurich and promoted by the Organization non-profit ToothfriendlyInternational. Measurements are carried out in a systematic manner ininstitutions as the University of Zürich dental (Switzerland) or theUniversity Witten-Herdecke preventive dentistry (Germany).

effect hypoglycaemic.

statementsglucémicas presented by BENEO ISOMALT and PalatinoseTM, the EFSAHe established a relationship of cause and effect between the consumption of foods/beveragesit contain isomalt or Isomaltulose (PalatinoseTM) instead of sugartraditional and the reduction of the response glucémicas posprandiales.

resultsThey confirm the scientific proof for both functional carbohydrates and area clear indication of the EFSA recognizes the benefit of the use of ISOMALT orPalatinoseTM (Isomaltulose); both offer a physiological characteristicsimprove the properties related to the health of the product-specificend for the good of the consumer. In addition, the results showthat was a solution of the ’ discussion of comparative statements or»«substitution» in which many macronutrients, were engaged as thecarbohydrates beneficial for health, from 2009, when the EFSAHe raised a problem in relation to the requirements applicable to this type ofstatements in the context of the regulation on statementsnutrition and healthy.

Anke Sentko,Vice President of Legal Affairs and BENEO nutritional communication: ’East’result that recognizes the unique physiological characteristics of ourknown long trajectory ISOMALT, and in particular our new polyolcarbohydrate functional PalatinoseTM, is reassuring. We are happy toof the role of functional carbon hydrates, which help to maintaindental health and to follow a diet hypoglycemic, was accepted by theCommittee of experts. We believe that this decision was based on the datasolid scientists that support the statements made and the outcome of theintensive explanatory work from 2009, in addition to the ongoing dialogue andFinally productive over the camino.»

the BENEO InstituteThis assessment considers a step in the direction appropriate to the regulationconcerning the statements of claims, and will continue to explain thestatements of health products that are still pending. In addition,BENEO continues to prepare new files in order to ensure the benefits forthe health of its ingredients, helping to drive future innovation in thefood industry and to provide diversity to the consumer.

Institute BENEO.

esan organization that brings together the experience of science teams BENEONutrition, nutrition communications and Legal Affairs. It acts as an agencyCounsel for clients and partners, and covers issues ranging from theapproval of ingredients, passing by the physiological effects and thenutritional composition, labelling and communication. The topicsnutritional key which form the basis of the work of the BENEO InstituteThey include the control of the weight, digestive health, bone health, theperformance physical and mental effects of a diet of low load glucémicain the context of healthy diet and the prevention of diseases,In addition to health dental.

the BENEO InstituteIt facilitates access to the research and scientific knowledgelatest on all the nutritional and legal issues with theBENEO ingredients. It provides customers and partners of BENEOorientation corroborated on some of the issues of importancein the industry of food BENEO is a division of the GroupSüdzucker, gives employment to almost 900 people and possesses of production units in Belgium,Germany, Chile and Italy.

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Project generation zero caries, seeks to eradicate a problem that affects 95 per cent of the worlds population.

project generation zero caries, seeks to eradicate a problem that affects 95 per cent of the population world.

new generations no cavities!.

– drivesthe monitor corresponding to the child’s dental development through theDental Primer for the baby

– thePrimer of dentistry for the baby generation zero decay has developedalso as an aid in the problem of childhood obesity that recentlyIt has emerged as a major problem of public health at the global level.

-data2010 who are relevant: there are 42 million overweight children inworldwide, of which about 35 million live in countries in development.

Bilbao, 2011-may in accordance with the OrganizationGlobal health (who), 95 per cent of the world’s population suffers from diseasesoral, particularly caries and periodontitis, an inflammation of the gums.Faced with this situation, who carries out activities of promotion, prevention andtreatment to abate this problem affecting individuals, societyand the economy, by the high cost of treatment and theconsequences in the comprehensive health of the people.

in line with this reality, the odontopediatra Leopold Becerra says that “ oral healthchild has become a pattern of public health since the end of the centuryXX ”. From this reality dentist Leopoldo Becerra has promoted aproject of international order which bears the title generation zero decay,“ with the intention of creating generations of citizens without this problemIt affects 95 per cent of the world’s population. It is a project that will allow for thepeople have a better quality of life and save money servicesHealth ”, sensed the expert.

the Mexican specialist ensures that “ the use of theavailable information technologies and years of research and developmenton techniques of hygiene, prevention and diagnosis of diseasesat an early age, and even before birth, Buco-Dentales make it possible toThis dream is likely to become a reality ”.

to describe this new concept, LeopoldBecerra explained that “ it is based on the practice of dental medicinepre-trial and in the development of a generation of parents and professionalsinformed and active in preventive care and oral hygiene. It is aconcept radio because it is designed to inform and to contact toall those links that must be integrated in the chain that involves thePrevention oral, from parents toprofessionals and specialists care mouth.

becerra indicated that the information system “ worksmainly on two fronts: the first concentrated on providing information to thenon-professional audience, mainly parents, on the prevention andcare of children. Also, the corresponding development follow-upDental of children through the dental card for the baby. ”

“ the second front ”, scores, “ focuses on providingadministrative, informative and formative source for professionalsdental, whose axis turns around a center of information and training ofspecialists in dental care of children. This always under the supervision andGuide to the dental card for baby ”.

considers the specialist that “ is of vital importancemention that the condition more common in children under 3 years, commonlycalled the bottle or bottle caries, syndrome is a condition caused byfrequent and prolonged exposure of the teeth of the juices, milk, babyformula and liquid sugary including breast milk. In particular, thedecay of bottle (early childhood caries) is the leading cause ofDental injuries during breastfeeding. It’s a pathology that occursat very early ages, mostly between 2 and 4 years.On average, approximately 600 ml. ofsugary beverages (soft drinks and juices), come into contact with the teeth ofa person per day. This contact is harmful for the teeth both in theeffect of demineralization cause enamel, as by the erosive effect andthe cariogenicidad carry as well as for his contribution to the development ofObesity ”.

in view of the foregoing, Becerra underscores that “ the primerdentistry for the baby generation zero decay has developed alsoas an aid in the problem of childhood obesity that has recently beenemerged as a major problem of public health at the global level. Throughthe concepts set forth as the basis for an infant oral health haveincorporated issues of healthy eating and control of the intake ofsimple sugars to prevent dental caries in children. Practice shows thatthe standard model for dental care promotes a style of foodhealthy for the prevention of obesity. Thus, there are a variety offoods that dentists recommend not ingesting, mainly thosein high content of simple sugars, to prevent tooth decay; themselves areidentified by nutritionists as a cause of obesity ”.

is not one minor problem. According to the who, the problemIt is progressively introducing in many low and middle income countriesespecially in the urban environment. The prevalence has increased at a ratealarming. Calculated in 2010, 42 million children overweight throughout theworld, with nearly 35 million live in countries in development.

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The prevalence of periodontitis will remain in Spain during the next two decades, although the perimplantitis will rise and decline the demand for dental implants.

The prevalence of periodontitis will remain in Spain during the next two decades, although the perimplantitis will rise and decline the demand for implants dental.

a report Delphi dissects what will be the practice of the Periodontics in the next few years

-experts predict a possible decline in the demand for treatments with implants, particularly for the reduction of the pathology accumulated in today’s young people

– However, a considerable increase of perimplantitis are expected (associated diseases in dental implants)

-relationship with cardiovascular disease and other systemic effects will change the scientific scenario and the medical context of the OdontologEd

– considered periodontal infection control will be more conservative, but will increase the plastic surgery, periodontal and the regeneration of lost tissue

Oviedo, June of 2011- the Spanish society of Periodontology and osseointegration (SEPA) has presented one of the more ambitious studies that has developed in the closing day of their national meeting XLV in its more than 50 years of history. Using Delphi, a study sobre “ the future of the Periodontics in Spain ” offers elements of reflection and analysis both for society in general, as for professionals, the collegiate organization, the University and health administration.

In particular for specialist, highlights the DRA. Nuria Vallcorba, President of know it, “ the findings of this study may be used by dentists to learn more about the trends of future career, can contemplate decisions in the medium term are better suited to a changing reality ”. Also, the professional organizations “ will find here a useful tool, serious and he flees from bias ”.

Main conclusions

And that the report showed a suggestive tendencies. Epidemiological and population terms, one of the main conclusions drawn from this analysis is that “ the prevalence of periodontitis (in its different forms) will be maintained, but we will have more conservative treatment methods; in fact, in general, is expected an improvement in the periodontal in the cohort of young adults, although not so much in people’s health aged 65-74 years ”, emphasizes Dr. Blas Noguerol, Coordinator of the work and former President of the SEPA. Moreover, it is likely to occur a fall in the demand for treatments with implants, reduction of pathology accumulated in today’s young people.

On the other hand, pointed out that perimplantitis will increase significantly, which will modify the exercise of the implantology towards greater technical complexity. As another trend, says the study coordinator, “ relation to cardiovascular disease and other systemic effects will change the scientific scenario and the medical context of dentistry ”. In addition, stands the periodontal infection control will be more conservative, but will instead increase plastic surgery periodontal and the regeneration of lost tissue.

With regard to the risk factors associated with periodontal disease arises that some parameters are going to improve (the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, as well as the degree of hygiene), while others will worsen (more stress and diabetes). On the other hand, indicates Dr. Blas Noguerol, “ of the Spanish population ageing will make more people susceptible to periodontal diseases ”.

For their own also know we have been able to extract recommendations of interest to this study. Thus, for example, points out Dr. Vallcorba, “ allows us to lead a change of attitude in the dental profession on the importance of periodontal diseases in the general health and quality of life, becoming promoters of healthy living habits in their patients to dentists ”. Also enables the establishment of training objectives based on scientific knowledge and social need, fleeing economic circumstances that lead to a certain trivialization of the Periodontics.

On the other hand, the report advised the public administrations to devote efforts to promote periodontal health of the population as a way to maintain healthy teeth and preserve the health and quality of life; In addition, claiming the need to strengthen the speciality in Periodontology as a way to promote scientific development and assistance to the population also advised the dedication of more public resources to periodontal care, at least in special risk groups, such as pregnant womendiabetes and cardiovascular patients.

A report of guarantees

As Dr. Blas Noguerol Rodríguez, Coordinator of the work, “ this document deals with serious and rigorous way the analysis of the Periodontics at Spain on the horizon for the year 2025 ”. To do this, it has carried out a qualitative Delphi study of screening which have involved 24 experts, with a situation analysis focused on three aspects of utmost relevance: periodontal epidemiology in periodontics Bibliometric analysis and a study on professional practice in periodontics.

According to Dr. Noguerol, “ this dual information (qualitative by the Delphi survey, and descriptive analytics by analyzing the situation) will allow to know clearly position among scientific societies that are able to analyze with better guarantees, past, present and future of its organizational structure ”.

As the President of know it, the DRA. Nuria Vallcorba, “ the results of this study will enable the establishment of more appropriate strategies for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education training ”. In addition, Apostille, “ we will also facilitate the formulation of recommendations to the scientific community ”.

The trend analysis is a tool to forecast scenarios for the future in different fields of science. In this area, the most commonly used tool is the DELPHI methodology, which has proved its effectiveness in defining future scenarios, reaching a high level of success. It is based on a questionnaire, administered to experts, with a very specific methodology.


Periodontal disease causes the loss of teeth and is associated with increased cardiovascular risk, decompensation of diabetes or the activation of preterm birth. Prevention is simple, mainly based on habits of hygiene, provided that the disease is not very advanced. And its early detection by a dentist or a periodoncista avoids costly treatments, as well as the benefit to overall health.

SEPA is the dental society of reference in Spain on Periodontics and implants. It is a non-profit organisation, devoted exclusively to research and scientific communication. Founded in 1959, it has more than 2,500 partners.

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The new Office of Coast Dental in Riverview, Florida, introduces advanced technology.

The new Coast Dental in Riverview, Florida, clinic introduces advanced technology

el Dr. Jeffrey May offers dental comprehensive care for the whole family in Coast Dental Riverview. Offers reviews and free x-rays to patients who do not have dental coverage. Are accepted more than 200 plans of safe dental

Riverview, Florida, July 2, 2011-PRNewswire-HISPANIC PR WIRE / Coast Dental recently opened his clinic number 94 in Florida, more precisely in the 10625 Big Bend Road in Riverview, where Dr. Jeffrey May is offering family comprehensive dental care and services for adults and children from 10.

Customer service hours are Monday through Friday, from 8: 30 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m. The Office accepts more than 200 dental insurance plans and can usually handle dental emergencies in the day. To make an appointment, call (813) 549-0931 or enter here . Dr. May and several members of his staff speak Spanish fluently.

Dr. May is a general dentist originally from Florida, more precisely of Lakeland. He has been acting for over 10 years and comes from a family of dentists. It shows very excited with the incorporation of digital technology in your practice.

“Intraoral cameras and rays digital X allow me show the areas of interest on a computer screen and explain to patients the treatment options available to correct their problems.” “Patients to offer detailed information about their condition allows them to make good decisions about how to move forward”, said Dr. May.

Dr. May help patients to keep smiles healthy and beautiful, offering dental exams, cleanings, periodontal therapy (gum), fillings, crowns, bridges, dentures, hairpieces teeth, dental laundering, overdenture and overdenture ultra-thin Lumineers ®, fixing, restoration of implants, extraction and treatment of ducts.

Dr. May also offers tests advanced to detect oral cancer with Identafi ®, the first and only multispectral imaging device in the world to detect oral cancer in its early, curable stages. Oral cancer is the sixth most deadly cancer cause and is on the rise, particularly among sexually active persons who have been exposed to the virus of human papillomavirus (HPV16).

Coast Dental Riverview is offering a series of special offers by opening with the purpose of helping patients to start a regular program of proper oral hygiene. Download the offers from the website of the Office. Patients who do not have dental coverage can take advantage of the offer of a review and free X rays and a membership free for one year with a Smile Plus of Coast Dental discount dental plan, when register Office. The Office is also offering an InteliSonic toothbrush battery with disinfectant incorporated for the first 100 patients who complete treatment amounting to $300. A plan for financing for patients and several payment plans are available for qualified applicants. For complete details, please contact the Office.

Dr. May’s about

El Dr. May obtained her degree in dentistry at the University of Florida College of Dentistry and his Bachelor’s degree (undergraduate) at Florida Southern College in Lakeland. It maintains up-to-date attending training courses on new products and dental technologies, in order to further improve the care that offers in its Office. He is member of the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Florida Dental Association, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the American Association of Dental Anesthesiology.

About Coast Dental

coast Dental is the leading provider in the Southeast region on quality dental care, with 125 clinics in Florida and Georgia. Dentists and hygienists are employees or independent Coast dental, P.A., Coast Florida, P.A., contractors or Coast Dental of Georgia, P.C. Coast Dental Services Inc. is an administrative company that offers integral services no-clínicos and administrative to the affiliated dental clinics and their property.

About Smile Plus ®

In addition to accepting the majority of dental insurance plans, Coast Dental offers Smile Plus ® , a dental plan with discount for patients who do not have dental insurance. The patients joining Smile Plus save annually an average of between 30% and 60% on dental services. Smile Plus ® is a dental plan at a discount, not a registered insurance plan. Smile Plus is only accepted in Coast Dental clinics and may not be used in combination with the dental insurance or dental plans with discount. Free membership offer applies only to the first year of registration and is available only in the Office of Plant City. The offer expires on July 31, 2011. To be eligible, patients should be treated in the clinic of Plant City. The Smile Plus memberships expire at the year of the date of registration.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips