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Madrid will have a great multi purpose Dental Hospital.

Madrid will have a great Dental Hospital multi-purpose.

Madrid Dental Hospital.

-the doctor and businessman Felipe Aguado and other professionals, along with CLIDENTIA, are the drivers of this pioneer initiative in Spain

-with latest technology, emergency 24 hour service and capacity for 70 outpatient

– is expected to bring the project to 22 cities in the country

Madrid, may of 2011- Madrid needed a great multi-purpose dental medical centre and will take a few months. So says the doctor and businessman Felipe Aguado Galvez, odontoestomatólogo with more than 30 years of experience in all branches of the specialty, and one of the promoters of the project. The building of 4,000 square metres, and an investment of 8 million euros (building and land, infrastructure and equipment adaptation), is located in the Arturo Soria, and incorporates the most advanced technology for the development of all medical acts related to Odontostomatology, from the most various surgeries, orthodontics, general practice, training, medical innovation and research.

It will have a center of Radiology at the highest level (Ortho TV, scanner, surgical emulation software), six operating rooms of the latest, most advanced prosthesis laboratory, six cabinets for General interventions, orthodontics room, recovery of patientsas well as acts and classrooms for continuing education and events related to the specialty.

Felipe Aguado Galvez.

At the time that will exercise the Dental Hospital in Madrid as a private clinic with own patients, said this specialist area of 57 years and candidate to preside over the official Association of dentists and stomatologists in the first region (provincial boards of Ávila, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara)(, Community of Madrid and Toledo), will have room for 70 external queries for different professionals who can use their services and 6 internal consultations, in addition to an emergency service 24 hours with arrangements for insurance companies.

Hospital remain very active in the training area, courses, vocational training, master in surgery and promotion of events in the dental sector. It is CLIDENTIA intention to bring the project to 22 cities in the country.

Madrid, as well as other cities, need a hospital of these characteristics, insists the doctor Galvez Aguado, “ allowing the specialty to evolve in techniques, teaching areas and research, hospital protocols ”.


The Clidentia Corporation develops projects in the dental sector. Apart from the creation of the network of dental hospitals, is promoting the implementation in Spain ten LABORUMDENT (occupational dental clinics) units for the integration of large firms and centres working in the dental sector through specific agreements. It is also in phase of implementation of corporate clinics CLIDENTIA, clinics, which depend on organic and technically hospitals, acting as displaced surgical units. For all this, the first milestone of the project was the creation of shopping headquartered, a complete catalogue of products for exclusive use of the Corporation. This station was the first step and link between the professionals in the project at various levels. Investments carried out in the next four years in excess of EUR 50 million, and will be linked to more than 800 professionals.

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12% Of Spaniards avoids smile to not show their teeth.

12% Of Spaniards avoids smile to not show their teeth.

– in addition, 8% eludes talks and 5 per cent has reduced its social activity, according to the White Book of health oral 2010 of laboratories Lacer

Barcelona, June of 2011- 12% of Spaniards has avoided smile or laugh on occasion due to the appearance of your teeth, as is apparent from the book white of health oral Spain 2010 produced by laboratories Lacer, specialist in oral health, in collaboration with the General Dental Council. The report also establishes that, during the past 12 months, 8% has eluded to engage in conversation, while 5% have limited their social activities. According to the study, women aged between 36 and 65 are the most concerned by the appearance of their teeth and that claim to have had more relational problems.

These figures are consistent with data from the Eurobarometer 2010, which States that 10% of Spanish not smile because he feels uncomfortable with the appearance of their teeth, while 4% has reduced their social contacts.

data from the survey reveal the importance of the mouth in the perception of our image and our social and professional relationships. According to the medical director of Lacer, Javier Mira, ‘ ’ a mouth with loss of teeth, gingival problems or an inappropriate cleaning State give a bad impression of the person to generate insecurity towards others ’ ’. Mira says that ‘ ’ is evidence that poor oral health can have a major impact on our relationship with the environment. In addition to problems of mastication, pain or difficulty in speaking, the person with oral condition may experience a loss of self-esteem which can influence their interaction with other subjects. In more severe cases, can lead to episodes of anxiety and even depression ’ ’.

Among the main conclusions drawn from the report, Lacer underscores the close relationship between oral health and quality of life, which includes the social and psychological aspects and emphasizes the need to launch initiatives educational and health information to educate the population about the need for dental periodic checks to detect potential problems.

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Women will brush the teeth more than men.

women brush teeth rather than the men.

Spain, March of 2011- the book white of health oral Spain 2010 doneby laboratories Lacer, specialist in dental health, in collaboration with theGeneral dental Council, shows that 65% of women areshows very concerned about your dental health, compared with 54% of men. Asa direct consequence, 51% of women surveyed ensures brushing theteeth three times a day, while for men the figure isIt is located at 39%.

as well as the concern aesthetics for showing a healthy mouth,greater awareness of women explained, to a large extent, by theneed to increase oral hygiene at different stages of his life, as thepregnancy or menopause.

despite the fact that the Spanish are worried more by itsoral health, the study shows that they claim suffer moreproblems oral than males: 58% of respondents statedsuffering from a disorder, compared to 48% of men. Decay without stopping andsensitive teeth are more frequent in both sexes problems, although in theWomen also stresses bleeding from gums.

respect to thevisits to the dentist, 76% of surveyed men and women think that itevery 12 months or less should attend the consultation. However, during thelast year was only 29% of women and 26 per cent of males in thespecialist, the majority of cases for review, cleanings and fillings.Part of economic issues, fear or anxiety and lack of timethey are the main reasons that wield respondents to not go to thedentist.

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3 M special brings together digital dentistry industry specialists for the latest news.

3 M special brings together specialists in the field of dentistry digital to learn about the latest developments.

-II Symposium Espertise: new materials, new options. New Ssoluciones in dentistry Digital

-the meeting held on 10 September in Madrid

Madrid, 2011-April 3MESPE, Division of 3 M aimed at practitioners of dentistry, will organize the month of September in Madrid, a symposium on digital dentistry that, hand in hand with the best specialistsIt will address new technologies, solutions, materials, etc., which can count on professionals in the sector. This meeting is part of training programmes Espertise, that 3 M special offers added value to become an ally of the professionals in search of the best standards.

The 2nd Simposiuim Espertise: new materials, new options. New solutions in digital dentistry, will ponenentes to Mr. Inigo Casares, Dr. Carlos Fernández Villares, DRA. Beatriz Giménez, Dr. George Gomes, Dr. Federico Hernández Alfaro, Dr. Sidney Kina, Dr. Jesús López Vilagrán, Mr. Carlos Saavedra and Dr. Joerd van der Meer. During the day which will take place Saturday 10th of September in the Auditorium of the fifth stage, Madrid, attendees will have the opportunity to discover the úlitmos advances in the sector.

For Jesus Gil, head of sales and marketing at 3 M special in Iberia “ is a pleasure to organize this meeting in Spain, that will meet experts in the sector and also allow us to reconnect with customers and all practitioners of dentistry ”.


This symposium is part of the Espertise programs were born with the aim of helping professionals in the sector to be aware of the continuous changes that occur in terms of techniques, behalf, etc, special 3 M has developed training Espertise programmes. These programs allow for the exchange of knowledge and information between researchers, clílnicos, cintíficos of materiles and dental profesioanlaes.

About 3 M

3 M, founded in 1902, has more than 60,000 different items on the market. 3 M is a global multi-technological company, multi-producto and multi-mercado which operates in over 65 countries and has factories in 35 countries. The company, headquartered in Minnesota, has approximately 75,000 employees and turnover in 2009 US $ 23 billion.

Within the Division of health care of the company is 3 M special aimed at practitioners of dentistry. With a history of more than 40 years in the industry boasts worldwide reputation and takes the lead in providing innovative solutions for the dental industry, creating trend in the market.

3 M special manufactures and markets more than 2000 products used by dentists from around the world to improve the dental health of the population. The products are designed to meet your needs in the fields of restoration, prosthesis, prevention and control of infection and dental cosmetics. To see all 3 M solutions special visit the 3 m

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Dentaid sponsors Hides 2011 Science Award.

Dentaid sponsors Prize scientist Hides 2011.

award, which is endowed with 1,800 € intends to promote initiatives aimed at improving the oral health and communication with the patient.

Barcelona, July 2011- DENTAID, leading company in oral health in pharmacies, sponsors a year over the HIDES Scientist Award, endowed with a prize of € 1,800. in addition to the scientific category is also summoned Prize HIDES of Oral communication and the HIDES poster award, endowed with EUR 600 each.

Awards, which are open to all hygienist professionals integrated in the Spanish Federation of hygienists oral, are intended to stimulate partners to maintain the level of research and progress on the issues of health Higiene as well as to maintain a much higher scientific and technical level. The deadline for submission of work ended 45 days before the celebration of the national course of HIDES.

with this initiative DENTAID remains committed to supporting the hygienist dental, a collective that works hand in hand with the dentist and for which the company organizes, through its area of classroom Dentaid, training courses for all Spain.

the awards HIDES 2011 will be delivered during the celebration of the national course of training for hygienists this year will be held during on 21, 22 and 23 October at Agoncillo, La Rioja

leader in Spain-minded international.

founded in 1980, Dentaid has grown to become a leading international company in research oral, able to offer the best solutions for next generation professionals and patients. The products sold include brands of both prestige and Vitis ®, Perio – Aid ®, Desensin ®, Interprox ®, halite ®, Subdesert Dentaid ®, Waterpik ® and Fittydent ®.

your business strategy is based on a firm commitment by research and the constant development of new products of high quality. A bet that has led the company to become a multinational company with presence in over 40 countries.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips