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PSN, with dentists in Andalusia.

PSN with the dentists of Andalusia.

Madrid, March 2011-welfare health national (PSN) and the College of dentists and stomatologists of Huelva have signed a collaboration agreement to bring products and services of the entity to these professionals. The agreement has been initialled by the President of the College, Eugenio Cordero, in a meeting that has served two institutions close ties and embody the will of collaboration between the two in writing.

Thanks to the signing of this agreement, more than 200 dentists onubenses may access under preferential conditions the portfolio of products and services that PSN puts at your disposal, both in the field of protection staff in the management of the heritage and family.

the President of the College of dentists of Huelva, Eugene lamb, is flanked by Maribel Rodríguez, responsible for Seville and Huelva of PSN, and Martina Domínguez, advises commercial Huelva.

The school of Huelva joins with the signing of this agreement, six corporations of dentists who have already had agreements with PSN in Andalusia, and more than 3,700 professionals of all Spain that they are engaged in this profession and who already belong to the entity. This is another step of PSN in its intention to meet the needs of university professionals and especially due to its tradition, the health professions. In the province, the Organization has also signed partnership agreements with colleges of physicians, pharmacists and veterinarians.

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A study of the UCM establishes for the first time the causes of the gingival swelling during pregnancy.

A study of the UCM establishes for the first time the causes of the inflammation of the gums during pregnancy.

-the bacterium p. gingivalis is a very aggressive pathogen which, if you migrate to the placental tissues, can produce preterm birth and low birth weight infant birth

-The oral health is necessary to avoid the appearance of the gingival inflammation

Madrid, June of 2011- the main causes of gingival inflammation that presented many pregnant women are the presence of the bacterium, Porphyromonas gingivalis and the amount of bacterial plaque. This is the main conclusion of a study conducted by researchers from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, which will be published shortly in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

According to Dr. Ana Carrillo, specialist in periodontics and implants the clinic PerioCentrum Segovia and one of the authors of the study, “ multiple jobs have described an increase in gingival inflammation during pregnancy, but until now were not known the causes of the process. Our work provides for the first time the main factors associated with gestational gingivitis ”.

The bacteria identified by the researchers, Porphyromonas gingivalis, is a very aggressive pathogen which, if you migrate to the placental tissues may produce adverse drug reactions in pregnancy, preterm delivery and low weight of the baby at birth. This bacterium used as a growth factor progesterone, hormone present in large quantities by the woman during gestation.

“ Oral health is, therefore, necessary to avoid the appearance of gingival inflammation, as well as to prevent the overgrowth of oral pathogens capable of causing pregnancy complications ”, says Dr. Carrillo.

pregnant 42 and 20 women pregnant not smoking, systemic and periodontally healthy have not participated in this work, with a follow-up period of nine months. The researchers took records (12-14 weeks) first trimester, second trimester (weeks 23-25), third trimester (weeks 33-36) and three months postpartum. The group not pregnancy was evaluated twice with an interval of 6 months between visits, and during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle phase lasting until that the implementation of the possible pregnancy or menstruation occurs and gives start the next cycle. Each record were assessed the levels of progesterone and estradiol in saliva, performed analysis taken and microbiological and immunological indices of plate and gums.

On the other hand, to analyse the results, the authors claim that “ Spain presents a high prevalence of bacteria p. gingivalis in comparison with other European countries, such as the Netherlands, where it has been used detection methods bacteriological identical. This bacterium can be found all over the world,

underlining United States, where it has been found in 25% of the population, Taiwan, with a 23.1%, and China, where it has been located in the 22.1% of the adult population ”.

On clinical PerioCentrum

The professionals who form the clinical PerioCentrum of Madrid, Guadalajara, Segovia, and Ávila are masters in periodontics from the Complutense University of Madrid, only masters in periodontics and implant Spain accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology, and a member of the Spanish society of Periodontology and implant specialists (SEPA).

PerioCentrum specialists use painless treatment, opt to save the tooth provided that it is possible and their training enables them to solve complex cases in the easiest manner possible.

As for teaching and research, members of PerioCentrum are currently involved in extensive research in the most prestigious universities in Europe and collaborating in the training of other dentists.

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A new system digital scans teeth to make prostheses without VAT or pasta.

A new digital system scans teeth to make prostheses without bucket and paste.

-course “ new technologies in dentistry ” way to dentists and dental prosthetists in the management of the intraoral scanners and the use of CAD/CAM technology

-the new intraoral scanner is a system digital prints exact and comfortable for the patient

-CAD/CAM technology allows to design precisely the prosthesis

Segovia, 2011-June the bucket and pasta have days with the new digital system of dental impressions which has been submitted last Friday in Segovia, in the course “ new technologies in dentistry ”. Organized by PerioCentrum Segovia with the collaboration of Straumann course formed to dentists and dental prosthetists in the management of this system, as well as the use of the design of prosthesis CAD/CAM technology.

The new system iTERO takes digital impressions of the teeth for the manufacture of prostheses using an intra-oral scanning. This process is fast and comfortable for the patient and provides very accurate images.

For the doctor Alfonso Oteo, specialist in periodontics and implants the clinic PerioCentrum Segovia and coordinator of this course, “ the new iTERO is the future in making prints, with the gradual implementation at the consultations of this system, which now reaches Spain, there will be no more cases of patients suffering from arcades to introduce them a bucket and paste in the mouth ”.

This technology is available for prosthetic implants on teeth fixed as above. However, to this day, the system allows to scan preparations of an unlimited number of teeth, but only allows scanning implant unit. Manufacturers provide launch onto the market over the next year a new version of the software that will allow scanning all implants present in the mouth, as well as scan the mouth of those patients who need orthodontics appliance and virtually position the braquets on your computer.

On the other hand, the ongoing coordinated by Dr. Oteo experts in restorative dentistry professors also taught the use of CAD/CAM technology, which lets you design accurately and adjusted the structure of the prosthesis.

The course “ new technologies in dentistry ” is part of continuous training activities aimed at professionals who regularly promotes PerioCentrum within Spanish territory.

About clinics Periocentrum

The professionals who form the clinical Periocentrum of Madrid, Guadalajara, Segovia, and Ávila are masters in periodontics from the Complutense University of Madrid, only masters in periodontics and implant Spain accredited by the European Federation of Periodontology, and a member of the Spanish society of Periodontology and implant specialists (SEPA).

Periocentrum specialists use painless treatment, opt to save the tooth provided that it is possible and their training enables them to solve complex cases in the easiest manner possible.

As for teaching and research, members of PeriCentrum are currently involved in extensive research in the most prestigious universities in Europe and collaborating in the training of other dentists.

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You sanitas will invest 70 million euros to open up to 200 dental centers and multiply by five volume of current dental business.

sanitas will invest 70 million euros to open up to 200Dental centers and multiply by five its turnovertooth present.

-pending create a business of 255€ 2020 million.

-the network of own centres ofdentistry in the company, centres Millenium Dental, will grow up to 200 in 2014.

-the new business will generate up to 1,500direct jobs and indirect.

– planned to extend its range of euro ctosDental with new insurance adapted to each type of client

-the company believes that its portfolioIt will grow to a total of a million of clients of safe dental.

Madrid, July of 2011- Sanitas will invest a total ofEUR 70 million to build a network of centres of dentistry that almostIt will multiply by four the current network. Thus, the plan will be creating up to 200 new centresMillenium Dental for 2014.

as well as increase its current network of dental clinics – 54centres-the second pillar of the plan provides also promote the line of business ofsecure dental expand the variety of products. Available dental insurance is nowunique for all customers. According to the development, this insurance planIt will evolve to adapt to the different segments of market and client types:corporate, individual, etc.

the dental insurance of Sanitas existed as insurance policyindependently or as a supplement to the policy of health insurance. The new plan will grow inthe next three years to reach one million policyholders.

these 200 Dental centres will be creating up to 1,500direct and indirect jobs, 460 of them in a first phase

with this tooth business development project, thecompany aims to generate a volume of business that will come to EUR 255 million2020.

“ increase almost by five of our billingdental business. The dental care market penetration is still low.We believe that it is a business that is going to evolve much and will offer greatopportunities for development assistance and in products and services ”, explains IñakiEreño, CEO of Sanitas.

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One of four Spanish forgets to brush the teeth during the holidays

one of four Spanish forgets to brush the teeth during the holiday

-The summer is one of the times of increased risk for oral health due to the abandonment of the habits of daily hygiene

– dental injuries increase 30% in summer due to the practice of sports in the open air and road traffic accidents

Barcelona, 2011-July of four Spanish stop brushing the teeth in your holidaywhich, together with unbalanced diets and products with an excess of sugar intake, promotes the emergence of infections, gingivitis and tooth decay, according to a study by laboratories Lacer, expert in oral health. This circumstance, joins the increase in dental trauma, which in summer rises to almost 30% from the rest of the year, as a direct result of the practice of sports to the outdoors and the increase in road accidents.

According to Javier Mira, medical laboratories Lacer director, ‘ ’ the holiday season is one of the greatest risk to the oral health, it is very conducive to the temporary abandonment of the habits of daily hygiene for the alteration of the schedules, the forgetfulness of the brush or the impossibility of brushing your teeth when we spent the day outside the home. If we add to this abuse of drinks sweetened and iced; the increase in the consumption of toxic chemicals such as coffee, tobacco and alcohol and an unbalanced diet, we are encouraging the growth of microorganisms in the mouth ’ ’.

In addition, during these months, the increased temperatures can cause paintings of dehydration, with a direct effect on oral health: ‘ ’ when a person is dehydrated, salivation capacity decreases, so can not drag the food waste remaining in the mouth. At the same time, the saliva loses part of its capacity as a disinfectant local, giving rise to gingivitis and periodontitis processes and, in extreme cases, canker sores, and xerosis (dryness) oral with superinfection by fungi ’ ’, ensures Mira. To avoid dehydration, it is recommended to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water daily.

Dental trauma

The practice of sports, and traffic accidents are the main causes of dental injuries in summer, increase up to 30% compared to the rest of the year. For contact sports and other activities outdoors, such as biking, 80% of the injuries occur in the upper part of the mouth, mainly in the Central and lateral incisors and are more frequent in children; While in traffic accidents, motorists are the group most at risk.

In most cases, it is dentoalveolary fractures and dislocations, which affected structures in support of the tooth, which causes their mobility or displacement.

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips