Author: admin

3 m lança whitening dental

Com gel highly stable, White & Brite Night e voltado to use caseiro e provides baixa sensibilidade OSA patients. to 3 M ESPE apresenta ao market or White & Brite Night, um whitening dental of use caseiro com fluoreto of sodium and nitrate of potassium that confere ao produto um pH neutral, providing ao patient uma baixa sensibilidade during or tratamento. To base of peroxide of carbamide e Disponível em three concentrações – 10%, 16% and 22% for applications daily, or whitening dental da 3 M provides quality, efficiency e satisfação. Or White & Brite Night possui um gel ideal viscosity, which prevents com o produto escorra da moldeira during or use, or cause desconforto e queimaduras na boca possíveis two patients. Differential Outro is related to do produto, isto e estabilidade, Manutenção da peroxide concentração during period of validity. ISSO because alguns produtos, ao is aproximarem do prazo de validade, perdem or teor da substance ativa, or peroxide. Ja or White & Brite Night gives 3 M ESPE apresenta high stability, lindissimo or theory of peroxide of carbamide during all or period of validity (24 months). Alem of offer um product of excellent quality and efficiency top, you dentists poderão presentear seus patients com um kit that enhances ainda mais or tratamento. Or whitening gel possui uma apresentação com pressão exclusive three seringas contendo um, e um Portal...

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Light for a Saúde oral

Effective non-controlling of harmful microorganisms and minimally invasive, photodynamic na dentistry e livro pioneiro theme on a technique already revolutionizes or tratamento tooth. Pela primeira time not world um livro gathers conhecimentos on to therapy photodynamic related to dentistry: PDT therapy photodynamic antimicrobial na dentistry (Publisher Elsevier). Edited hair specialists Dras. Silvia Núñez and Martha Ribeiro e Dr. Aguinaldo Garcez, e com a colaboration of researchers featured no cenário nationally and internationally to work he tries technique that pode levar to modern dentistry to expand his horizons, ao liven up or use antibiotics e procedimentos invasive and increase efficiency das technical conventional desinfección. Photodynamic therapy to – PDT (da sigla em inglês for Photodynamic Therapy) – is na aplicação de um fotossensibilizador não toxic na infected area, ativado UMA fonte of light appropriate levando a limpeza do lit. Bacteria, fungus and virus sao exterminated, sem necessidade of medicação oral e of form totally indolor. Até time não Há records of ao mechanism of action ou inducao a Seleção of resistant micro-organisms resistance or. Second to co-author Silvia Nunez, surgery-dentist, to seeks by alternative to destroy micro-organisms harmful ao corpo is em full ascensão because e crescente to resistance of alguns desses microbes to antibiotics. PDT therapy photodynamic antimicrobial na dentistry portrays essa realidade, systematizing conhecimentos than estão em fast and steady development. Applications Alem do tratamento da carie, treatment...

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3 ° Encontro Kota dentistry cosmetic

To Kota will promote, not day 07 of June, em São Paulo, or 3 ° Encontro Kota. Or event will be direcionado, exclusively, for a dental aesthetic. counting com three two mais important nomes desta wil as palestrantes, Dr. José Carlos Garofalo, Dr. Jansen Ozaki and Dr. Sidney Kina, as classrooms abordarao themes that vao from or prepare até to cimentacao das freckles prosthetic, sejam elas coroas, faceted ou as each time mais requested lenses of contact. Alem disso, all you participating ganharao um bonus of R $ 30,00 for to purchase of produtos Kota not day do event, that conta ainda com to partnership gives Oral-B e da CVDentus, that will be not local com seus produtos em exposição. Or event will be held not Auditorium do Flat Staybridge, 555 Rua Bandeira Paulista, Itaim Bibi, Sao Paulo. For information about topics, inscrições, values and payment, entrem em contato by meio do telefone (11) 3702-2000 ou pelo email...

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Dental Magazine of February na versão digital

Tenha acesso ao full conteúdo da twenty fifth edition gives dental Magazine. Just click here to enjoy do melhor da Brazilian Dentistry! posted editor pela da VP Group, integrated communication company, Dental magazine apresenta ao profissional de Saúde oral clinical cases developed by professionals, not market news, latest news, columns developed renomados by especialistas A Distribuição da Odonto Magazine free e e ranges throughout national territory, including clinics, dental offices, universities, associations e demais Instituições do...

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Confecção, finishing and accessory from restauracoes diretas

To Kerr mapping ao Brazil or Super Tray, uma Solução innovative for confeccao, finishing and accessory from restauracoes diretas. or Super Tray e um kit introdutorio do system Hawe that has all you accessories necessary for completion of restauracoes complex of form simple. Os materiais vem organized em uma tray, com que proper to be hosted em uma dental office drawer. Or truck chefe desse e or SuperMat, instrument kit’s initial array of polyester, titanium and stainless steel for restauracoes classe II. HA also or system of matrix cervical transparent com applicator for confeccao of Restauração classe V em teeth earlier and later. For confeccao de classe III, or kit features or StopStrip, um com uma to be accommodated through polyester matrix system not ponto de contato, allowed or sem or offsetting trabalho da matrix. As cunhas Hawe São apresentadas em dois materiais: madeira and plastic. As madeira bananas sao, apresentado nao resin burrs ou. Já as plastic, as Luciwedges, usbdeview to passagem de desagrado underlayment um acolchoado comprimindo e light you tecidos moles, avoiding sangramento gingival. Os discs acabamento, OptiDisc, desagrado Chuck em 2 different sizes, conventional um e outro 10 mm lower, com quatro kinds of abrasividade and 3 diameters. Or encaixe do disc ao Chuck e’s plastic, allowing or use of all or disk. As hair acabamento contemporary carbeto of silicon, featuring three sizes (Occlubrush), ou’s...

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Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips

Surah Al-Rehman – The Ultimate Free Remedy for Incurable Diseases

(By Listening Only- 20 Minutes Only)

Kindly download the Surah “AL-REHMAN” (recited by Qari Abdul Basit without translation) from here.

Treatment Plan

Just Listen to it three times a day (morning, afternoon, evening) for seven consecutive days using following procedure:-

    Before listening:

  • Close your eyes
  • Feel your self in front of ALLAH Almighty/ God
  • Then listen to it with greater concentration and closed eyes

    When the recitation/ AUDIO is finished:

  • Open your eyes and take half glass of water
  • Close your eyes again and say “ALLAH” three times in your heart with deep affection/ love
  • Then drink the water with closed eyes in three sips