Basic iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium …In addition to elements of the periodic table (Yes, that we learned of memory in the Institute), are Basic minerals that needs our organism to perform all vital functions, and get give reactions fundamental bioquímias for life.With our food we eat every day some amount of minerals; the lack of any of them can cause serious problems of health

With Cor abbreviations know what nutritionists call amount daily recommended. There are a number of minerals which should never fail in our diet, and the CDR is which you indicated to continuation.

calcio: 800 milligrams per day. Of course, the calcium is present in milk and its derivatives, but also the sardines in oil, some nuts as almonds and broccoli, among other foods.

Zinc: 15 milligrams per day. Zinc appears especially in the beef and veal, walnuts, pumpkin and certain shellfish and molluscs, pipes as oysters or crabs.

Phosphorus: 800 milligrams per day. The fish has always been considered an excellent source of phosphorus, but you will also find this (crucial for brain activity) mineral in cheese and milk, as well as meat and the eggs.

Hierro: 14 milligrams per day. It is one of the most important minerals for the body. Lentils are a known source of iron, as well as fresh vegetables, eggs, and the cruciferous (cabbage, cabbage, red cabbage …)

magnesio: 300 milligrams per day. Magnesium is present in soluble coffee, nuts, soy in all its forms and type cereals integral.

Sodio: two grams a day. Sodium is necessary for the organism, but too much is dangerous and carries risks for the heart and arteries. Is present in the salt, cooked shrimp, blue cheese, French fries …


Tags: healthy eating, healthy food, basic minerals