proteins are biomolecules * necessary for the maintenance and development of muscle mass, but that does not mean that increase the amount of daily protein is the solution for increasing our muscle mass. Without exercise and a diet of nothing would take more proteinas:
diet: If forget ‘ green ’ we are forgetting the main vitamin source we have, and if we forget the pulses that can seem so heavy we will be leaving aside the ideal food for any fan to fitness, high molecular weight carbohydrates, low in calories and slow absorption (much more than pasta or rice). And Yes, our muscles need carbohydrates, we can reduce their quantity, distribute them throughout the day to avoid peaks glucémicos which will become fat, but you do not, sugars are the fuel of our muscles. but eye! our agency not absorb these proteins directly, should through different enzymes convert them into amino acids (molecules of size and easier to absorb minor), be absorbed and then return to be synthesized. It is not a simple process, involves energy expenditure and according to recent studies in sports nutrition are not able to synthesize more of 2 g per Kg of weight, for example, if we weigh 70 kg, we are not able to synthesize more 140 g of protein per day.
Us take the example of a calorie diet to see the amount of protein that has:
coffee with milk 3.2 gr A glass of juice (250 ml): 1.5 gr
salad of lettuce and other vegetables (125 g approx.): 2 g 2 breasts of chicken (140 Gr. aprox): 44 g natural Yogurt: 3.8 g
peas with ham (300 gr): 18 Gr. white fish (200 gr.): 33 Gr. Apple: 0.2 gr.This diet would 105.7 g of protein roughly and taking a generic protein shake (500 ml) with two doses (22 g each x 2 = 44) would get 150 g of protein. We excederÃamos the limit at 10 g, but bearing in mind that the only shake takes those days of sport, there is no reason to worry. But attention, if the objective is to increase muscle mass must not exceed the maximum that our body is able to absorb and synthesize, because this will bring side effects.Dangers of diet hiperproteÃca: If by mistake or ignorance you are taking for example chicken twice a day, along with a boiled egg, some cheese and a sandwich of Pate, and also a beaten proteinico can get to exceed the maximum number of protein per day. Some of its side effects are as follows:
-acidosis, i.e., our body becomes acid due to metabolites created to consume proteins, these can damage the liver and the kidney calciuria or excessive elimination of calcium through urine, this can become the decalcification bone nothing recommendable if you are looking for is to gain mass muscle.
-hypoglycemia, these diets tend to be at times excessively low in sugars, which leads to consume the fat, but in turn the proteins in our muscles. Once the body is consuming your ‘ fat reserves ’ will start to consume in a degree or another our muscle fibers, this percentage may be reduced and retrievable through the diet followed, but to decrease fat reserves will be consumed more proteins, come from the diet or muscle.
-loss of water, because the diet is hiperproteÃca and this entails an increase of the Thermogenesis (heat generation) is because there is no glucogeno, due to hypoglycemia hydration levels fall significantly.
* Brief note: the human body is composed of four large groups of biomolecules: carbohydrates (or sugar), lipids (or FAT), proteins and nucleic acids (or DNA).
Tags: Diet, muscle mass, protein