B ioftalmik market services of immunological diagnosis and testing pathology.

Spain, July of 2011- Bioftalmik, in collaboration with the Institute of applied Oftalmobiología (IOBA), puts at the disposal of hospitals, clinics and ophthalmologic centres a wide range of services both immunological diseases diagnosis and evidence of pathology eye.

service of immunological diagnosis by immunologists specialists, will allow:

-diagnose infectious diseases (serology and DNA) by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites from all kinds of eye samples and blood

-detect and monitor allergy, autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies.

-the diagnosis and monitoring of infectious inflammatory diseases or no.

– studies individual or family with component ophthalmological disease genetic.

– monitoring immune transplants kidney and liver.

the laboratory trials, supervised by pathologists specialists, allow the study of changes in cells and tissues diseases. They include tests such as:

-Pap printing conjunctiva.

-córneo-conjuntival biopsy and intraoperative.


– special techniques: IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY, immunofluorescence, etc.

these services are added to the limbic – failure molecular diagnosis LIMBOTEST developed by our company, thus covering a large spectrum of ophthalmologic diseases which today require an analysis expert for their identification, therapeutic boarding and monitoring.