
perhaps you’ve never heard of bosu, although those who attend gyms or sports insurance they know this curious device. It’s a new discipline for exercise, which gets a lot of benefits for the Agency; among them, helps to tone the muscles and improves the balance of those who practise.

Although the name sounds Japanese, nothing further from reality.The truth is that an abbreviation of the English description of the exercise: both sides up ”(both sides upwards). Physiotherapists and trainers who use it are agreed to assess its benefits, since the bosu serves to strengthen the body’s movements while trying to maintain the balance on your soft and unstable surface.

apart from funny that(y_también_difícil;_os_lo_digo_por_experiencia), with the bosu gains in agility in everyday life, because it strengthens the movements and body postures. This discipline is composed of exercises based on physical therapy, which implies a considerable improvement in the ligaments and joints.

The balance is not the only benefit to the practice of exercise on the bosu.Postural control also enhances ostensibly, because staying on the device requires that the body is perfectly aligned, especially with regard to the spine. In addition, it is a great ally to strengthen the heart, which increases the heart stamina and strength muscle.

Image / Teecycle Tim.

Tags: bosu, cardiovascular exercise