depression, a very common disease in the world today, requires intensive medical monitoring and treatment. most people respond well to medication but they must be careful because some individuals continue to experience symptoms such as insomnia, sadness and lack of concentration, concluded a new investigation.

“Our findings suggest that the use of techniques to identify and treat the residual symptoms of depression is essential for patients resume their normal lives and heal long-term depression,” said Madhukar Trivedi, medical center of UT Southwestern (United States).


According to the World Health Organization the depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, currently affecting 121 million people. However, only 25% of them has adequate medical treatment.

This pathology is characterized by sadness, inability to feel pleasure, low self-esteem and guilt. This psychiatric disorder is severe and affects all areas of a person’s life, including the family, working and social environment. In addition, it increases the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, asthma and obesity.

The usual treatment involves antidepressant medication and psychological therapy.

Complete treatments

Researchers worked for six years with more than 4,000 people suffering from depression. They analysed many symptoms associated with this disease before and after the use of drugs as part of the treatment against this evil.

And it turned out that the residual symptoms, i.e. those that persisted even if the treatment was successful, affect many of the volunteers. All participants commented that they suffered between 3 and 13 of these conditions, and 75% of them developed five or more.

Among the most common symptoms were insomnia, sadness, lack of concentration and the difficulty to make decisions. On the contrary, suicidal thoughts were cleverly combated that therapy swept with them almost up.

“The use of medication, although it worked well in general, did not so good results with these symptoms.” “If patients have residual symptoms persistent are at high risk of not heal completely,” said Shawn McClintock, one of the authors. More information by clicking on the logo of WWW.NEOMUNDO.COMAR