new YORK (Reuters Health) – young to adults

placed les a stent in coronary arteries before the

40 years obtained excellent results both in the short and

long-term, and Italian experts who published the finding

believe that such devices should be the treatment of

choice in this age group.

“The stent placement in patients 40 years or less is

very rare, only 2 to 3 per cent of all the

procedures performed in our area”, told Reuters

Health Dr. Emanuele Meliga of the Mauriziano Hospital in


People young people with coronary artery disease (EAC)

requiring intervention usually have risk factors

cardiovascular multiple, such as hypertension, Dyslipidemia,

diabetes, a family of EAC and, above all, history

smoking, said the expert.

In a report published in the American Journal of Cardiology,

the doctor Meliga and his colleagues noticed that the EAC in the

younger patients with great frequency is not because not


About 60 percent of the patients in this study,

for example, had high blood pressure or high cholesterol, but to the

upon entering the hospital for the procedure of

stent placement, less than 5 per cent was receiving

reducing agents of antihypertensive or lipid.

The results were obtained after analyzing records of 214

consecutive patients (an 88 percent male) that is

underwent coronary angiography with stent implantation in

one of five centers of tertiary care between 2005 and the


The average age was 36 years, 77 percent were

active smoking and the most common clinical presentation was the

myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation (a 57 by


Throughout the cohort, patients received a total

272 stent: sending simple and 118 metallic 154 of


The rate of cerebrovascular and heart episodes

important during the hospital stay was the 2.3 by

cent. There were no deaths in the hospital.

With a median follow-up of 757 days, the mortality rate

general was 0.9 per cent and the incidence of heart attack of

infarction was the 3.7 percent, while to a 12.6 by

% of patients required a new procedure of


In contrast to the lack of treatment marked on the

patients who participated in the study prior to the

hospitalization, medical treatment later played “a role

significant in the excellent clinical outcomes reported

in the present study”, wrote the authors.

At the time of discharge, patients were given aspirin and

clopidogrel, 90 per cent are prescribed statins and a

70 per cent received prescription of beta-blockers and

the angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors.

All patients are prescribed at least one drug


Source: American Journal of Cardiology, online March 22,