Port-au-Prince, 2 may (EFE).-35% of adult Haitians living in camps for displaced persons in the 2010 earthquake suffers psychological stress, according to a study cited by the Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) of Nations United.

La OCHA indicated today that the poor conditions of life in the camps “have facilitated the deterioration of the psychosocial health of the inhabitants”, those suffering from sequelae of 2010 disaster, which left more than 300,000 dead, other so many injured and 1.5 million affected, according to estimates officers.

report ’Evaluation of humanitarian aid in Haiti under the angle of resilience’, prepared by the State University of Haiti and the Tulane University (USA) and quoted by OCHA, indicates that the extent of the disaster generated a wave of unprecedented solidarity and recalls that the humanitarian aid materialized in amounts far higher than those of years precedents.

HaiIt received in 2010 more than $ 3 billion of humanitarian aid compared to 42 million in the year 2003, underlined the OCHA in a communiqué.

despite these humanitarian endeavours, the work reveals that two years after the quake “the Haitians have not recovered fully the resources that had been lost in the earthquake” and “more than half of the residents in the camps possess fewer resources today that before January 12” 2010.

nearly 64% of the inhabitants families in the fields has had to resort to credit and 51% of those living outside the camps has signed loans, said.

La OCHA indicated today that the poor conditions of life in the camps “have facilitated the deterioration of the psychosocial health of the inhabitants”, those suffering after-effects of the disaster of 2010, that left more than 300,000 deadanderen so viele Verletzte und 1,5 Mio., betroffen, nach offiziellen Schätzungen. WireImage /