Havana, 26 nov (EFE).-the number of people who has been diagnosed AIDS in Cuba since 1986 until October 23, 2012 is about 17.224, of which 80% is kept with life, according to data reported today on media premises.

speaking to the weekly State ’workers’, the head of the Department of prevention and Control of STI/AIDS of the Ministry of public health, María Isela Lantero, he explained that evaluated for the closure of 2012 forecast is a number equal to or less to 2011, for the second year running.

in the period from January to October were detected in Cuba 1,400 new cases of infection by the Virus of human immunodeficiency (HIV), which causes the syndrome of acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS), according to officials.

the specialist indicated that today more than 8,000 people are treated in the country.

also He said Havana contributes more than half of the cases reported in Cuba and are 80 percent % of men and 20% of women.

Lantero indicated that the route of transmission of the virus from mother to child stays deleted problem of health and in terms of the decline in mortality in recent years widely considered that there is “a stability and favourable results”.

Cuban experts assert that their country is one of the least affected by AIDS in the region, but that there is a large group of people carrying the virus due to the low perception of risk in the population.

why insist on the need to fight against the spread of the virus for which they considered “essential” intersectoral work and know that the risk of transmission is “potential” if not practised sexual behaviour insurance.

Cubans Sie beobachten verschiedene Objekte gehören AIDS-Kranken bereits verstorben und einen Sektor Innenstadt von La Habana (Kuba) ausgesetzt. WireImage /