Paris, 10 Apr (EFE).-the French public health deficit fell to 8.6 billion in 2011, compared to 11,600 billion a year earlier, announced the director of the management body, Frédéric van Roekeghem, which ruled out “brutal reforms” for the purpose of a financial system balance

“balance is within our reach without throwing in brutal reforms”, stressed in an interview published today by “Les Echos” Van Roekeghem, in response to the employers Medef, whose President was considered a few days ago that public health is “on the brink of bankruptcy” and that win whoever wins in the elections this spring will make need a reform in depth.

the director of the health insurance acknowledged that social protection is not sufficiently financed but that “for several years we control much better spending”.

< p> Thus explained that management expenses, representing 5.5% of the budget in 2000 had decreased their relative to 3.6% weight, and that troops in those functions have declined from 85,000 at the end of 2003 to 72,000 today, thanks above all to the “dematerialization” of all the paperwork, which in many cases are made by internet.

it was found that the two main candidates in the French presidential election, the conservative Nicolas Sarkozy and the Socialist François Hollande between, ’there is a consensus over the need to control costs and maintain a high level of social protection’.

Sarkozy in her program foresees an increase in health spending by 2.5% each year if he returns to be re-elected as head of State, while Hollande wants to be 3%.

in its mandate jetzt vollständig, die erste hat versucht, die Kontrolle sein Feuer zwingt die Pharma-Konzerne die Preise für Medikamente zu reduzieren, sowie die Neuverhandlung nach unten mit Ärzten oder anderen Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe einige der zugehörigen Preise.

Van Roekeghem erinnerte daran, dass die Regierung das Defizit auf 5,9 Milliarden Euro für dieses Jahr weitere Begrenzung geplant hat, aber der Auffassung, dass “es noch zu früh ist” zu wissen, ob es erfüllt werden, da es hauptsächlich auf den Lohn abhängen wird, aus denen Beiträge richten sich nach sozialen.

auf jeden Fall war überzeugt, dass “das Ziel der Ausgaben wieder respektiert werden muss”. EFE