< Forscher arbeiteten mit den Informationen von mehr als 3 Millionen Menschen in 11 Jahren, von 1997 bis 2011. festgestellt, dass Menschen, die Nierensteine hatte zweimal das Risiko hatte für schwere Nierenerkrankung, verglichen mit denen, die nie Berechnungen. erlitten
dieser Verband war besonders stark für) women less than 50 years since the risk registered was four times more elevated. Alexander also noted that half of the people who had kidney stones will again suffer one or more times in the life.
“is important to know that the vast majority of people with kidney stones will not develop permanent damage in the kidney. However, some of them will do so and that is why it is important that individuals with calculations have medical follow-up suitable. This care may decrease the risk of developing another calculation and any damage to the kidney, if this is what happened”, emphasize the researchers.
Alexander asserts that in view of the results “we should control all the people who had kidney stones to see if they develop risk factors for renal diseases”.
As preventing
specialists offered some tips to avoid the development of kidney stones:
* natriumarm Essen
* trinken Sie viel Wasser
* keine Medikamente nehmen, wenn Ihr Arzt sie berät
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