Bogota, 22 jun (EFE).-the Colombian, Vice President Angelino Garzon, health status does not present news, it was reported in the latest medical party released today by clínica Reina Sofia de Bogotá, where is entered from the week pass.

Medical Center indicated “that the State of health of the Vice-President of the Republic does not present any novelty” and assured that it would continue to report “in case of any novelty in the patient’s health status”.

Garzon, of 65 years, is maintained, since Thursday, in the resting State brain, according to a determination made by the medical staff caring for you.

Vice President he underwent surgery emergency last Monday after suffering a complication called “sudden neurological event of vascular origin”.

Garzon entered last June 14 afflicted prostate infection, but after a few days in the clinic ran stroke.

this Es ist der zweite schwere Garzón Gesundheit Komplikation seit Annahme der stellvertretender Vorsitz Kolumbiens vom 7. August 2010.

Fotografie, die in der Vize-Präsident Kolumbiens, Angelino Garzon, registriert ist, die an einen Schlaganfall im Gehirn ruhenden Zustand beibehalten wird. WireImage /