Madrid, 6. Mai (EFE).- der Minister für Gesundheit, soziale Dienste und Gleichheit, Ana Mato, hat heute einen Scheck geliefert symbolischen 50.000 Euro der Spanischen Vereinigung gegen Krebs (AECC), anlässlich der IX Karriere Frauen, ausgelöst, die den Datensatz der Beteiligung mit 22.000 registriert auf diesen Anlass. geschlagen hat

unter den Läufern war die Regierungsbeauftragter für Geschlecht, Blanca Hernandez, Gewalt, da die sportliche Feier gedient hat, um zu protestieren gegen die sexistischen Missbrauch und Solidarität mit Frauen, die neben der Bekämpfung von Brustkrebs leiden,.

“”Is a disease that we can beat between all. There are many scientific advances, we have to follow that road”, has declared the press Mato, who has given the output and presided over the awards ceremony of the test, won by Tamara Pérez Mera in 28 minutes and 8 seconds.

the Minister has indicated that today is a good example of solidarity of society as a whole and hope, in addition to praising the courage and bravery of women suffering from cancer to exit the disease.

the Mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, has highlighted the importance of the prevention and testing living and eating healthy, where sport and its values, as the effort and the desire for improvement, are fundamental.

it has ensured that City Hall is still promoting and facilitating popular sport and base, which has linked with Madrid as a candidate for city Olympic.

< p> The Mayor has posed with Minister Mato and elite athletes as the Amaya Valdemoro basketball player and athlete María Vasco in front of a banner of promotion of Madrid 2020.

“, here today, values are Olympic, values that are also fundamental to life,” said bottle.

according to bottle, the race will continue while there are organisers that promote it because the city belongs to everyone and have to live it, for example, with evidence such as this.

“we proposed that all locals have parkland near home and I think we’ve succeeded,” he added in relation to the Parque del Oeste, where he has started and finished the race.

the Councillor of Social Affairs in the community, Salvador Victoria, has defended the support of men to the women participants to get between all equal opportunities and combat cancer.

between andere Sänger Manuel Carrasco, präsentierte die “acht Wörter und ein Ziel” psychologische Unterstützung Projekt den Kranken von Krebs.

Teilnehmer, von denen einige an der Krankheit gelitten haben, gereist 7 Kilometer gekleidet mit Shirt Farbe Fuchsia, begleitet in einigen Fällen von Kindern und eine Handvoll Männer.

Test durchlaufen hat, an der Puerta del Sol, mit Ausgang und Ziel in der Paseo de Camoens.

laut Organisatoren, es ist das wichtigste in Europa, mit 2.000 Teilnehmern weibliche athletische Feier vor mehr als einem Jahr.