El Venado (Honduras), 3 nov (EFE).-the olive Ridley, endangered species, turtle survives in part thanks to a voluntary work of young Hondurans of four coastal communities in the Gulf of Fonseca (Pacific), that Honduras shares with El Salvador and Nicaragua.

“this year we estimate that globally in four sites which reaches to spawn the turtle will be released between 45,000 and 50,000,” said Efe Henry Vigil, Chairman of the Board audit of the Committee of protection of the turtle Ridley, in the hamlet of El Venado, in the Southern Department of Choluteca.

El Venado, mouth of Río Viejo, mouse and Cedeno, are the four sites who each year come to spawn hundreds of olive Ridley, turtles that each put and buried on the beach between 80 and 100 eggs, said Vigil, devoted 25 years to the protection of this species.

East year, release of turtles recently hatched in El Venado, which began last Oct. 16, will be completed between 9 and 11 November, told Efe the President of the Turtle Protection Committee olive Ridley of the deer, Nerys Zelaya.

reptile starts arriving in July to the shores of the Gulf of Fonseca, but makes it the highest number between 1 and 25 September, period in which governs a veda official to ensure the collection of eggs, said Zelaya, who is also President of the four camps that comes to spawn the turtle.

the species Kemp’s Ridley, which grows to about 66 centimeters in length, lays its eggs in nests that she herself makes to a depth of about 40 centimeters, enough so that predators such as dogs, skunks, pigs, crabs, ants. fly larvae and man shirk them, said Vigil.

< p> En 2011, Recordó, “En El Venado Fueron Liberadas 10.553 Tortuguitas”, y Este Año Rondarán Las 9.800.

En El Venado, el Trabajo de Voluntariado Para Proteger a Los Quelonios, Que solo Desovan Por la Noche, Está a Cargo de Unos 30 Jóvenes, Hombres y Mujeres Que Durante la Veda Hacen Turnos de Doce Horas, de Las Seis De La Tarde a Las Seis De La Mañana.

Los Voluntarios Recorren Todas Las Noches De La Veda Los Cinco Kilómetros de Playa de el Sektor de El Venado a la Espera de Que Lleguen Las Tortugas ein Depositar Sus Huevos, En un Proceso Que Dura Entre 20 y 30 Minutos.

Una Vez Depositados, Los Quelonios Regresan al Mar, Mientras Que Los Voluntarios Los Recolectan y Depositan En el Sitio Protegido de Anidamiento.

Cada Nido es Identificado Con Una Placa de Madera En la Que Se Registra la Cantidad de Huevos y la Fecha de Recolección.

A Since then spend 45 days until hatchlings break shell and begin to exit from October 16, only at night, to avoid that they are preyed upon by birds and other species.

every thousand turtles that are released, some studies indicate that “five reach age youth and one adult who returns to this same place,” said Vigil.

liberation is a spectacle enjoyed by the few tourists who come to four spawning sites, illuminating the beach with small lanterns in hand to see the newly hatched turtles run toward the sea.

“this is wonderful”, he told Efe a young Japanese of a group of twelve volunteers from the same nationality during the liberation of some 300 turtles on the beach of El Venado, enjoyed the natural until you see disappear spectacle between the white foam of the waves to the tiny turtles.

the Deer has in common with most of the Gulf of Fonseca Honduran coastal communities a great natural beauty which contrasts with the poverty of its humble people, who subsist on fishing craft.

Vigil said thanks to organizations non-governmental, including the Committee for the defense of Flora and Fauna of the Gulf of Fonseca (Codefagolf), the olive ridley turtle remains protected.

he added that the Protection Center which now has the deer has been possible since 2008 thanks to the collaboration of the coordinating national the program of small donations (PPD) dependent on United Nations, Hugo Galeano.

If the release night in El Venado olive Ridley turtles is a spectacle, no less beautiful is the dawn in the nearby estuary of the waters to be witnesses from a boat in the stillness of the sea of a herd of playful dolphins inviting you to accompany them to traverse the Gulf of Fonseca.

East Jahr der Veröffentlichung der Schildkröten geschlüpft vor kurzem im El Venado, die zuletzt 16. Oktober begann, zwischen 9 und 11 November abgeschlossen sein. WireImage /