Bogota, 29 jun (EFE).-the Colombian, Vice President Angelino Garzon, came out of the intensive care unit of the clinical Reina Sofía, in Bogotá, where he entered on 14 June, it was reported today that institution.

according to a communiqué of the scientific director, Andrés Caballero, that Garzon ’has been moved from the intensive care unit to a room, under strict monitoring clinical’.

adds that the health of the Vice President “evolves favorably” is “conscious” and that now “the integral rehabilitation constitutes the main challenge of the new stage which follows in his treatment”.

Garzon, of 65 years, underwent on June 21 a “brain rest” induced in order to avoid a possible deterioration of the area affected by the injury, the midbrain, which commits functions, according to the doctors.

days Nach Annahme der Vizepräsidentschaft, Garzon erlitt ein Herzleiden, die mit Erfolg betrieben wurde und seitdem ist eine spezielle Diät.