Bogota, 3 jul (EFE).-the Colombian Vice President, Angelino Garzon, “successfully evolves”, reported today the Queen clinic Sofia, a. where the politician entered the last 14 of June.

“the Vice-President is evolving satisfactorily, continues with restricted visits and comprehensive rehabilitation program”, says the party doctor on Tuesday signed by the Chief Scientist of the institution, Andrés Caballero Arteaga.

Garzon, of 65 years, was released Friday from the unit of intensive care (ICU), and receives visits restricted since last Saturday.

the former Trade Union is hospitalized from June 14 by a cerebral ischemia, so it was necessary to subdue him, on 21 June, to a “brain rest” induced in order to avoid a possible deterioration of the area affected by the injury, the midbrain, which it undertakes vital functions, they pointed out then the doctors.

Garzón, wer die Vize-Präsidentschaft am 7. August 2010, am selben Tag angenommen, dass Juan Manuel Santos wurde vereidigt als kolumbianische Präsident für die Endung 2014.EFE Quadrennium