new YORK (Reuters Health) – many years after a

childbirth, women who have had a baby by vaginal route would have

pelvic muscles weaker than those who had a

Caesarea, although that does not mean that they will have problems of health.

“ignore the meaning of the weakness of muscles

pelvic”, said Dr. Victoria Handa, co-author of a

new study and Professor of the Faculty of medicine from Johns

Hopkins in Baltimore.

“what tells us the study is that there are some

differences in the strength of the pelvic muscles to the

five or 10 years of birth according to the used via. but what not

know is if these differences translate into an increase of the

risk of female disorders”, added.

Handa explained that calving influences the appearance of

problems Pélvicos kreativ, Como la Incontinencia y el Prolapso

de Los Órganos Urinarios.

Con Su Equipo Evaluó la Resistencia 666, muskuläre de Mujeres

Que Habían Tenido Su Grundierung Hijo Entre y Cinco 10 Años Antes.

Las Mujeres Tenían Que Tensar Los Músculos del Piso Pélvico

Mientras Los Investigadores Les Colocaban Una Sonda Por la

Scheide Abs. Determinar la Temperatura Máxima De La Tensión y la

Dauer De La Compresión.

La Sonda Contenía Agua y Los Valores de Lectura Dependían de

la Cantidad de Líquido Que Desplazaba la Compresión muskulös.

362 Las Mujeres Que Habían Tenido un Parto Por Cesárea

Podían Comprimir la Sonda Unos 39 Centímetros (cm), Mientras Que

las 255 Mujeres Que Habían Tenido un Parto vaginalen Alcanzaron

Unos 29 cm y las 49 Mujeres Que Habían Tenido un Parto vaginal

con Fórceps keine Superaron Los 17 cm.

< p> "Using forceps, are stretching or altering the

pelvic muscles much more than in a natural childbirth (without

forceps) or by caesarean section”, which would explain the results, according to

she played Lisa Kane Low, Professor of the Faculty of nursing

of the University of Michigan, who did not participate in the study.

the results published in the journal Obstetrics &

Gynecology do not prove that the type of birth determines the

differences in the strength of the pelvic muscles


Although these differences existed among the three groups

studied, “did not observe that they can explain (increase of the

risk of developing) pelvic floor disorders” in the

women with vaginal deliveries, she said Handa.

in the Group of women who had delivered vaginally,

those with pelvic floor disorder had muscles

mschwächer als der Rest, aber, die nicht in der Gruppe festgestellt

mit Lieferungen durch Kaiserschnitt.

“Ergebnisse in Frage gestellt, wenn vorkommen Mechanismus der

Beckenboden-Erkrankungen unterscheiden sich nach einer Geburt

vaginale oder Kaiserschnitt”, sagte der Co-Autor.

Quelle: Obstetrics & Gynecology, online 5. Oktober von der