Madrid, 28 nov (EFE).-El rey Juan Carlos is “in optimal conditions to receive the discharge from hospital” after intervention in the hip which was submitted, but the medical team has convinced him to follow “a few more days” at the hospital to carry out the next phase of rehabilitation.

traumatologist Ángel Villamor, who led the intervention, explained at a briefing appearance that the monarch could have left the hospital today, but he has convinced him that a few days is to perform physical therapy exercises that would have done “in house” at the Centre.

the doctor pointed out that, far from producing a delay in the recovery of the King, it is to be “more effective and faster in putting him on the verge”.

also pointed out that it walks “with autonomy” in his room in the hospital with the help of crutches.

the Kopf des spanischen Staates war intervenierte am vergangenen Freitag in eine Operation durchgeführt unter Vollnarkose, die erlaubt zu lösen der linken Hüftgelenk schädlichen Auswirkungen von Arthrose mit der Implantation einer Prothese.

Dies war die dritte Operation in der gleichen Gegend und das sechste wurde, die der König in den letzten zwei Jahren und die Hälfte, die meisten traumatologischen Charakter, infolge von Unfällen oder Problemen mit Verschleiß Knochen. EFE
