MADRID (Reuters) – der König von Spanien, Juan Carlos i., gut angelegtes seine erste Nacht nach der Implementierung einer Prothese der Hüfte in einer Operation durch einen Sturz erlitt bei einem privaten Besuch in Botswana, laut dem medizinischen Teil berichtet Sonntag.

ein Monarchen, 74 Jahre alt, erlitt einen versehentlichen Sturz im Morgengrauen am Freitag während seines Aufenthalts im Land of South Africa, die spanischen Medien zufolge eine Reise der Jagd war.

“Entwicklung während der Nacht (wurde) sehr positiv, ohne Analgesie ruhen konnte”, sagte der Direktor des Krankenhauses Madrid USP San Jose, Javier de Joz, wieder lesen Teil.

Bericht hinzugefügt, dass Juan Carlos ich zu mit Autonomie Fuß konnte, helfen zwei Krücken und die Entwicklung der “voll befriedigend” qualifiziert.

< p> In its fourth operation in two years, to the King of Spain were implanted a prosthesis to solve the triple bill that suffered in the right hip product in the fall, and was dealt an osteoarthritis who suffered in the same area.

doctors expect to give discharge to the monarch next week and that in one or two months can already recover the full activity physics.

the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, went to visit him at mid-morning, and reported that next Friday, on his return from a trip to Mexico, may already be reunited with him.

“’ve found you very lively, soon will be fully recovered to return to its usual activity”, told reporters on leaving the Centre doctor.


the incident was picked up widely by the Spanish media and there was also a great response on social networks, in which predominated the criticisms to Juan Carlos I per trip.

“the thud of the King reveals that he had four days hunting elephants”, was published in front page the journal of centre-right El Mundo. “President Rajoy unaware that the head of State was in Botswana until 12 hours after the accident he was informed”, added.

this was later contradicted by sources of the Royal House quoted by media, according to which Rajoy was informed before, since they not sustained his weekly meeting usual.

the Royal family said that it was a private trip without any cost to the Exchequer, added the newspaper. Spain is experiencing a deep economic crisis which has led the Government of the people’s Party centroderechista to approve spending cuts hard.

the El Mundo also spoke of “concern” in the Government “the wear and tear of the monarchy”, perjudicada injured already in his image for the performance of the son-in-law of the King Iñaki Urdangarín, who is accused in a case of corruption that is in the courts.

Unida, left party leader Cayo Lara, spoke even of “lack of ethics and respect” by the monarch to many Spaniards.

“Cannot say that remove the head of State that thousands of young people are unemployed (unemployment) in Spain, he decides to go to an African country to kill Elephants Dream”, said Lara cited in media.

the institution of the monarchy, traditionally very well valued by the Spanish, has lost some support in recent months, as he picked up the Centro de Investigaciones sociológicas in its barometer of the month of October, in which die Monarchie erhielt eine Note unter 5 auf einer Skala von 1 bis 10 gefragt, wie viel Vertrauen inspiriert zurück.

der Vorfall auf der Reise des Königs fiel zusammen mit den anderen Madrid Medical Center, ihr ältester Enkel, Felipe Juan Froilán, 13 Jahre, nach dem Öffnen Feuer am Montag auf einem Fuß mit einer Schrotflinte. ist des Sohnes seiner ältesten Tochter Infantin Elena, und die Duke de Marichalar nach gut behandelt werden, gibt es zwar kein Datum noch für seine hohen.

(Teresa Larraz Mora Informationen; Veröffentlicht in Spanisch von Ignacio Badal)