London (Reuters) – einige Gletscher der Kordillere von der

Himalaya gewann eine kleine Menge der Masse zwischen 1999 und 2008,

nach einer neuen Studie, Widerstand gegen den globalen Trend

den Rückgang der Gletscher.

sagte auch in Nature Geoscience veröffentlichte Studie

, die das Karakorum-Gebirge in den Himalaya-Bergen beigetragen hatte

weniger auf der Anstieg des Meeresspiegels als angenommen


den Anstieg der globalen Temperaturen schmelzen des der

Eiskappen und polaren Eismassen und das Wasser, dass diese

Gießen trägt zu der Anstieg der Meere, die

droht Populationen von Nationen und Inseln Fuß


die French University of Grenoble research

estimates that the glaciers of the Karakoram won between 0.11 and 0.22

meters per year between 1999 and 2008.

“our conclusion is that the glaciers of the Karakoram have

had a small profit of mass at the beginning of the 21st century that

indicates that the glaciers in the East/Centre are not representative

(the Himalayas) set”, said experts of the


the study seems to confirm previous research that

had suggested that the Karakoram glaciers had not followed

the global trend of decline in the last three decades. the

isolation of the mountains had made it difficult to confirm this


the Karakoram mountain range extends along of the

borders between India, China and Pakistan and is covered by

19.950 square kilometers of glaciers there is located the

second highest mountain in the world, the K2.

“suggest that the contribution to the increase of the level of the

sea in this region in the first decade of the 21st century should

review + 0.04 mm per year to – 0.006 mm per year equivalent to the

sea level”, said the study.

Himalaya boasts the largest amount of ice of the

planet outside the polar icecaps and fed many of

the great rivers of the world, including the Ganges and the

Brahmaputra, which depend on hundreds of thousands of people

worldwide glaciers, polar ice caps and ice sheets

have poured about 4,200 cubic kilometers from 2003 to 2010,

according to suggest experts, which is sufficient to raise the

about 12 mm sea level in jener Zeit.