CiU y PP Han Abierto la Puerta a Revisar la Aplicación del Euro Por Receta e Incluso Suprimirlo a Partir de 2013, Según Una Propuesta de Resolución Presentada Por Los Populares y Sobre la Que Ambos Partidos Seguirán Trabajando Este Jueves Durante el Debatte Sobre Los Terceros gebruik del Govern.
El Texto Sobre el Que Trabajan Insta al Govern ein Suprimir la Tasa “Como Máximo a 31 de Diciembre de 2012”, Una Vez Que las Medidas del Copago Sanitario Implantadas Por el Gobierno zentrale Compensen Los Ingresos y el Desarrollo Que Debía Suponer la Aplicación del Euro Por Receta.
Fuentes Populares Aseguran Que Esa Cantidad Está Compensada Puesto Que el Impacto de las Medidas del Gobierno de las Arcas De La Generalitat–Que Cifran de 400 Millones de Euro–Compensan Con Univerzální el Efecto Que Conlleva el Euro Por Receta, y Que el Propio Govern Cifró En 100 Millones de Euro Anuales.
Sin CiU sources require that by now only accept calculate performance measures driven by the Government until December, for, once quantified, analyze whether the deletion of the euro by recipe is viable because it is offset, however: “Then, already talk it”, point.
even so, the same sources argue that negotiation is”well under way”, and highlighted that the PP proposal does not involve the immediate suppression if not laying down a period of analysis.
also from the ranks of the PP is convinced that the negotiation will thrive and even suggest that the euro by recipe ’has its days numbered’.
both formations have been moved from their positions early, since the popular advocated initially by the immediate rate – revocation now they talk about end of year-, and CiU rejected any modification.
of prosper the proposal of resolution of CiU and PP – that other forces could join also-, fracasaría motion for a joint resolution in which they worked all the opposition groups, which have presented their own proposals which rejected the euro by recipe and urge the Government to withdraw it.
thus, groups on the left maintain its frontal position, and in particular PSC requests avoid it and not apply nor the co-payment on drugs implanted by the State “following the example of the Basque country”.
from ICV, is situated on the Government to introduce a Bill, within a maximum period of one month, to rescind the rate, and ERC qualifies the “inequitable” rate.
except for PP, from the opposition also have claimed to the Government halt privatization of Tabasa, Tunels of Cadi and Aigües Ter Llobregat (ATLL) and recover the last stretch of the inheritance tax and other taxes.
from ICV-EUiA, ERC und ja auch die Möglichkeit, dass Eurovegas in Katalonien installiert und im Falle der Ecosocialistas gefordert, dass die Regierung nehmen keine Entscheidung, ohne zuvor in der Frage der Katalanisch führte eine bestimmte Aussprache haben ihre Ablehnung ausgedrückt Parlament.