new YORK (Reuters Health) – a small study suggests that

enriched with fiber processed foods would be “snacks”

healthier but not saciarían the hunger.

authors were unable to identify that purpose when evaluating the

consumption of chocolate with four “functional fibers”, bars

as inulin (chicory root extract).

in general, participants felt so hungry at the time

lunch as when ingested a bar low-fiber in

breakfast. the rest of the day, food was similar.

the results, published in the Journal of the Academy of

Nutrition and Dietetics, agree with previous studies on

added fibers.

“in general, the added fibers are not a good option”

to help feel satiety for longer, said the

author principal, Joanne Slavin, dietician and Professor of the

University of Minnesota in the United States.

Slavin also clarified that that does not mean there is no that

eat foods rich in fiber.

“is difficult to achieve the population to consume enough

fiber. is one of our nutrient deficient. add them

fiber to food consumed by the population is a good

idea. would be ideal if these foods influence satiety”,

said Slavin.

on the other hand, the author considered to improve transit

bowel and help control cholesterol.

Slavin team brought together 22 young women that not

made diet to lose weight. each, told him to eat

five bars of different intervals chocolate daily.

four bars contained one of four added fibers; the

fifth did not include any extra fiber.

participants consumed a bar in the afternoon and another in

breakfast the day following. lunch in the laboratory,

where they described the sensation of satiety and hunger, according to a

scale standardized. also recorded who ate the rest

of the day.

team observed than the rating of the level of hunger or

diet varied not when women consumed bars

rich or low in fiber. but fiber caused more gases e

bloating abdominal.

the Kellogg Company, which provided rods used in

the study, said that the products had been developed

specifically for the research and they are not traded.

“this study is part of our strategies as leaders

in fiber marketing for supporting research

of” Los Beneficios Potenciales de Las Distintas Fibras y

Comprender Cómo Ofrecerles la Mejor Calidad unterernährt ein

Nuestros Clientes “, Indicó Kris Charles, Portavoz de Kellogg.

Existe la Noción de Que el Consumo zusätzliche de Fibra Provoca

Saciedad Por Más Tiempo. Pero Slavin Consideró Que Esa dispone

Iría Más Allá De La Fibra. de un Estudio con Su Equipo Había

Hallado Que un Desayuno con Avena y Frutas Producía Más Saciedad

Que un Desayuno Líquido con el Mismo Contenido de Fibra.

Para la Autora, la Experiencia total de Ingerir Alimentos

Ricos de Fibra es lo Que Causaría Saciedad.” Uno Sabe Que Está

Comiendo Fibra “, Dijo. de Cambio, Con Una Barra de Schokolade

Rica de Fibra, la Experiencia Varía.” Con Esos Productos, es

Como Comer un Brownie “, Aseguró Slavin.

FUENTE: Zeitschrift der Akademie für Ernährung und Diätetik,