Santiago De Compostela (Spanien), 8. Mai (EFE).-der britische Wissenschaftler Tim Hunt, Nobelpreis für Medizin im Jahr 2001 warnte heute des Risikos, dass Budget in der Forschung in Spanien schneidet und anderen europäischen Ländern ein Leck der Gehirne auslösen können.

Hunt, wer befindet sich in dieser Stadt im Nordwesten Spaniens eingeladen vom Outreach Programms wissenschaftliche Bewusstsein von der Universität von Santiago De Compostela (USC), betonte, dass die Maßnahmen der Sparsamkeit in den öffentlichen Haushalten der Umfang der Investitionen in Forschung. gefährden können

in Spanien “die Kürzungen in der Wissenschaft können besonders schädlich sein” für die wissenschaftliche Gemeinschaft, sagte Hunt in einer Konferenz Press.

in diesem Zusammenhang äußerte seine “Angst, dass zu einem anderen gehen – die Wissenschaftler-” part”if they have no opportunities, and he emphasized that”takes long time build a good scientific research”, but that investment”can be destroyed almost instantly by bad policies”.

indicated that there are those who may think that”scientific research is a luxury”, to the point even justify the cuts with the argument that if the Europeans do not invest,”will Americans do it”.

“I do not think that it is a very satisfying argument, since there is so much talent in Europe,”said the Nobel Prize for medicine, which has been for a year one of the seven members of the Scientific Committee of the European Scientific Council (acronym in English ERC).

and he stressed”that research is not so expensive, “given the results that it offers for the well-being of the population.

Hunt, who won the Nobel Prize by their research on hereditary factors in the cells and thereby has opened new avenues for the treatment of cancer, pointed out that the biggest advance against the disease currently resides in the evolution of technology genomics.

However, pointed out that the results are “still more complicated than expected”, and noted that a recent study reveals for example that there are “no less than 25,000 genetic mutations” in cancer, whereas with the genoterapia “it is still difficult to be able to make corrections to a single cell”, which “reveals the horror of the enemy”.

“cancer is no longer a sentence of death for the most part” of those affected, said the researcher, but is “not one disease but many diseases, which often complicated your treatment”.

stressed that in certain cases the surgery “cuts” to prevent the disease from spreading, but “not to cut the brain”.

< p> Thus, the scientist said: “if tomorrow diagnosticaran me a cancer would have no more idea than anyone else about what they should do, except go to an expert”.

“Currently it is difficult to foresee cures, so the truth is that prevention is still the best system to fight cancer”, he said, and warned that “smoking causes cancer after 20 years’.

pointed out that when his mother died of colon cancer in 1977, that evil was considered as something”shameful that nobody wanted to talk”, and he stressed that there is now”premature Diagnostics and preventive treatments that can prevent the expansion of focus”.

the Nobel Prize in medicine 2001, English Tim Hunt (i), talk with the rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Juan Casares, in the plaza of the Obdradoiro, before participating in the program of Konferenzen-Bewusstseins, die dem Campus der Universität organisiert. EFE