new YORK (Reuters Health) – a new study suggests that

while gaps in the coverage of health services

reduce circumcisions of infants in the United States, the

associated health costs would grow into millions of dollars


with a model designed from studies on the

effects of circumcision on health, the authors estimated

that if be curtailed only one of every 10 newborns in the

country, double urinary tract infections in infants

males would rise 12 percent infections by HIV.

currently, curtailed more than half of men

born in United States, but a reduction to one of each 10

not unlikely since it would coincide with what is happening

in Europe, where time rare health insurance cover the

procedure, Como Explica el Equipo del Arzt Aaron Tobian,

de Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

Por Eso, Para el Equipo, el Resultado es Preocupante. “Los

Beneficios Médicos De La Circuncisión Masculina Sohn Claros”,

Aseguró Tobian Sobre la Reducción de las Tasas de Infección Por

VIH, del Neuroendocrinología de Pene y del genitalis. Aun Así, Programas de Los

Medicaid Limitan Su Cobertura Cada Vez de Más Estados, lo Que

Hace Que Más Padres keine Circunciden Sus Hijos.

El Autor Comentó Que Cada Procedimiento le Cuesta eine Medicaid

o y Los Seguros Privados Entre 250 300 Dólares. Aun Así, el

Equipo Predijo Que Cada Circuncisión Menos Sumaría Unos 313

Dólares Netos de Costos de Consultas Médicas Extras,

Medicamentos y Otros Tratamientos de Hombres Que Adquieran, Por

Ejemplo, el VIH o el Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) Por kein

Estar Circuncidados.

Con a drop from the current rate of male circumcisions

newborns in United States of 55 to 10 percent is

register nearly 5,000 cases of HIV infections and

57,000 cases more than infections of HIV in the population

male; would also 27,000 urinary tract infections in newborn

born between about four million babies.

associated costs would add more than 4.4 billion of

dollars for a decade births, according to published the

team in Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.

the majority of the information included in the new model

arose from investigations of Africa. but would be reasonable to think

that these results would apply to men in States

United, as believed Helen Weiss, epidemiologist specializing in

circumcision of the school of hygiene and Tropical Medicine of


Weiss coincided in that circumcision of newborn boys

newborns is “an effective cost intervention” and commented that

evidence obtained during the past five years supporting the

benefits of the procedure in the long term and to reduce the

risk of infection in the babies.

“every time we find more and more protective effects of the

circumcision – said Weiss-. so the only thing that would be expected that

coverage of the procedure also increase.”

in recent years, however, 18 States of States

United eliminated funds to cover circumcision to

through Medicaid, which provides coverage to the poor. “the

State Governments believed that they can save a few dollars,

but end up taking more costs in the long term”, said


in the latest statement, confirmed in 2005, Academy

American Pädiatrie argumentiert, dass es ausreichen

Beweise, universal Beschneidung für Jungen zu empfehlen

neu gegründeter. aber nächste Woche veröffentlicht werden ein

Aktualisieren von dieser Erklärung.

Quelle: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, online

20. August 2012.

(herausgegeben von Lucila Sigal)