Kathmandu, 3 nov (EFE).-the head of a four year old child who yesterday gave disappeared was found today in West Nepal after a Leopard supposedly devour the child, reported police, who believes is the fifteenth human prey of the feline.

as said by telephone EfE Baitadi, district police chief Kamal Prasad Kharel, the head was located approximately one kilometer’s distance from the House where Friday disappeared child, alongside an area forested.

police officer said that it is the 15th event of that type that is registered in the district in as many months, and said that “we suspect that all the victims have been devoured by a same Leopard, because these animals always hunt alone’.

Kharel explained that victims have been ten children and five women, most of them aged 29.

the Landrat, wo Angst unter der Bevölkerung verbreitet hat, hat Experten um zu versuchen, den Leoparden zu suchen und hat angeboten, eine Belohnung von 25.000 Rupien (300 Dollar) für den Fang des Tieres.

Experten zufolge Katzen Angriffe auf den Menschen auf dem indischen Subkontinent vermehren sind, da der Urbanisierung und Industrialisierung entzogen werden, der wachsenden Weg, um diese Raubtiere, die ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum sind Wälder. EFE