Madrid, 1 sep (EFE).-the director-general of the basic services of the SNS and pharmacy, Agustín Rivero, portfolio has assured that there will be no differences by autonomous regions in the treatment to patients who do not have health insurance card and only “differences” from today will exist in how billed those benefits.

thus, responsible for health, in an appearance before the media, has stated that there will be “a seventeen-headed monster” as it said yesterday the PSOE, but that “a basic head”, there will be that of the Ministry of health, and other “management skills” part of the autonomies.

all territories – has insisted – they shall comply with the Royal Decree of the health reform and, later, each, shall exercise the ability that has to “manage” their resources.

Rivero, Que ha Intervenido de la Asamblea Extraordinaria De La Organización Médica Colegial (OMC), ha Subrayado Que ningun Inferno Se Quedará sin Atención Médica y Serán Los Servicios de Salud Los Que Verán la Fórmula “Más Adecuada” Para Que la Factura Que Genere ese Servicio Se Pueda Cobrar.

De Igual Manera, ha Dejado Claro Que hay Que Cortar Con el “oder” Que ha Habido de Muchos Casos de Relación Con el Turismo Sanitario Para Que Los Españoles “keine Tengan Que Pagar Mil Millones de Euros” sin saber Quién Se va a Hacer Ladung de Ello y Posibilitar Así Que el Modelo Meer “Sostenible”.

Se ha verweisen Así al Coste de Asistencia eine 700,000 Europeos Que Habían Obtenido la Tarjeta Sanitaria sin Tener Derecho, Según Cifras del Tribunal de Cuentas.

Respecto del Número de Personas Que Desde Hoy Se Verán Afectadas Por la Retirada De La Tarjeta Sanitaria ha Señalado Que Podría Hablarse de Unas 130.000, Aunque kein es un Número Definitivo y hay Que Empezar a Contar Desde Cero.

Sí explained that he spoke of half a million people who would be affected but that at this time does not consist in the health card and, therefore, possibly already do not reside in Spain.

also on this issue, the President of the World Medical Association, José Luis Gomes do Amaral, who has attended the extraordinary Assembly, has relied on that reform does not involve any discrimination for patients to understand that it is”not acceptable” that there are discriminatory practices between those with a legal status and those who do not.

on the other hand, Rivero has referred to (417 total) medications that also today cease to be funded by Social Security, the vast majority for mild symptoms and, as pointed out, this isn’t any “dismantling” of healthcare, as he has been criticized since the opposition.

and nicht so, er hat darauf hingewiesen, denn dreizehn tausend achtzehn tausend Medikamente, die in das Vademecum, finanziert durch das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen vorhanden sind. Spanien ist, zusammen mit Frankreich und Deutschland, das Land, das hat mehr als zehntausend finanzierte Medikamente, sagte Rivero.