Panama, 28 nov (EFE).-a Mexico rescue team arrived in Panama to assist in the search for the bodies of two members of the Panamanian Red Cross, whose vehicle was buried Sunday by an avalanche caused by heavy rains, which have left five dead, a source of the entity reported humanitarian.

Group of six lifeguards of the Mexican Red Cross has moved already to the search area, while tonight come eleven rescuers from the Red Cross in Costa Rica and four others over the Colombian Red Cross to search for the two corpses, said supply to Efe.

the two fatal victims were members of the Panamanian Red Cross, whose vehicle was buried by a landslide in the area of Quebrada broadband in the Caribbean of Colon province, North of the capital.

these they were identified as Jorge Alemán, with a vast experience in the Red Cross and the brother of the ex-Minister of Gobierno Héctor Alemán, and Fernando Johnson.

the other three fatal victims whose bodies were already recovered, are a father and his son, who died buried by an avalanche, and another man who died drowned.

the President of Panama, Ricardo Martinelli, said Monday the State of national emergency and convened extraordinary sessions at the National Assembly, from today, to find resources that tackle the damage caused by the torrential rains that have left also some 5,000 affected.

the climate phenomenon was generated by a system of low pressure that has kept the last days in the Caribbean and that has caused heavy rains that have left some 23 communities affected, 1,136 residences, 40 schools, eleven shops and five bridges damaged in the provinces of Panama and Colon.

a große Anzahl von toten Tieren, wie Kühe, Schweine, Hühner und Hunde, unter anderem wurden panamaischer betroffenen Gemeinden entzogen durch heftige Regenfälle am vergangenen Wochenende fünf Todesfällen führte, berichtete heute, ihrerseits das Gesundheitsministerium (MOH) von Panama.

“Wir haben ging zu entfernen diese Tiere von Gemeinschaften und finde sie in Massengräbern, die Verschmutzung der Gewässer und der Epidemie zu verhindern”, sagte Metropolitan Minsa, Jorge Hassan, Direktor für Gesundheit zeigt eine Release der Entität Offizier

Hygiene nächste Zoonose Beamten die Aufgabe Gesundheit. durchgeführt haben

den Familien betroffen die Regengüsse in Columbus, nördlich der Hauptstadt, und La Chorrera, West, Minsa hat verteilten Flaschen von Chlor und andere Produkte für die Desinfektion von Häuser.

ein ca. 260 Beamten aus der Gesundheit unter Tierärzte, Epidemiologen, Umwelt, Hygiene, Essen Schutz, Vektor, Kontrolle und Qualität des Wassers, führen Sie durch die betroffenen Gebiete Durchführung der Begasung und Reinigung, nach der Information Officer. EFE
