Harare, 12 Apr (EFE).-the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, returned today to his country in apparent good condition after a new visit to Singapore, which sparked rumors that the head of State was extremely ill and was receiving “intensive treatment”.

“is in very good state physicist. we would like people to stop lying about our head of State” said shortly after Mugabe landed in Harare the Minister of information of Zimbabwe, Webster Shamu, in reference to the information disclosed by the Zimbabwe Mail local newspaper last Monday of his supposed status critical.

last year, Mugabe, of 88 years, travelled to Singapore on at least eight occasions, according to the Government to carry out a treatment for cataracts that suffers, but this time Shamu said that the President there spent their vacation week Santa.

< p> According to eyewitnesses, Mugabe had good appearance when he descended the plane accompanied by his wife, Grace, today, although he refused to make statements to the press which was waiting for him at the airport in Harare.

Shamu said that the President of Zimbabwe today lead a meeting of his Cabinet.

last Monday, the Zimbabwe Mail, which quoted a senior official of the Party of Mugabe, the National Union of Zimbabwe-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), ensured that the mandatary “struggled for his life” in a hospital in Singapore, where it was receiving “intensive treatment”.

it in addition, detailing that several members of his family had departed Saturday on a plane private to meet with him.

the news about a possible terminal cancer of the President are recurrent from filtration, in 2011, of the cables of WikiLeaks, in der der Gouverneur der Zentralbank von Simbabwe US-Diplomaten, dass Mugabe erzählt verlassen hatte, höchstens zwei Jahre des Lebens.

der Präsident von Simbabwe, Robert Mugabe. WireImage /