NUEVA YORK (Reuters Health) – Una Encuesta de Canadá Revela

Que Los Oncólogos a Menudo Derivan ein Sus Pacientes ein Los Centros

de Cuidados Paliativos Demasiado Tarde En el Curso De La


Un Tercio de Los Especialistas Dijo Que Derivan a Sus

Pacientes ein Esos Centros Cuando Les Diagnostican un Neuroendocrinología Que

Se Diseminó y, Por lo Tanto, Suele Ser unheilbar. Pero Otro

Tercio Respondió Que Espera Hasta Finalizar la Quimioterapia, lo

Que Suele Ocurrir Unos Pocos Meses o Semanas Antes de Morir.

“Todos Los Especialistas de Cuidados Paliativos Aseguran Que

Esos Cuidados deben Comenzar Antes”, Dijo la Doctora Camilla

Zimmermann, del Hospital Princesa Margarita de Toronto y Autora

principal del Estudio Financiado Por la Sociedad Canadiense del


“A Pesar de Eso y de Que las Guías Recomiendan la Derivación

Temprana”, many studies show that palliative care

still arrive too late, in the last months of life”,

added the doctor.

instead of offering aggressive medical treatments, the

palliative care focuses on improving the welfare of the

patients with pain management and psychological, social support

and sometimes spiritual. “specialists in palliative care

and oncologists have to start working in collaboration”,

said Zimmermann.

results, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology,

emerge from a survey of 603 physicians. the majority had with

palliative services available, some more complete than


in the United States, the situation is different. A survey

had found that 6 of every 10 designated centres by the

National Cancer Institute had access to clinics of

care palliative, while less than a quarter of the

centers of Oncology without that designation had that access.

there are also differences with Canada in the coverage of

the care palliative. Zimmermann said that patients of

United States does not have access to the benefits of the centres of

palliative care if they are receiving chemotherapy, what

would be a barrier to bypass early.

anyway, added that this should not prevent that the

oncologists to communicate with care specialists

palliative hospital to ensure that the transition is as

smooth as possible.

“are trying to ensure that everyone involved a little

before”, said Zimmermann.

source: Journal of Clinical Oncology, online October 29

of the 2012